Trump 2.0 official thread


Junior Member
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I think a big factor here is simply Trump hates established media. He hates them and hate everything that feeds into it, from the Liberal elites, Neo-cons like Bolton, Atlanticists NAFOs to EU-appointees like Ursula. Trump says he and Putin both suffered at the accusations thrown at them, its quite clear that he regards any antagonism from established media as personal persecution.

Zelensky come in coddled by EU propaganda thinking its leverage, clearly not understanding how much this antagonizes Trump. Why would you ever say Trump is listening to Russian propaganda when the established media system tried to bury him with legal proceedings?

"Please listen to the people who spend 4 years trying to send you to jail"
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That’s because Rubio isn’t as stupid as he makes it seem. You have to remember, Rubio used to be a guy who put up a fight against Trump for the RNC primaries leading up to 2016. He’s also an ambitious guy who will do whatever it takes to get to his objectives, even if it meant using Trump and his MAGA movement as a vehicle. Probably would be a more formidable adversary against China, if he didn’t have to act like he’s in league with Trump and had real power.

Anyway, whoever Zelensky’s handlers are should be fired. He should have come into this meeting knowing he will most likely have to grovel or get on his knees to do the unthinkable. This is simply just how Trump is. This is the only way to have Trump hear him out with what he wants. If he was not up to the task, he shouldn’t have bothered with this and spared himself the humiliation.
The issue is not Zelensky's handlers but Zelensky himself who has been immeasurably appeased and emboldened that now he instinctively feels entitled to unlimited Western taxpayer support and truly believes he's this Churchillian figure commanding universal adoration. Lindsay Graham said that he spoke with Zelensky a day before and told him to stay on message and be grateful and respectful - but Zelensky clearly didn't listen.


Lieutenant General
There's only so much humiliation a man can take before they snap.

Regardless of what flowery words they wanna use, the mineral deal was a humiliation. Having Zelensky come in to praise how good the deal is for Ukraine is also, public humiliation.

I'm glad Zelensky stood up for himself.

In my opinion, any peace deal that would come out of this wouldn't last. Not when it's borne out of national humiliation and forced on Ukraine. The only way for a long-lasting peace is for both Ukrainians and Russians to get tired of fighting and coming to an agreement on terms that they both can swallow.

Need we endure that clip of Zelensky in drag to prove the idea of him having any divinity to be able to be offended as false? Never forget what he did for a living for most of his life until the Americans made him El Presidente.

He was willing to effectively genocide his own people by kidnapping them off the streets and feeding them into the jaws of Russia’s military machine on an industrial scale, but signing away mineral rights in territory he no longer controls or have any remotely reasonable prospect of ever controlling again is a bridge too far for him?

How convenient for Trump that the moment he wants to wash his hands of Ukraine, Zelensky does the whole spoilt, ungrateful petulant child routine live in front of the cameras to give him perfect domestic cover to ditch Ukraine.

Don’t be fooled by all the fake drama and sleight of hand. Look at the end results and who it benefits and 9 times out of 10 you will know who made the call.
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Lieutenant General
Yoiu do not force allies in line with humiliations, lies and insults … so either he has a strange understanding of putting an alliance together or serves purely egoistic goals.

You realise just because the Americans call you allies doesn’t actually make you allies right? Just like how calling a favourite dog your child doesn’t make it actually human.

America doesn’t have allies, only vassals. If America could tolerate the notion of equals to themselves, the whole Cold War with Russian (and by extension the current Ukraine war) and current Version 2.0 of the Cold War with China would all not be necessary.

If America doesn’t feel a pathological need to undermine, sabotage and ultimately either destroy or subjugate you, it means you are either too small/weak to ever pose any threat to them, or they already control your whole country. Either way, you are not their equal. Never have been and never will be.

A master can be nice to his slaves, but when the chips are down, the whip will come out incredibly fast if the slave shows any real defiance and doesn’t bend to the master’s will when commended. Trump is just more crude, open and fast with the whip than most US presidents, but never delude yourself into thinking the whip isn’t there or have never been cracked before.


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Zelensky grew overly accustomed to scolding spineless EU bureaucrats and receiving praise for it. He thought he could use the same combative rhetoric with Trump and get away with it. Well, he thought wrong.

If Zelensky gets the opportunity to visit White House again, he should conduct himself in a more respectful manner and in accordance with the proverb that beggars can't be choosers.


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Zelensky has proven to be blinded by his own propaganda. He has gone so far as to threaten Trump and the U.S. with the possibility of being invaded by some Russian army. The Ukrainian people are an arrogant nation, considering that it is true that without NATO assistance, they would have collapsed within a month at most. For three years, they have been asking America for weapons, and now they deny that such aid was crucial. There are sovereign nations and subject nations, and it would be wise for the world to accept this undeniable historical reality. The U.S. seems to have finally understood this after 250 years of existence. From the Chinese perspective, this confrontation has been a massive success, achieved without lifting a finger.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I think a big factor here is simply Trump hates established media. He hates them and hate everything that feeds into it, from the Liberal elites, Neo-cons like Bolton, Atlanticists NAFOs to EU-appointees like Ursula. Trump says he and Putin both suffered at the accusations thrown at them, its quite clear that he regards any antagonism from established media as personal persecution.

Zelensky come in coddled by EU propaganda thinking its leverage, clearly not understanding how much this antagonizes Trump. Why would you ever say Trump is listening to Russian propaganda when the established media system tried to bury him with legal proceedings?

"Please listen to the people who spend 4 years trying to send you to jail"
Trump loves Fox News. He loves media that will not question him. CNN, NYT don't criticize him correctly. Watch the axios interview to see what happens when someone follows back with questions. CNN and NYT sanewash his ideas.