The Ukrainian military is not the Grande armee, the major troubles that the Russians are facing now are purely self inflicted and are not due to some super Grande armee.
If the Russians had done war the right way from the beginning instead of holding back and p*ssyfooting around then they wouldn't have been forced into this situation of evacuating their own civilians and possibly withdrawing from Russian land and then bombing it themselves in the first place.
Will it do any good if lamenting now? Not.
Russia's wrong approach at the beginning is still having repercussions right now, but it's no use complaining, accepting the facts is the first thing to do to try to get around the situation that the military and political leadership itself caused.
Just face reality and accept the facts. The facts are these, Ukraine is advancing, the conquest in Kharkov has given the AFU morale boost and now they are advancing in Kherson, Putin said that 220,000 have already finished training, we have not yet seen these numbers reflected in a stabilization of the front from the line of combat, therefore, they have no option but to retreat and this is historical for the Russian military, as in the case of Napoleon and Hitler.
Basically we are watching replay of WWII with our own eyes, the 9th Army and the 18th Army are Army Group South.
Given the White House is willing to further drain the SPR for political points to avoid high oil prices, one would also think they will be cracking the whip on Ukraine to force them to attack Kherson weather they are ready or not. Time frame should be similar I think: over the next 2 weeks.
I had already read somewhere that Biden's plan for this new offensive was to try to manage the AFU's victory in Kherson before the elections to give a boost in securing his victory.