The War in the Ukraine


Senior Member
You are undestimating the strategic depth of Russia(a finnish tradition) and who seems to be doing most of the fighting which is why the defense line in the East was so thin.

They still can do plenty of shock and awe once they cut the crap of letting Wagner and LPR/DPR take the brunt of the offensive.

Thing is, there is no industry neither in Europe or the US to back that, mate, no matter how hard you click your heels and say "There is no way like home". The first NASAMS are expected to arrive by 2024

Short of sending M1 and Leo2A6 from NATO own stocks, there is no much else to send other than more rockets, artillery rounds and missiles and MRAPs, which are extremely ill conceived for this type of warfare.

I read your message but didn't see the part where you explain why alleged superpower Russia is getting pummeled by Ukrainians.

And please... don't compare modern Russia with Soviet Union as the latter was actually superpower.


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I think I've seen more videos of English speaking "Ukrainian" soldiers than of Ukrainian speaking soldiers right now. I wonder just how many "volunteers" there are in the Ukraine.

And for all the claims of softness of the westerners, they're fighting even when being shelled. The actual soft ones have probably left for home. Just like in Afghanistan, eventually the Taliban figured out how to fight well, so in this war.

As for the deRussification of various countries as a result of this war, while it is unfortunate and certainly fuel for the shitty members to crow about on this forum, I don't see why its a bad thing. A clarity of who your enemy is, is greatly needed in the anti-NATO world.


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The Ukrainians want to take advantage of the low morale of the invading troops and separatist militias... All the occupied cities and border areas are being hit and are starting to feel insecure... But if they attack Lugansk, it would be the icing on the cake. Demoralized and confused invaders, a perfect cocktail to be expelled

It's funny to see the arrogant confused, justifying the defeats by claiming Kharkov is not important, neither was Kyiv, Chernigov, Sumy, the snake island and all those areas where their "good will" has made their troops retreat. Of course, after losing equipment and manpower... After they kick their butt, they realize that those areas "are not important"... The "analysts" never disappoint


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What do you think about the rumours that Russia is going to buy military supplies from N.Korea?
I think this would be a good way for Chinese military supplies to be "mistakenly" shipped to Russia by "corrupt" N.Korean officers
It is impossible to judge the authenticity for the time being, but there is no need to question the quality of North Korean weapons.
It is said that the Soviet army in the Far East purchased ATGM made in North Korea to save costs.

I think Kim not refuse the opportunity to get cheap oil.


Junior Member
Good news all around and once again were those pro Russia telegrams exposed of being delusional nonsense. The Northern front IS collapsing and the Russian Force composition on the other frontlines aren’t much better. As long Ukraine aren’t overstretching their supply lines there isn’t much Russia can do now. The decades of corruption and absolutely outdated doctrines can’t be fixed within months.


The Capitalist
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First off an apology, I have been away for a week and have not had a chance to properly read the thread over the last few days, so sorry If I am repeating points already made.

Impossible to tell at present as to much we are hearing about Kharkov is true and how much is disinformation and misdirection. Despite the constant flow about this and that happening, nothing is start being clear for a day or two.

There are only two things that I know to be true.

1) Osint channels have been reporting about a huge build up of Ukrainian forces around Kharkov for some weeks, with reports of large amounts of armour being kept in the nuke proof Underground railway tunnels of Kharkov city itself

2) It has always been an imperative for the Russians to get the Ukrainians out of their trenches and out from behind their human shields in pro Russian areas..

This means that this offensive cannot have come as a surprise to Russian planners and the need to get as much of this Ukrainian force exposed in the open as possible will have been paramount. IF the Russians are falling back, its because they are trying to get as much of this force committed in the open as possible.

We all know what comes next and we saw what happened in Kherson.

The big question for me is where is the Russian 3rd army Corps? If they are not currently or about to be, committed to countering either of these two current Ukrainian counter offensives, then it means they are free to start their own Offensive in another part of the Front.

The fundamentals against the Ukraine have not changed; not enough armour, not enough artillery and not enough air cover or air defense. Nor is the War in a Stalemate as their is no genuine balance of forces which neither side can break. If the Ukrainians remained on the defensive, they will eventually be worn down and defeated by a fully intact Russian force. Going on the offensive offers only a remote chance of victory, but which may count as better odds than a slow certain defeat.
Plus of course they need something that can be filtered by Western Governments to their populations to convince them its achieving something to keep throwing away their cash, military capability and general well being for the Ukrainian war.

While I always have to be mindful that sometimes things are exactly the way they look. I also remain fully aware that for Russia to bait a trap in Kharkov, it needs to look real in order to entice the AFU inside.

Well we will see soon enough.

Finally of course, if Russia was really that worried, all they need to do is declare a proper war and let loose its full potential.....


Registered Member
First off an apology, I have been away for a week and have not had a chance to properly read the thread over the last few days, so sorry If I am repeating points already made.

Impossible to tell at present as to much we are hearing about Kharkov is true and how much is disinformation and misdirection. Despite the constant flow about this and that happening, nothing is start being clear for a day or two.

There are only two things that I know to be true.

