Why are you saying it's a forgery? The two articles hold similar pessimistic opinions on Russia's invasion of Ukraine to be sure, but they certainly read as two different pieces. They're supposedly two separate speeches by two different speakers at the same video conference on Russia-Ukraine conflict and its impact.
Can you provide any evidence to back up your claim? Just because someone doesn't agree with the view expressed does not make it a forgery. In fact, I think there are quite some people in China holding similar views, like it or not.
He's arguing two main things. One the first is the standard "Ukraine is winning" we hear from NATO bots. That doesn't bother me. He isn't a military analyst and no doubt the bombardment of NATO propaganda we are all subjected to has influenced some people.
The second the geopolitical aspect and fallout of this war. He's concerned about the fallout this war will have "international community" (there's that term).
On the first point. Even if we fully cede to the NATO position and Russia really is losing. So what? Russia will just draw on more of its military to win. Putin has already said this is an existential war for Russia, and you know what that means. What is his point when he brings this up? If Russia conquered the Ukraine in a week, would that change his position? Russia would just be as isolated as it is now if the whole country fell like Crimea did in 2014.
On the second point he's trying to make. Again, he lists the economic and political sanctions that have been imposed by the west on Russia, as if the same could apply to China. Has he been living in a cave the past 4 years? What was his views on Trump's trade war that Biden was happy to continue? As I've said before, everything that was applied to Russia was planned for China.
He's fully swallowed the NATO narrative. He thinks that Russian cities are now revolting against Putin's oppressive regime, Russians are fleeing the country in their millions. I'm surprised he doesn't claim the rouble is at 200 to the dollar.
On that couldn't be further from the truth, and was the biggest surprise for me. I expected economic sanctions to be very harsh on Russia and for there to be a significant drop in quality of living. I thought Russia would have to turn into a mini Belarus.
Instead, life in Russia is pretty normal. Things cost may cost more, but the essentials are still cheap. Most of the economic damage has been done to the west. Politically, instead of turning against the cause most Russians have rallied towards it. People are independently crowdfunding drones, thermal cameras and other equipment for their soldiers.
Instead of worrying about western sanctions on China he should be asking, if the west can't harm Russia with their sanctions how are they going to hurt China?