It's simple. China's hard power is still not enough to contend against the US in all domains.
China is chipping away US advantage in various aspects but there is still way to go. Dethroning the world hegemon has always been a slow process
That's off topic.
This is not about dethroning America around the world. It's about using a nation's hard power to stop a hostile foreign psyop inside one's nation.
There is no such thing as soft power. There is only the nonviolent extension of hard power and just useless begging.
No. You don't get to redefine terms. The definitions are clear. Hard power is transactional - offer something positive (eg money) or threaten something negative (eg pain) for a desired action.
Soft power is non-transactional. Nothing is exchanged, but a change occurs in the mind of the targets (eg radicalization), which may cause a change in behavior (eg terrorist attack). None of those Xinjiang terrorists even got weapons from the usa. They used kitchen knives, hammers, and vehicles. The CIA's funding, arming, and training of Tibetan separatists decades ago would be an example of hard power.
Setting up a fake NGO / media that brainwashes people into doing desired behaviors is a textbook example of Western soft power / psychological warfare.
Playing fast and loose with definitions is your typical weasel tactic to confuse people. Making everything a "nonviolent extension of hard power" allows you to "win" arguments by making up overly broad bullshit definitions that label everything as hard power.
Going by your "logic", everything is hard power. Even begging is hard power with your definition because begging requires bodily movement, which requires energy, which requires food, which requires money and farming tools.
bEgGiNg iS A NoN ViOlEnT ExTeNsIoN Of hArD PoWeR. Confirmed.
Paying fake news propagandists is literally hard power.
No. You are using an overly broad definition. If this is true then everything is hard power. If we use this definition then music, movies, tv shows, video games, religion, ideology, and even memes are all hard power because they need technology, money, etc. See my reply to manqiangrexue directly above.
There is indeed soft power but that is shit like religion and ideology. You might have seen it on XHS. Did China pay millions of Americans to use the app and expose real conditions in the US? Did China threaten them with J-20? Exactly.
This is not the type of win that you think it is. The XHS situation proves several things. First, China had sufficient hard power to get soft power 10-15 years ago as I have repeatedly stated. Two, white worshippping policy and media is a useless waste of resources. Three, China's soft power department sucks. Why didn't foreigners know earlier how good China was and why didn't Chinese people know how bad usa was earlier? Awful marketing by China's PR system. This is not even a soft power victory. This is more of hard power victory. The actual soft power victory is (was) how usa duped the Chinese into thinking usa was a utopia until foreigners themselves (not Chinese PR goons) credibly exposed usa's problems. USA is NOT a utopia but duped Chinese people into believing it was AND that lead to a large percentage of them doing the West's desired behaviors (brain drained, sexpat success, trust, respect, given easy jobs, buy their over priced products/services, trust them in their supply chains, etc). Four, it doesn't take decades to undo Western propaganda. Tiktok refugees themselves stated they got China pilled in 2-3 days.
Support for China isn't tied to being paid to support China or being threatened to support China. That is true soft power.
This current victory is more of a hard power victory (home ownership, safe, technology, clean, affordable).Yes, it produces soft power, but this victory is rooted in hard power. To date, the west's ability to dupe is still the gold standard of psychological warfare.
They are duping people with an illusion. No one was duped into liking China. They like China because of real results, especially compared to the failures of their own nation.
The question you should ask is what kind of ROI the American Empire gets from that.
A very good ROI. They've used the soft power + hard power 2 hit combo to take over most of the planet best lands already. They got close to overthrowing China's government in 1989.
Or, if that was supposed to be performing well, why are they dismantling it now?
I have no idea, but Trump is a bull in a China shop right now wrecking everything.
Or, how come the Chinese government has regular 95% support rates if their ROI was good?
How come HK rioters killed people and did 5 billion usd in damage?
Why did Uyghur terrorists kill thousands of innocent Chinese?
Why is extreme feminism spreading in China despite Chinese women enjoying the most women's rights, safety, ability to get rich, etc?
Also, you should ask what kind of opportunity cost are they missing elsewhere.
See previous answer above.
That's what Russia and China largely did over time inside their countries.
See my response above about HK, Xinjiang, etc
China probably allows some micro pockets of that to pacify natural inner libtards.
This is only a guess. If they won't allow discusisons on Tiananmen Square, why allow pro western "liberals" a space?