Trump 2.0 official thread


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suggests that Trumpenomics have some serious strategic underpinning, basically acknowledging that the existing model was leading to eventual collapse so the USD has to be devalued, and that there’s a possibility of doing so while preventing hegemonic collapse via forcing creditors to hold us debt even as the dollar value crashes.
Actually to follow up, this reasoning appears to be identical to current chief economic advisor to trump Stephen Miran’s theory to do non-inflationary devaluation + restoring of manufacturing in the USA. So I would take this as a reiteration of the actual US plan, not merely Varoufakis’ theory.

Btw the original economic manifesto that Miran wrote for this plan has some hilarious misunderstandings of Chinas economy, honestly Zeihan level stuff
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Registered Member
Actually to follow up, this reasoning appears to be identical to current chief economic advisor to trump Stephen Miran’s theory to do non-inflationary devaluation + restoring of manufacturing in the USA. So I would take this as a reiteration of the actual US plan, not merely Varoufakis’ theory.
Trump's 5D economic chess plan is going to fail, not because I'm a Trump hater, but because his reforms aren't radical enough. In all honesty, Trump and DOGE didn't really do that much, they only made some loud noises to convince Trump's supporters that he did a lot though.


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Trump's 5D economic chess plan is going to fail, not because I'm a Trump hater, but because his reforms aren't radical enough. In all honesty, Trump and DOGE didn't really do that much, they only made some loud noises to convince Trump's supporters that he did a lot though.
I think they’ll fail because, if I’m reading Miran’s manifesto correctly, he made a very rudimentary error in estimating the potential of tariffs as a coercive instrument to force PBOC to acquiesce to Trump. In fact I urge other users to read and discuss the manifesto which appears to be the Trump admin’s step by step guide to re-dominating the globe, it’s uhhh… really dumb.
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Note how he never uses data or citations to back up claims about economic weaknesses of China which Trump can exploit with tariffs. Whole thing is chock full of “if everyone obeys me perfectly then I win” type reasoning.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
I think they’ll fail because, if I’m reading Miran’s manifesto correctly, he made a very rudimentary error in estimating the potential of tariffs as a coercive instrument to force PBOC to acquiesce to Trump. In fact I urge other users to read and discuss the manifesto which appears to be the Trump admin’s step by step guide to re-dominating the globe, it’s uhhh… really dumb.
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Note how he never uses data or citations to back up claims about economic weaknesses of China which Trump can exploit with tariffs. Whole thing is chock full of “if everyone obeys me perfectly then I win” type reasoning.
Deepseek’s summary:

The document, titled *"A User’s Guide to Restructuring the Global Trading System"* by Stephen Miran of Hudson Bay Capital, explores potential reforms to the global trading and financial systems, particularly under a hypothetical second Trump administration. The essay focuses on addressing economic imbalances caused by the U.S. dollar's overvaluation, which has negatively impacted American manufacturing and trade competitiveness. Key points include:

1. **Economic Imbalances and the Dollar**: The U.S. dollar's role as the global reserve currency creates persistent overvaluation, leading to trade deficits and harming U.S. manufacturing. The Triffin dilemma explains how the U.S. must run deficits to supply global reserve assets, which becomes increasingly burdensome as global GDP grows.

2. **Tariffs as a Tool**: Tariffs, if offset by currency adjustments, can raise revenue without significant inflation. The 2018-2019 U.S.-China trade war demonstrated that tariffs, when accompanied by currency depreciation, can be noninflationary. Tariffs can also shift the burden of taxation to foreign nations by reducing their purchasing power.

3. **Currency Policy**: The U.S. could pursue multilateral or unilateral approaches to address currency misalignment. Multilateral agreements, like the Plaza Accord, could weaken the dollar, but cooperation from trading partners is uncertain. Unilateral measures, such as imposing fees on foreign holders of U.S. Treasuries, could also be used to reduce dollar demand.

4. **Market and Volatility Considerations**: Implementing tariffs and currency policies could lead to financial market volatility. Gradual implementation and coordination with the Federal Reserve could mitigate risks. Tariffs are likely to precede any significant currency policy changes, as they provide negotiating leverage and revenue.

5. **National Security and Trade**: The Trump administration is expected to intertwine trade policy with national security, using tariffs and currency policies to strengthen U.S. manufacturing and reduce reliance on foreign supply chains, particularly from China.

6. **Optimal Tariff Rates**: Economists suggest that moderate tariffs (up to 20%) can improve U.S. welfare by correcting trade imbalances and addressing foreign trade distortions. However, retaliatory tariffs from other nations could negate these benefits.

7. **Financial Market Consequences**: Changes to the global trading system could lead to increased currency volatility, shifts in asset prices, and a reconfiguration of global supply chains. The U.S. may also face challenges in maintaining the dollar's reserve status if other nations seek alternatives.

