Called it. Starting the TF6000/10000 was a big mistake when they knew the AI-322F was coming. They should have started a medium thrust turbofan engine for the Hurjet and other UAVs. Hundreds with potentially up to a thousand of such an engine would be needed for various purposes but they still hoped on the US for it. Meanwhile Baykar gets acces to IP engines with 4 other designs on paper waiting to be exploited (AI-322-28F/AI-322-30F/AI-322-40/AI-9500F) for various drones including AWACS/EW/ELINT etc.
Mehmet Demiroğlu:
“The engine is an important part. The engines of both HÜRJET and KAAN are currently waiting at the American congress or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to go to the congress. We
don't think there will be much of a problem right now. It's a process. It can take a little longer sometimes. But we
hope that the optimistic atmosphere in the F-16 will continue. What happens if not? We will take care of ourselves, what can we do, we are not going to stop here. We will find a solution
somehow. We will either find a new engine or we will build one ourselves. We're already doing it for KAAN, but we'll start for HÜRJET as well, so what should we do? "I
hope we won't go there, we don't have any intention or desire to do so, but if we do, we are not going to leave this program here."