Whoops! I seem to have trod on some toes inadvertently!
This statement is very inaccurate because the PLA is too small to effectively police the entire population of the PRC..
No, I said police force auxiliary. That means they back up and augment the police. No question that they do that.
...Furthermore the weapons that the PLA have been acquiring are weapons that are meant to counter threats from the outside. For example u do not need a S-300 to police the population. U do npt need T-98 MBT to police the streets....
The defense procurement and defense industry newslines I receive indicate highly substantial purchases of foreign-made crowd-control equipment and law enforcement technology by the Defense Ministry. Now, if this is then shipped out to the police by the ministry, I confess my confusion because of the ministry being the purchase agent, and I apologize.
...However with this in mind, one must also understand that the military can be called upon to support civilian law enforcement organisations if requested. THis is practised in all countries....
You bet! And I have no quarrel with it! I believe wholeheartedly in using the military to support civilian law enforcement when appropriate. Here in my own country, I have heard a "loony" (unfortunately, he is an elected official!) state we had no need for a military -- that our police and fire departments could handle all our day-to-day defense needs. Such B.S.!
In addition there is no such thing as a nice military.... all militaries in the world are organised for one thing.... War.
You and I are in total agreement here, Mr_C! As an old sergeant, I can say the military regrets it must sometimes do things that become necessary. Or, to paraphrase a famous book: Sometimes sergeants, like policemen, must spoil the fun.
I meant
no disrespect to the PLA in my post. My first and last paragraphs simply echo the viewpoints expressed by some of our most respected Western military leaders, thinkers and educators. If anyone is offended, I sincerely apologize for my speaking plainly. If these premises are incorrect, then help enlighten me.
Is that not what these forums are for?
I am impressed with the PLA, and I respect its potential and capabilities both as a defense organization and as a nation-spanning institution.
I think it is the single most important instrumentality of the Chinese government, and what directions it moves will affect the course of the entire world's future.
And, RedMercury is correct: Its last four wars have been abroad, but based from the nation's borders. Where are the PLA's UN peacekeepers in Darfur? Somalia? South Whoeverstan? The PLA has not fought a real "foreign" war away from China's borders. It has not learned the lessons of force projection half a world from China's heartland. If China is to become a "great" power, it must let the PLA interact with the other militaries of this earth and learn the responsibilities that come with greatness.
Here again, I say: Oh, to be a senior Defense Ministry official for a few years!