Trump 2.0 official thread


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So both Trump and Elon wants the education department gone.

They are basically committing suicide at this stage. I think as a responsible world power China should step in and prevent the U.S. from falling into complete chaos. It will not be beneficial to the world for Trump to burn the whole place to the ground.


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No, it was gradually crumbling in the early 2000s, and then it fully crumbled around 2008-9, when Russia asserted dominance regionally again, stopped NATO encroachment on its sphere, the BRICS was first created, the US economic model got fraud-checked and exposed during the great financial crisis, and China overtook the US in electricity production already by that point, and also industrially probably even earlier.

No, the US can't even assert dominance on Niger, Chad, Houthis, Colombia, etc. They are clowns.

That already happened, they are now leading in perception polls on all continents besides Europe. They have more influence already on all continents except Europe, as shown by gazillion metrics, and multiple UN votes that the US tried to initiate against China and failed big-time.

How can a country that produces hundreds of times more ships, dozens of times more steel, cement, aluminum, coal, EVs, rare earths, solar panels, smartphones, and infinitely more HSR (since the US doesn't have any) be 'weaker' than the failed country that barely produces anything?

Why, when they became a high-income and developed economy per capita, 4th economy in the world in total, per international orgs' definitions, thanks to massive productivity boosts and cutting inefficiencies thanks to that war? In contrast, the half of American Empire (EU) crumbled.
Can you please stop your ultra-nationalist bullshit here? Like it or not, America is still a major economy with the strongest military in the world by a long shot. Treating it like it's India is just asking to be blind-sided. No nation can be underestimated, especially not America.
How can a country that produces hundreds of times more ships, dozens of times more steel, cement, aluminum, coal, EVs, rare earths, solar panels, smartphones, and infinitely more HSR (since the US doesn't have any) be 'weaker' than the failed country that barely produces anything?
America has a lot of influence on the world stage and has a lot of technology and IP that China still relies on. Less and less each year, but it's still there. China should be lucky that America was slow to wake up to the China threat and didn't go for the industry ending sanctions right away, but instead in piecemeal portions that allowed China to adapt. You think China would like it if America started to strangle every industry the same way that they did semiconductors? Especially western dominated areas like aviation?

And 11 nuclear supercarriers. Never forget about those.
No, the US can't even assert dominance on Niger, Chad, Houthis, Colombia, etc. They are clowns.
You say that, but I bet your tone will change real fucking fast if America starts to stock up tens of thousands of anti-ship missiles within the 1st and 2nd island chain. Or if they start pushing SK and Japan into getting nukes. Stop being delusional. America is still a serious threat, despite Trump's attempts at burning the nation to the ground.
How come, when they became a high-income and developed economy, 4th economy in the world, per international orgs definitions, thanks to massive productivity boosts and cutting inefficiencies thanks to this war, whereas the American Empire's right arm EU crumbled?
Becoming a laughing stock of the world, lose tens of thousands of men, become stuck in a 3 year long war with no end in sight and have a decent wartime economy that will struggle as soon as the war ends? When Putin could have waited for Trump to take office in 2025, dismantle NATO and take Ukraine with much less international support. Truly 4D chess here.


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Can you please stop your ultra-nationalist bullshit here?

Not me, you can appear nationalistic since you base your writing on propaganda you heard most often so far and not independent facts.

Like it or not, America is still a major economy with the strongest military in the world by a long shot.

That's true, but on paper only. Because that 'strongest military' couldn't defeat or coerce even Houthis and protect their own shipping interests, in the Red Sea, just a short while ago and your CIA-controlled Orwellian media didn't report that I guess to maintain the brainwashing psyops that they are doing to you guys non-stop.

Don't let me get started on Vietnam (withdrawal), Afghanistan (withdrawal), Iraq (In Iran's hands today), etc. Remember, military power and wars are useless if you can't use them to accomplish your stated or implicit political objectives, which the US can't seem to do.

For example, in the end, basically, it was mainly Turkey's support that overthrew Assad and some internal infighting and weak spirit, not the actual US military. Before that, they got their bases there attacked daily, as in Iraq, for some time, and were about to withdraw just like from the aforementioned countries above as well.

I guess they managed to militarily defeat Serbia only in recent times, but the caveat was that we were 100 times less numerous than NATO, surrounded, in the unipolar moment, and didn't have the resolve of the Taliban or Vietnamese. And that's the US's 'clearest victory' if you look at it from the current time perspective now.

America has a lot of influence on the world stage and has a lot of technology and IP that China still relies on. Less and less each year, but it's still there. China should be lucky that America was slow to wake up to the China threat and didn't go for the industry ending sanctions right away, but instead in piecemeal portions that allowed China to adapt. You think China would like it if America started to strangle every industry the same way that they did semiconductors? Especially western dominated areas like aviation?

Yeah, they would actually like it. Remember, how those same sanctions basically skyrocketed the Chinese domestic chip sector already?

And China is I think currently even more advanced and secure in the aircraft manufacturing industry than it was in the chip industry, or else they would have sanctioned them already.

Basically, regarding aircraft manufacturing, it seems that even Americans know that the sanctions would just 100% help China quickly.

Becoming a laughing stock of the world, lose tens of thousands of men, become stuck in a 3 year long war with no end in sight and have a decent wartime economy that will struggle as soon as the war ends? When Putin could have waited for Trump to take office in 2025, dismantle NATO and take Ukraine with much less international support. Truly 4D chess here.

No, the EU became the laughing stock of the world, or you base the "world" on 15% of the Western share of the global population? Russia hadn't been this respected and influential in the international scene since the USSR's glory days. Something that can't be said for the current West, and especially the EU.

This war in Ukraine united the Russian socio-political landscape like nothing before, internal stability is never higher, efficiency on all levels of economy and politics never higher, from local to national level, and Putin's support ratings skyrocketed from 70% to 90%. With a very healthy economy and fiscal deficit to GDP ratio.

The thing is that some pressure is good for political centralization, both the civil and military economy, that's why Putin drags the war as much as possible (although they are still winning). Compare Russian industrial and real wage growth to EU, debt levels, etc - night and day diffrence.
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What a cop-out answer. Never underestimate your enemy. If anything, America withdrawing into its backyard is just going to prompt more states into getting nukes. And it's not like Japan and SK have mature nuclear industries that could see them having a functional nuke within less than a year or anything like that right?

Once again a bunch of shitposters under or over estimating Daddy Trump has zero bearing on Zhongnanhai decision makers.


Registered Member
What a cop-out answer. Never underestimate your enemy. If anything, America withdrawing into it's backyard is just going to prompt more states into getting nukes. And it's not like Japan and SK have mature nuclear industries that could see them having a functional nuke within less than a year or anything like that right?
Well if ever they really go to war, and attacks vs CN mainland, maybe it could trigger world war3, since CN and NK hav treaties, then russia could also enter, to protect some supply chain they need... but only time will tell...