The War in the Ukraine


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Deputy Governor of Kherson oblast Stremousov: "The battle for Kherson is about to begin.

Ukraine is probably going to throw the kitchen sink into this. Regardless of the cost and loss of resources.

The upcoming battle is going to be fierce with the Mid Terms deciding Ukraine / NATO actions right now.

Kevin McCarthy signals Republicans could withhold more aid to Ukraine if they win the House: 'It's not a free blank check'​

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Lieutenant General
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The Ukrainian military is not the Grande armee, the major troubles that the Russians are facing now are purely self inflicted and are not due to some super Grande armee.
If the Russians had done war the right way from the beginning instead of holding back and p*ssyfooting around then they wouldn't have been forced into this situation of evacuating their own civilians and possibly withdrawing from Russian land and then bombing it themselves in the first place.
The Russians had a large degree of surprise in February which is why they basically managed to go in mostly unopposed initially. I mean even the massive helicopter transportation of troops to Gostomel near Kiev, it should have been impossible had the Ukrainian air defenses not been totally sleeping on the job.
It was basically impossible to start mobilization before the war started because it would just make it impossible to have any degree of surprise. But yes Russia should have started mobilization soon after the war started. Once cities like Kharkov failed to surrender it is kind of obvious that Russia would have to assault these cities and for that the current force structure would not be enough.


Registered Member
The prestige the Russians will lost if they decided to withdraw from Kherson would be so huge that i doubt Russia would seriously consider pulling back from Kherson
It would be quite hard to take it back, that's a huge river to cross. They need to stay there but removing the civilians is a good thing. Don't know how they will reinforce, can they use landing ships to make a troop surge ?


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"In Ukraine, as in Russia, thermal power stations are also used as district heating sources. Hot water is distributed to houses over large pipe networks. When the power stations are out people's homes will freeze. There will also be no drinking water. The freezing lines will experience serious damage."


Registered Member
Same drone that's been hitting the S-300 complexes. The wing configuration is conventional compared to the X wing configuration of the Lancet 1 and 3. The wing configuration is like a small glider. Its definitely a new drone but whether its Iranian or Russian, that's not clear. My bet is that its a new version of the Lancet with bigger range, warhead, etc,. Another possibility for me is that its a suicide drone based of the Orlan 10.

Some talk that Ukraine is planning its own suicide drone with 70kg of warhead and 1000km in range.



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Geez. our media NEEDS a real defense reporter.. I noticed Tribun and other news outlet here use bombastic titles. The purpose is evident.. but it's very shitty in terms of education and informational purpose.

The radar is not AN/TPQ series but ST-68U/36D6 "Tin Shield radar"

Some talk that Ukraine is planning its own suicide drone with 70kg of warhead and 1000km in range.
I guess they hit hard limit in how much dakka they can load to 15K USD Aliexpress drones.

What took them so long i wonder ? They can just buy more Turkish drones which AFAIK there is suicide variant similar as Harop.


Registered Member
I don't understand why the drone operator didn't prioritise attacking the radar in favour of the missile when he spotted it.

I am starting to hear that this is not how the Lancet operates, meaning typical TV spotting and targeting with human operator designation and authorization like you would assume with previous drones and TV guided precision guided munitions. Instead the drone operates by AI. It identifies targets by algorithm and homes in on it. The fact its still sending a TV signal is for target confirmation, and with any failures, the footage can be used to refine the AI algorithm. If the drone is AI autonomous, this means you can't jam it, or its useless to cut off its data link. It will still head to its target because of what it recognizes.