Has anyone heard anything about Bilohorivka today? Last I heard the Russians were attempting to cross the Donets River near there. Some pro-Ukrainian sources were saying all the Russian pontoon bridges were destroyed, some pro-Russian sources were saying the Russians were still crossing and there's a fight underway for Bilohorivka itself, as well as some other nearby villages. It's a total fog of war right now in that sector. There's lots of satellite images showing fires in the area, but that could just be long-range artillery strikes. Doesn't necessarily imply street-to-street infantry fighting. This apparently seems to be the sector to watch right now, as the Russians try to outflank the Ukrainian army in the SLR metroplex (SLR meaning Severodonetsk-Rubizhne-Lysyschank). One thing I've noticed lately is the Russians starting to get more creative in their use of geography. Two examples of that are the amphibious landings in AzovStal, where they occupied the high hills in the south overlooking the entire factory complex, and the assault on southern Rubizhne, which happened after the Russians crossed through a dense forest. As the ground in Eastern Ukraine gets drier, we can expect to see more "off-roading" by the Russians, which is something they desperately need to do since they've been quite predictable for much of this war by just driving down major highways.