The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
The problem is Russia gets little in return from these countries since it mostly imports technology or high technology items. That is a problem Russians have always had. Russia's main issue with these sanctions is getting cut out from Western tech. Russian researchers have basically been banned at this point. And China is upholding this Western mandated research ban because they also do not want to be cut out.

China's internal economy and population is large enough to rival the EU and the US put together. But that is only when you do not consider you have the rest of the world basically brain draining into the Western research centers.
As the things stand lot of European can move over to Russia.

Anyway, as the things stand Russia doesn't want to be cut off from Europe, they strategy more centered around to decouple Europe from the USA.

At the moment Europe doing the dirty work, and the USA enjoying the fruit.

The evolution of the war , and the econmical strategy of Russia point to this direction.

They are ready to make and agreement with Ukraine, and the EU, they are ready for many things- from tomorrow the EU can get gas for fraction of the current price, all that it takes is to gurarantee the independent and secure relationship with Russia.

And I thnk the importance of technology is a bit overblown, as soon as the world ttrade start to break down the current technological development strategies will go down on the toilet.

If china leave the party then half of the dev budget of the apple become smoke. Add to that the increased production cost, and the end result is slow and painfull development cycle.


Registered Member
The problem is Russia gets little in return from these countries since it mostly imports technology or high technology items. That is a problem Russians have always had. Russia's main issue with these sanctions is getting cut out from Western tech. Russian researchers have basically been banned at this point. And China is upholding this Western mandated research ban because they also do not want to be cut out.
Here bro I respectfully disagree, The Chinese will eventually isolated by the Collective West, what the Collective West doesn't understand that both the Chinese and the Russian are industrial powerhouse. They can produce anything not leading edge BUT acceptable to power their industry. People associate the Siemen Turbine issue that the Russian are incapable of producing high quality industrial product not knowing it was the German who requested its usage as part of the contract.
China's internal economy and population is large enough to rival the EU and the US put together. But that is only when you do not consider you have the rest of the world basically brain draining into the Western research centers.
Energy is critical to power those industries, without it as we are seeing in EU, you regress. What is important are the scientific institutions and Russia is very strong in this area. With the Banning of all things related to Russia those talents are critical in their effort of import substitution, so in a way may help the Russian as they invest more in R&D.


Registered Member
Lots of people doesn't comprehend that more people are living outside North America and EU than in... and Putin have a vast market for Russian economy to work with. Euro value is lower that American dollar right now, Europe economy is crumbling big time. Maybe it's better to look elsewhere anyway.
Correct Bro, the Collective West with a population of 900 millions compete among themselves for markets, with expensive production inputs who will afford With China and Russia they complement each other as ENERGY is the basis of Industries. The thinking in the Collective West especially of the US is that they want to reenact the ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY Strategy of WW2, that the American is the center providing support, while the peripheries do the fighting. In this way the US will remained the pre dominant country unscathed from war. The problem, the US doesn't have the resource and talent to implement it and not all of her vassal are willing to do so.


Registered Member
From the geography, even the Ukrainian southern offensive is entirely eliminated via attrition, it doesn't change the fundamental picture in the south. Davydy Byrd is too far away from Mykolaiv proper and is not on a road to any major city or feature.

So it looks like even if Russian forces push far back into the region near Davydy Byrd, it cannot change the strategic picture unless a large portion of Mykolaiv forces were put into the Davydy Byrd offensive.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I have been wondering for a couple months already why the Russians don't just take Zaporizhzhia. It is mostly on the Eastern bank of the river. And they can supply those positions from both Russia and Crimea at this point now that the Azov Sea railway link is complete after the capture of Mariupol.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Any confirmation of this area already captured by the AFU?
Because i couldn't really find the source that indicated it, or perhaps has never been in the hands of Russia since March?


Registered Member
I have been wondering for a couple months already why the Russians don't just take Zaporizhzhia. It is mostly on the Eastern bank of the river. And they can supply those positions from both Russia and Crimea at this point now that the Azov Sea railway link is complete after the capture of Mariupol.
Look what happened to Mariupol and you'll have your answer.

Russia can't take any more major settlements because as soon as they surround and besiege a city the Ukrainians will round up ethnic Russians and start killing them.

There's also too many pro-western Ukrainians in these cities. Better to wait and deal with them on the battlefield than to feed and clothe them and have them become terrorists.


Registered Member
Look what happened to Mariupol and you'll have your answer.

Russia can't take any more major settlements because as soon as they surround and besiege a city the Ukrainians will round up ethnic Russians and start killing them.

There's also too many pro-western Ukrainians in these cities. Better to wait and deal with them on the battlefield than to feed and clothe them and have them become terrorists.

Besides civilians, the bigger problem is that Ukraine can continuously send troops and supplies over to Zaporizhzhia. This can be solved by destroying all the bridges… including the Dnipro Hydroelectric Dam. We all know Russia isn’t going to blow the dam up and release all the water behind it. Then there is the heavy urban fighting that will result in high casualties which goes against their strategy in attrition warfare. It’s just more cost effective to fight them on the open flat fields where they aren’t restricted by non-combatants and other civilians related concerns.