1) Osint channels have been reporting about a huge build up of Ukrainian forces around Kharkov for some weeks, with reports of large amounts of armour being kept in the nuke proof Underground railway tunnels of Kharkov city itself

2) It has always been an imperative for the Russians to get the Ukrainians out of their trenches and out from behind their human shields in pro Russian areas..

This means that this offensive cannot have come as a surprise to Russian planners and the need to get as much of this Ukrainian force exposed in the open as possible will have been paramount. IF the Russians are falling back, its because they are trying to get as much of this force committed in the open as possible.

We all know what comes next and we saw what happened in Kherson.

The big question for me is where is the Russian 3rd army Corps? If they are not currently or about to be, committed to countering either of these two current Ukrainian counter offensives, then it means they are free to start their own Offensive in another part of the Front.

The fundamentals against the Ukraine have not changed; not enough armour, not enough artillery and not enough air cover or air defense. Nor is the War in a Stalemate as their is no genuine balance of forces which neither side can break. If the Ukrainians remained on the defensive, they will eventually be worn down and defeated by a fully intact Russian force. Going on the offensive offers only a remote chance of victory, but which may count as better odds than a slow certain defeat.
Plus of course they need something that can be filtered by Western Governments to their populations to convince them its achieving something to keep throwing away their cash, military capability and general well being for the Ukrainian war.

While I always have to be mindful that sometimes things are exactly the way they look. I also remain fully aware that for Russia to bait a trap in Kharkov, it needs to look real in order to entice the AFU inside.

Well we will see soon enough.

Finally of course, if Russia was really that worried, all they need to do is declare a proper war and let loose its full potential.....

Only problem is. We all know Ukraine is going to purge every single civilian that aren’t pro Ukrainian. Then when Russia eventually moves back. Then the West is going to say look at all these ditches of thousands of dead civilians the Russians killed. The psychological effect of Russians moving in and leaving at the slightest moment of resistance is only going to make civilians hesitant to interact with them.

Then likelihood that the Russians didn’t know about the buildup is extremely unlikely. So basically, they didn’t evacuate any civilians and just let it Ukrainians move in. Didn’t bother hitting the buildup of armor, bridges, or troops moving into Kharkov. Those civilians aren’t going to trust the Russians. I do wonder if there will any pro-Russians left alive if Russia keeps playing this game of sheer incompetency and stupidity when the conflict ends.


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Well, to be honest, most Western defence officials also have zero military experience. That's the whole point of "the pen controllingn the gun" analogy in Western political system and Song dynasty.
I mean, the military calling the shots would lead to a world where WW3 was started in Korea when Mac Arthur decided that nukes should be used against the Chinese, the Civilian government in that instance prevented catastrophe. The important point is that the civilian side of things not only need to be competent, but the information that they are getting must also be accurate without sugar coating.

What we're seeing is the failure of multiple levels on the Russian government. The intelligence apparatus for eating their own propaganda about Ukranian weakness, the Russian military for expecting the Ukranian military to not have changed since 2014 and finally the executive level for believing fully the drivel both sides feed them to expect a lighting victory with 150k troops against a million.


Registered Member
You can have a million soldiers, if your ROI are poor you still will find the same problems.

Ukrainians massacre civilians who collaborated with Russians. Russians gives Ukrainian collaborators Russian passports.
Ukrainians bomb Russian controlled towns daily including with mines to maximise civilian death. Russia does nothing but complain.
Ukrainians bomb nuclear plants repeatedly, again Russia does nothing but complain.
Ukrainians effectively use chemical weapons by bombing chemical weapons plants near civilian areas.
Ukrainians torture and execute Russian POWs, Russia for the most part treats Ukrainian POWs like their own children.

I don't blame Ukraine for doing so, they want to win and are prepared to do anything possible.

How does having more enlisted soldiers change any of the above? Russia needs to change their strategy. They aren't here to liberate Ukrainians, any more than the war against Germany was to liberate Germans.

This isn't an insurgency against your own people where you need to be more moral. You win by killing the enemy. Both America and the USSR did what was needed to win against the Nazis. They didn't fret whether it was acceptable to firebomb a city full of civilians or kill a group of captured SS soldiers. It needed to be done, so it was done.

There's literally no incentive not to. The west is already accusing Russians of being war criminals, may as well give something real for them to complain about and solve the Ukrainian problem at the same time.

Note all of the above sounds like political interference, i.e. Putin. I can't imagine Russian generals being so soft handed when it comes to Ukrainians.

When (or if) the war is won, ask the Israelis how to deal with a hostile population. You don't give them all Russian passports, you give them ID cards and monitor and control them.
The way Russia is fighting reminds me of the contrast between how the Xiongnu, Mongols, Vietnam, etc and how the Chinese dynasties fought. The dynasties fought to conquer the land in the long run.

Giving conquered Ukrainians Russian passports is one of the few smart things Russia is doing. Depopulation of Ukraine and increasing the population of Russia at the same time. In fact they should take it further and encourage conquered Ukrainians to emigrate to Russia proper, accusations of forced deportation be damned.