What is your problem with that quote?
Literally every country in the world with tariffs in agricultural products increase production. Without tariffs cheap countries destroys your agricultural sector.
This was demonstrated when Russia after putting tariffs in that sector passed from being a net importer of grain to the biggest exporter in the world.
Switzerland also have very big tariffs in agricultural and specially farming products btw.
You people anti trump have lost your mind. It seems that you think that Trump should have the interest of Germany or France in his mind above the interest of the US
Tariffs artificially promote domestic production when it is uncompetitive in the free market.
There's nothing wrong with that for strategic industries but food is 1 thing that the US should actually be market dominant in already, given that it's already a food exporter.
however, unlike subsidies, tariffs create a price floor. Whatever the lowest price was before, the new real lowest price is what it was + tariff prices. If foreign product sold for 100 and American product sold for 110, a 20% tariff doesn't mean American producers keep selling for 110... it means they raise prices to 119.
The lack of demand for US food internally isn't because of foreign competition, it is because prices are too high. So when prices are too high, the solution is to decrease supply to make them even higher??