The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
Now it is important to treat the Russian prisoners of war well. It's difficult after 6 months of war because a lot of hatred has built up on2 both sides.
USA and allied forces never was good treat the POWs well. They usualy ended up ay KIA, because the white flag menas "shoot here ".

Problem is, if there will be any bigger POW captured by the USA controlled units then there will be a rage from Russia, and possibly Putin won't be able to keep everyone calm.

It could spell serious consequences for Ukraine, and for the EU .


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Seems like the 5D chess move "stupid" offensive by Ukraine did work out in their favor after all. Fully liberating Donbass and Luhansk without a declaration of War gets further and further away every day. Putin really should've just committed fully from the start instead of this clown show that is currently happening, I don't think the West would've sanctioned any harder if they went for an actual war instead of what we have right now.
That's what happens when you take advice from the likes of Shoigu. Putin has surrounded himself with a bunch of incompetent yes men and is now reaping the rewards.


Registered Member
Seems like the 5D chess move "stupid" offensive by Ukraine did work out in their favor after all. Fully liberating Donbass and Luhansk without a declaration of War gets further and further away every day. Putin really should've just committed fully from the start instead of this clown show that is currently happening, I don't think the West would've sanctioned any harder if they went for an actual war instead of what we have right now.
The USA target is to force Russia for the declaration of war, and start to drain the Russian resources dramatically.


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Automatic translation:

There are reports that our troops are leaving Izyum beyond Oskol to avoid encirclement in case of an enemy breakthrough to Oskol and Gorokhovatka. Obviously at this stage it is not possible to maintain the logistics of Izyum, so the choice was made in favour of keeping the troops to avoid the cauldron.

Military correspondent Sreda reports that in the morning, when he left Izyum, there was the only open road (apparently via Oskol).


Junior Member
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Sanctions is already doing heavy damage to non-Resource Russian economy, what more could the West do?
Even Ukraine, which has run out of military assets, can deal such a major blow to Russia, and the West should be bolder.

Maybe they could send some armored divisions and air forces into Ukraine as "volunteers." As long as Putin is unwilling to mobilize, the fragile Russian army will inevitably be destroyed by reinforcements of this scale.

At least the Ukrainians proved that the Russian army was vulnerable by means of life-consuming methods, but Europe was too timid to trade blood for the chance to destroy Russia's status.

If they had the courage to confront the Russians head-on, they would not have had to worry about the gas crisis in winter.