Can you please stop your ultra-nationalist bullshit here? Like it or not, America is still a major economy with the strongest military in the world by a long shot. Treating it like it's India is just asking to be blind-sided. No nation can be underestimated, especially not America.
America should never be underestimated; it's being beaten but it's still dangerous. That said, it shouldn't be overestimated and made to look 10 feet tall either.
America has a lot of influence on the world stage and has a lot of technology and IP that China still relies on. Less and less each year, but it's still there. China should be lucky that America was slow to wake up to the China threat and didn't go for the industry ending sanctions right away, but instead in piecemeal portions that allowed China to adapt. You think China would like it if America started to strangle every industry the same way that they did semiconductors? Especially western dominated areas like aviation?
American sanctions were slow and ineffective because that's just how the country moves and it also tried to protect its own industries from the shock. Anything left that America hasn't sanctioned it's because they are too vulnerable or know it wouldn't work. It would basically throw away its market and cede it to Chinese competitors immediately. So yeah, we would like that.
And 11 nuclear supercarriers. Never forget about those.
China has missiles that can one-shot American carriers; never forget about those.
You say that, but I bet your tone will change real fucking fast if America starts to stock up tens of thousands of anti-ship missiles within the 1st and 2nd island chain. Or if they start pushing SK and Japan into getting nukes. Stop being delusional. America is still a serious threat, despite Trump's attempts at burning the nation to the ground.
Why would our tone change for an American missile build-up? China builds everything faster and better. Our tone would be to just stay with the plan of beating them at every military tech and the out-building them. Japan and SK getting nukes? Would they even dare use them, with so little land for when China counters?
Becoming a laughing stock of the world
Who's laughing? All the previously rich countries bleeding themselves poor to prop up an Ukraine that is still losing territory to Russia?
, lose tens of thousands of men
That's war. It allows Russia to test its own weapons and the weapons of its enemies and share data with China. Russia has over 140m people.
, become stuck in a 3 year long war with no end in sight
Gaining territory by the day while draining Russia's enemies, buying time for China and stalling Western resources from the real hegemonic fight.
and have a decent wartime economy
Russia has the strongest economy in Europe right now.
that will struggle as soon as the war ends?
1. That's your imagination
2. If so, then the war really benefits Russia while hurting NATO, doesn't it? Seems like wonderful Russian strategy to me to start and continue this war... by your logic.
When Putin could have waited for Trump to take office in 2025, dismantle NATO and take Ukraine with much less international support.
Trump dismantle NATO? He's done a lot of things, pulled out of a lot of organizations but this I've never heard of. Can you link it? And by your logic, Russia should want as much support and as the West can manage in Ukraine because they just get quagmired into it while Russia's wartime economy steams on. It's better for Russia and its contribution to the Sino-Russian alliance.
At least it ain't the imaginary chess you're playing with yourself.