8. **Conclusion**: The essay outlines a path for the U.S. to reconfigure the global trading system to its advantage, but emphasizes the need for careful planning to avoid adverse economic and market consequences. Tariffs are likely to be the first tool used, followed by potential currency adjustments.

Overall, the document provides a detailed analysis of the tools available to reshape the global trading system, the trade-offs involved, and the potential economic and financial market impacts. It emphasizes the importance of balancing economic goals with the need to minimize volatility and maintain global stability.


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suggests that Trumpenomics have some serious strategic underpinning, basically acknowledging that the existing model was leading to eventual collapse so the USD has to be devalued, and that there’s a possibility of doing so while preventing hegemonic collapse via forcing creditors to hold us debt even as the dollar value crashes.

Did not read the original report, just the economics professor rehashing of it.

Two problems stick out for that supposed master plan.

1) Suppose the Chinese refuse to speak to the Americans, under any circumstances. Deng had three demands that Grobachev had to met, and he would met him anyplace, anywhere. The Soviets did do what Deng asked, and Grobachev was coming to Beijing. However, they had to hold the greeting ceremony at the airport because the students had occupied the square.

2) The other obvious problem is other countries can work together without taking into account American interests or input. BRICS is a good example, and when President Trump threatens BRICS with tariffs if they do not use the USD, who takes that seriously.

The Trump regime this second round, is just a bunch of silly fools when it comes to dealing with China. Maybe not as bad as Biden, but close.

In the end, China was wasting its time dealing with Biden. Probably the same can be said about Trump.


Registered Member
Get out of here with this holier than thou bullshit nonsense. This website is filled with speculation on events and isn't some great brain trust regarding international relations.

Yeah, we elect morons yet somehow managed build one of the wealthiest and most prosperous countries on the planet and we've managed to build and maintain that wealth for generations?

Oh, and American and Canadian relationships were built over shared core values and mutual defense along with being sustained for in a peaceful manner for decades. On top of that, the relationship has survived through many geopolitical changes and has proven itself to be durable.

Acting like it was forgone conclusion that it would end up in this manner is totally false or that the actions of Trump were somehow predicted by past American administrators despite the fact that everything he does is almost entirely unprecedented.
From one Canadian to another you skipped many Canadian history. From selling our automobile industry to avro arrow to today, to Meng Wanzhou, we kept throwing our independence away. The fate is sealed for us, Canadians betrayed Canada from the start. No time for faux outrage now.

Our people claim to care about independence, yet sell it at low price at every opportunity. And we continue to sell it today. Until we start take ourselved seriously, mockery is all we deserves.


Junior Member
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Trump's 5D economic chess plan is going to fail, not because I'm a Trump hater, but because his reforms aren't radical enough. In all honesty, Trump and DOGE didn't really do that much, they only made some loud noises to convince Trump's supporters that he did a lot though.
I 100% agree with this statement. His fan base is having an orgasm over the trans ban and two gender policies. The fact that nobody is making noise regarding the ridiculous grocery price hikes thanks to his sanctions, tells you how easy to fool his audience is, and this is just the beginning. Next up he will sanction ten more top trading partners then outlaw abortion to cancel out the outrage.

Raise prices. Make billionaires happy. Do something religious. Make MAGA happy. Make Hesoos happy. Everybody is happy. Rinse and repeat.


Junior Member
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Trump's 5D economic chess plan is going to fail, not because I'm a Trump hater, but because his reforms aren't radical enough. In all honesty, Trump and DOGE didn't really do that much, they only made some loud noises to convince Trump's supporters that he did a lot though.

The problems facing the US are deeper than anyone in power can understand there.

Trump made it worse, cutting off the country’s last few years of borrowed time.

Holding together a collapsing empire is hard enough.

Trump’s people are a little more capable but too inexperienced and too eager to break things,

Only sped up the collapse. As reform was never an option realistically.

Biden’s and Deep State's path was like a life support.

Trump’s was a straight shot to banana republic chaos and future warlords in waiting.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Actually to follow up, this reasoning appears to be identical to current chief economic advisor to trump Stephen Miran’s theory to do non-inflationary devaluation + restoring of manufacturing in the USA. So I would take this as a reiteration of the actual US plan, not merely Varoufakis’ theory.

Btw the original economic manifesto that Miran wrote for this plan has some hilarious misunderstandings of Chinas economy, honestly Zeihan level stuff
This whole plan sounds like the empire model. US allies are basically colonies who have trade with the empire or face consequences. This bullying tactic isn’t sustainable. It forces these countries to de industrialize themselves for the US to import expensive American goods. This theory hasn’t been tested and assumes everything will work swimmingly well. The fact they haven’t even considered failure is scary. This is going to end in tears.