I'm not going to sit here and justify the war because it will just go in circles, bring it back to my original point that even with all the alleged corruption and endless footage pasted here of the ineptitude of the Ukrainian armed forces, 5 months on Russia has captured barely 20% of their territory. By all metrics but those from the most ardent nationalists, they have not achieved their objectives against a country that has 3x less people and a bit more than 10% GDP, A country with no navy and little airforce to speak of.At this point i don't think so many people are buying this line anymore. I clearly remember all the arm chair generals and MSM wind bags cheerleading so proudly and excitedly for the mother of all insurgencies Ukrainians would unleash the moment the Russians steamrolled through to the Polish border, which many of those same nobodies said would take a week tops. Well, at least we have some epic twitter fails from that time to enjoy today
As time went on it proved, (time always brings the truth with 100% reliability) the Russian MOD had a very different plan than what the shepards were telling what the Russian masterplan was. Turns out it isn't facing any mother of all insurgencies, or much of any insurgency at all for that matter, in the areas it has chosen to occupy thus far. How peculiar, the country who has fought more brutal insurgencies than any country, is conducting war differently than based on the theories we subscribed to, and the end result is different than what we are used to seeing.
Even more surprising to me is how these "occupied" people welcome the evil Russian oppressors as liberators. Anyone should find that at least interesting.
In summary, it's just more evidence that in our amazing democracies that are so free and honest, there is totally not a tiny group of people controlling mass opinion so they and their buddies can make trillions in profits as we kill each other and our planet for them.
So what would be the reason?
A) Russian forces are much less capable than expected (My main point)
B) Western Weapons are making a difference (that just proves my first point if small arms turned the tide)
C) Ukraine has super Nazi space mutant super soldiers
D) Putin got bamboozled by the FSB and that a minimal of Ukrainian turn coats actually turned (First point, i.e hybrid warfare doesn't work)