She and her kind are actively deindustrializing Germany and the rest of Europe. We see this throughout Europe and indeed the rest of the world. The only way to explain this is that many political parties and politicians all over the world are in the hands of the CIA and not really working for the interest of their own countries. The decision of the Ukrainian politicians can only be explained if they were controlled by the CIA. They too are actively participating in the destruction of their own county.
Actually, this is also happening in the U.S. In the SF Bay Area where I live, SF District Attorney's office is not prosecuting crime involving less than a thousand. The local government is also prioritizing the homeless, which were sent to this area from the rest of the country, over the local voters and businesses. The result is rampant looting in broad daylight and San Francisco, a world class city, turned into a third world toilet. Most of the corporations who once come to SF for their corporate conferences now shun this city because they don't want their people stepping out of the hotel and stepping on to human excrement and see the encampments from the homeless. Yet, more and more money will be allocated to the homeless and the rest of the country will continue to send all their homeless here.
We talk about Democracy but it has turned into a farce.