The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
Would be so interesting to know who got troops rotation on the Russian sides. We got a long time with no news of the Chechens troops after Mariupol. When Chechens troops are actives we see a lot of video of them, they clearly likes to show-off. Is-it possible they are coming back from a troop rotation on the front ? Someone got a glimpse of informations about that ?

Probably reserved for a future urban offensives. The only thing we have heard so far is the PMC Wagner units. It seems like information about the Russians SF or Army doesn’t really pop up unless there is some major offensive. The last couple months has been mostly sitting for both sides.


Senior Member
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Because it's the way to go. That's how you solve the Ukraine problem in hours.

Very good chance. Russia rarely lost Su-34 and they were flying very low and unprotected. Against several high-flying Tu-160/Tu-22M guarded by fighters with electronic countermeasures targetting ground defenses as a double-tap follow-up to an earlier strike by all fighters targetting ground defenses, there is almost no chance that Ukraine could post up a credible defense. This is a serious operation, not what we have seen so far, Russia sending lone warplanes to buzz around and basically annoy Ukrainians until they get shot down. Those beautiful machines were designed to fly high, fast, and deliver death in an instant, not to be played with like RC planes.
If the might of the entire NATO air force couldn't fully suppress Serbian air defense, why would this situation be any different?

Just as scud hunting went poorly for the US, there is no real way for Russia to fully suppress Ukranian air defense.

As such using their highly valuable TU-160 on bombing runs is almost unthinkable for Russia against Ukraine, they are too expensive and vurnuable for a job that even TOS-1 can perform. At most Russia will continue using those bomber platforms like they've been using them, lobbing stand off weapons far in the rear.


If the might of the entire NATO air force couldn't fully suppress Serbian air defense, why would this situation be any different?
They did. Just because a stealth plane was shot down doesn't mean that Serbian air defenses weren't suppressed enough for the US to bomb the country.
Just as scud hunting went poorly for the US, there is no real way for Russia to fully suppress Ukranian air defense.
It's a numbers game; a ton of bombers vs a few launchers. The more hits Ukraine takes, the less it has to fight back with and it will be overrun. We're not looking for perfect records here; way too late for that, but it's without debate that Russia can bomb the living crap out of Ukraine. Anybody who's not delusional can tell you that.

Your logic amounts to that no large powerful nation/military can defeat a smaller foe because you can't find every little thing in hiding and until you can do that, you can't mount a meaningful attack. That's not how warfare works.
As such using their highly valuable TU-160 on bombing runs is almost unthinkable for Russia against Ukraine, they are too expensive and vurnuable for a job that even TOS-1 can perform. At most Russia will continue using those bomber platforms like they've been using them, lobbing stand off weapons far in the rear.
What they will do and what they can do are different. There's a lot of things that so far, they will not do that would have totally crippled Ukraine. The could lob cruise missiles at Kiev first without any personel involvement at all. Then, a full on air assault and bombing of Kiev is something they can do; Ukraine would be able to inflict very few losses back if any at all, but so far, they will not do it. I don't see the point sacrificing Russian soldiers to play this stupid game but apparently Putin does... I'd lose some Tu-160/Tu-22M (as improbable as that is) over this many soldiers any day.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
HIMARS' constant hitting of the bridges in Kherson has been a great strategy to undermine Russian logistics and reinforcements north of Kherson, Russian poton crossings are under Ukrainian artillery cover, so every attempt to send equipment and personnel, is attacked and in many cases crushed.... The results are already appearing on the Russian channels, each Russian attempt is devastating for its troops

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Russian sources estimate that the Russian forces will hand over the city of Balakleya soon to avoid casualties... The Ukrainians these last few weeks are advancing more than the Russians in the last 3 months...


Notes of midshipman Ptichkin 4 Russian units leave Balakleya The city will probably be surrendered. The heroic SOBR soldiers are withdrawn practically without loss. In this context, the fate of the arsenal is interesting.


Registered Member
However, here some assure that 10,000 Ukrainian combatants have died in the last week in the Kherson offensive, without any confirmation, without any study on the ground, beyond the maps made by analysts who sit on a sofa to draw .... In any case, how many casualties on the Russian side do we have to talk about for you to accept it as "reality"???
I haven't commented on those figures. However, you are talking about reality, but using massive hyperbole instead of facts.
1000's of soldiers, so let's take that as 2000
2000/day Russian Forces
2000/day militia of LPR and DPR
2000/day Wagner mercenaries
= 6000/day total
* 195 days of war
= 1.17 million total dead
Not even the government of Ukraine is putting that number out

I do not have "a side" other than peace and also facts.


Junior Member
For all your claims, footage from the the Ukrainian side has been largely absent but there is plenty of the Russian side trashing ukrainian positions though.

If this was such a massive victory, that the Ukranians have refused to have journalists tag along, after shoving them into every nook and cranny where there was combat, speaks volumes of Ukranian leadership confidence in the operation.

Also, the Washington Post article pretty much debunks all of your claims
It’s like taking crazy pills now. There is not a single proof of the brigades of dead Ukraines.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
So, we are to believe Ukraine could not take the Russian troops West of the Dnieper even after they blew up the bridges supplying them. And Ukraine is supposed to win near Kharkiv close to Russian border and air bases?

I have lost count on the amount of Kherson and Kharkiv offensives the Ukrainians have done since like April already. All failed.