The War in the Ukraine


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The target was a Russian radar sight right next to the beach. IMO you took a risk going to a beach next to an obvious target.
You're assuming the public knew the radar was there in the first place (I don't think radar locations are public information), and they probably won't care about it in their outrage anyway. I guess we'll see with time if Russia can still stomach such events.


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A war is going on. Crimea is big target for Ukraine yet Russians doing Russians things and taking a big gamble going to the beach.

They should have known better. If I'm Ukraine, I won't let this stop me. Keep targeting the peninsula (military targets ofc) to make the occupation costly for the Russians.

Anyway, I wonder why the Russians haven't established a NFZ on their EEZ in the Crimea peninsula. It seems like a logical solution to NATO awacs flying over there and aiding Ukraine in their missile and drones attack.

Russia persecution of this conflict is truly an enigma.
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Registered Member
The target was a Russian radar sight right next to the beach. IMO you took a risk going to a beach next to an obvious target.

That "right next to the beach" is doing a lot of heavy lifting considering the beach in the video is more than 3km aways from the radar station.

Video of launch of the attack. As mentioned, they try to saturate the area as much as possible, with what seems increasingly diminishing returns on a weapon system that isn't made anymore.

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That "right next to the beach" is doing a lot of heavy lifting considering the beach in the video is more than 3km aways from the radar station.

However, the attack did not go directly to the beach, but rather the fragments that fell on the beach were the result of an alleged interception... Talking about "terrorism" in this case is nothing more than vulgar propaganda

Furthermore, it must be taken into account that the Uchkuevka beach is 800 meters from the 1096th anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Black Sea Fleet, so perhaps the attack was aimed at a legitimate military target.

Is this type of regiment a military objective? Yes.

Is it negligent not to close a beach that is less than 1km from a legitimate military objective to the public (unsuspecting tourists) during a war, even more so when several attacks have been carried out recently? Yes, it is negligent.

It has been expressed on Russian channels that the anti-aircraft warning system DID NOT WORK...

Is it military negligence that anti-aircraft warning systems do not work in a "tourist" area in the middle of a war? Yes, it is negligence



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Russia will probably have to escalate after this one.
Maybe they'll start dropping US drones in the Black Sea and attack more power stations, but nothing beyond that. The goal of the US with these terrorist attacks, is to get Russia to escalate, because the attrition overwhelmingly favours Russia. In the meantime, Russia is pounding Ukrainian military targets day in day out. Only a matter of time before the contact line starts to collapse. In my opinion, this is a small price to pay, as long as the political situation is held in place.


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Maxxpro takes a hit from an FPV drone, followed by a second drone that finished it off. By the Sudoplatov. The Maxxpro could be carrying a load of ammunition to resupply the front.

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We will stop referring to the Avdeyevka - Ocheretino front by that and now refer to it as the Pokrovsk front, as Pokrovsk is now much closer.

Novoolexandrivka is now officially captured by the Russians as clean up has finished and counterattacks thwarted.

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Razdolivka is now 50% under the Russians.

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A FAB-1500 and a FAB-3000 are dropped on the temporary deployment point of the AFU 13th Brigade of the National Guard. This in Liptsy. Another FAB-3000 dropped on the same area.

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Lancet from the 83rd Brigade takes out a Ukrainian SPG. From its shape and length of barrel, I think it might be a Krab but I'm not sure due to the camouflage.

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Ukrainian warehouse and deployment center on the right bank of Kherson taken out by FAB.

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Also in the right bank of Kherson, a Ukrainian deployment points and a UAV control center gets hit with four FAB-250 with UMPK or UMPB.

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"Secret" Morok UAV from Ukraine falls victim to RW measures. Washes ashore.

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Ukrainian D-30 howitzer taken out by Lancet in the Kharkhiv sector.

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Once again, the usual M777 gets taken out by Lancet.

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Energy facility or power plant in Ukraine in flames. This facility is gone.

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KAB-250 hits a house Ukrainian soldiers are holed in.

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AN/TPQ-50 counterbattery radar taken out in the Kharkhiv front by Lancet.

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Ukrainian field ammo depot in the right side of the Dniepr gets taken out by Krasnopol shot.

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