Lieutenant General
I think we need to be objective and realistic and not fall into the same trap of underestimating the opposition as the west has done with Russia.It's not just Russian strategy but also the difference in power from Ukraine and countries with barely functioning militaries like Iraq or Afghanistan.
Ukraine inherited a lot from the USSR whose armies were almost always superior to western Europe, which is why for most of the cold war why US invested in threatening with MAD, because USSR had conventional army supremacy.
In this war, Ukraine is firing 3-5k munitions a day, which is on a similar level to how much the American Axis were firing each day during the Iraq invasion.
So its doubtful if the "western" doctrine would even work at all, given that they've never fought an enemy with remotely as high firepower as Ukraine. If Saddam's army was shooting 5k shells a day at the invaders like Zelensky's army is, it'd probably have been a slaughter if the US forces just charge straight in. Charging in only worked due to highly incompetent, corrupt enemy command and very weak artillery/MLRS capability.
NATO would have absolutely wrecked Ukraine in a conventional war because the Ukrainian military is precisely what NATO has been tailor made to fight against, and in territory that is very favourable to western favoured air wars. Sure, soviet AD were also tailored against NATO, but Ukraine’s AD have not been upgraded much since soviet times while NATO TacAir have been continuously upgraded and entire new generations have enter service since.
Ukraine is a powerful conventional land army designed to fight powerful conventional land armies. They might be firing thousands of shells a day, but that artillery power would mean absolutely nothing against NATO air power.
Although Russian TacAir has been conspicuous with its absence lately in this war due to early losses to Ukraine AD, those losses were still fairly light in number and percentage and was as much a result of a lack of the right tools by the Russians as it is because of the vast soviet AD systems Ukraine inherited from the USSR. Modern NATO SEAD and DEAD capabilities would have been far harder for their soviet era gear to perform favourable against.
Would NATO have suffered losses? Undoubtedly, and probably heavier losses than since Vietnam, but would it have been enough to stop NATO from eventually gaining air dominance and then curbstomping the Ukraine army from the air? I can’t see how.