The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
Considering the level of discussion I don't think we need those floods of post from fresh users (which is usually a baseless gibberish). I think that posting a video of "Ukrainian assault" on power plant would be enough. Not some 10D chess created in some minds who don't know shit and don't know anyone serious.
You don't seem to have a problem with those when they are pro-ukranian, though. Also, pretty sure a lot of it are just the translated messages from russian.
lol, even Boris Johnson got mentioned in this thread.
Last time I checked, the UK is a party to the conflict in one way or another, and a very active one at that.


Registered Member
There are multiple videos coming out of quite a few wounded ukranian soldiers getting tended to in what seems to be a basement, allegedly from one of the failed offensives.

And another video of what's left of an Ukranian T-72M with the bodies of the crew strewn around surrounded by what seems to be rats.


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lolx2, wtf is this? It looks like taken straight out of a mission script from Call of Duty or some other video game.
I'm sorry if you don't like the source, but I translate the words the way they were posted, using google translator to make things easier for me - although it's not the best tool for that, but i can't keep translating all the time and check out every detail.

Feel free to post your sources, you are free to do so. I follow pro-Ukrainian telegram sources and they routinely post the same terms for Russians, so stop crying.

You don't seem to have a problem with those when they are pro-ukranian, though. Also, pretty sure a lot of it are just the translated messages from russian.
Yes. I use the same sources in Russian that the pro-Russian western telegram channels publish in the English translation, as I follow the primary sources, depending on the time of posting, I post here before these telegram media translated into English.

Another western mercenary denazified.
Caution. The mod @Janiz wants to block you if you use these terms.
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reservior dogs

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Germany's FM say she will support Ukraine no matter what, regardless of what german voters think or how hard things get.

There is a running joke on twitter how this woman and the German Green Party in general are actually CIA stooges but at this point, maybe it isn't really a joke?
She and her kind are actively deindustrializing Germany and the rest of Europe. We see this throughout Europe and indeed the rest of the world. The only way to explain this is that many political parties and politicians all over the world are in the hands of the CIA and not really working for the interest of their own countries. The decision of the Ukrainian politicians can only be explained if they were controlled by the CIA. They too are actively participating in the destruction of their own county.

Actually, this is also happening in the U.S. In the SF Bay Area where I live, SF District Attorney's office is not prosecuting crime involving less than a thousand. The local government is also prioritizing the homeless, which were sent to this area from the rest of the country, over the local voters and businesses. The result is rampant looting in broad daylight and San Francisco, a world class city, turned into a third world toilet. Most of the corporations who once come to SF for their corporate conferences now shun this city because they don't want their people stepping out of the hotel and stepping on to human excrement and see the encampments from the homeless. Yet, more and more money will be allocated to the homeless and the rest of the country will continue to send all their homeless here.

We talk about Democracy but it has turned into a farce.


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The russians retracted and it seems that they have lured the AFU into a trap, increasing their lines but decreasing the front in a flank attack:

The russians are moving dozens of T-90M, MSTA and other equipment from the Crimea as I have previously posted. I'm looking for destroyed Russian targets on pro-Ukraine pages and I hardly see anything from Kherson - probably because of obstruction of military correspondents in the AFU by order of the General Staff command obeying Zelensky's directives, having 36 hours and I saw pictures of two BMP -2 and a T-72B3, nothing more. So it seems to me that the Russians are setting up a reserve in Kherson with the T-90M for a counterattack, another interesting thing is the increasing concentration of use of the T-62 by Russian forces, a few hours ago units were posted on the Kherson's axis.

The AFU has taken the T-64BM2s out of reserve and they are using everything they have in this Kherson offensive, but so far they are only able to advance in positions that the Russians abandon. Positions that the Russians chose to stay in, especially at Oleksandrivka and near Kherson, cannot penetrate the defenses even in greater numbers, due to superior artillery.

The AFU is advancing almost like WWII, due to the low amount of IFVs to transport in open terrain:
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