The War in the Ukraine

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What is the strategic situation of the war right now.

Based on Media reports, Russia isn't really doing a big summer offensive that was rumoured. There also have not been that many gains in any of the sectors ever since the kharkiv incursion.

Instead we keep seeing Ukraine's success in using massive drone swarms to strike deep into Russia these days. Russia seems unable to stop it at all.

Is Russia losing the initiative to Ukraine due to these new changes?

The Kharkiv' front is awaiting the Ukrainian counteroffensive- Ukraine moved their strategic reserves in the area. Overall the Russian intention appears to be obvious; they want to bait them to use up their assets.

Putin has publicly stated at least twice that they have no intention of taking Kharkiv, and recently he stated that they are awaiting the Ukrainian kharkiv counterattack.

Outside of Kharkiv' Russia has initiative on all fronts, but mainly at the level of positional warfare creep.


Junior Member
Registered Member
It is always funny you guys saying "it didn't go as predicted" when you don't even know what the Russian plan is.
Just plain bullshit.

Do you think you can take Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine, with a division?
I said divisionSSSS plural. Russians massed 50k troops in the area that is a HUGE offensive and do I think they can take Kharkiv with 50k troops well of course not I'm not insane however Russians thought they could, but then again Russians thought they could take Ukraine or at least the eastern part with 200k troops. How very presumptuous of them.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I suppose better late than never. US and the rest shouldn't have tied Ukraine's fighting ability they should have just allowed them to use western weapons however they see fit.
Did you ever consider that if Ukraine starts hitting the Russian homeland to hit their supply, that Russia might do the same to who is providing supplies to them? Nice way of starting WWIII.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
You mean like they are doing now?
Putin signed an alliance treaty with North Korea. Russia did drills with Belarus on using tactical nukes. They practiced launching cruise missiles right on the coast of the US. And you people act like everything is fine with your little project to get Ukraine into NATO and weaken Russia.
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New Member
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US and the rest shouldn't have tied Ukraine's fighting ability they should have just allowed them to use western weapons however they see fit.
Whose assets (like satellites) are used to gather intelligence? Who operates them?
Where are the command centers where the info is send and processed?
Who chooses the target?
Who plan the attack path to avoid defences and does the programming?

The answer isn't always Ukraine. Is not only the lack of specialised personel but also that those are sensitive facilities where UA will never have acces. The russians know this. Us know that russians know this. Everybody knows.

US allows Ukraine to strike targets inside... This is a big BS. Reality is that west is allowing itself to use Ukraine as a launcing pad.

We we should be worried? All the assets in the strike chain become valid targets. If the wrong person or thing get hit in Russia they can strike back a command post in UK or France. Now what?

See why all the concers?