Well, it isn't in China's commercial interest to stop doing trade with the West. Which is still their major trade partner. But it isn't in China's interest to see a hostile US aligned government in power in Russia either. That would directly threaten their northern border. So you can pretty much bet that China will give Russia all the economic support necessary. It's not like Russia will be getting it for free either since they can pay in natural resources. In case of the government of Russia being near collapse then I could see China stepping up with direct military assistance. But that likely won't happen in the first place, even with direct NATO intervention, because Russia has nukes.While I think there is an element of China trying to get the Russians to get their act together, there are also broader strategic considerations that is probably far more pivotal in China’s decision to withhold lethal support thus far.
The war has settled into an uneasy balance where NATO and Russia broadly know and stay within their own respective lanes. It is massively disadvantageous to Russia to have NATO ISR plugged into Ukrainian kill chains, but they don’t want to risk a war with NATO to change that balance. Massive lethal support from China might cause them to change their calculus and that could have unintended consequences.
Another reason I am somewhat dubious about these mysterious shell claims is the fact that Russia really isn’t short of shells with their NK and Iranian deals (or are those deals shell games to help explain the massive increase in Russian ammo supply?). Besides, won’t the Russian guns have the same issues as the Ukrainians did in firing high pressured Chinese rounds from soviet guns?
As for the shells, I think Iran supplied the Russians with 100mm shells for the T-55 tanks, and 122mm artillery shells. The Iranians basically don't use 152mm artillery, they use 155mm artillery. It is North Korea which has huge stockpiles of 152mm artillery, so the Russians are getting it from there. North Korea also probably has a gargantuan amount of T-62 tank 115mm shells.
Even the US has been buying gunpowder from China.France suffers from an acute shortage of gunpowder to make missiles for Kiev.
Now we see Ukraine using more JDAMs. Their use will likely further increase once the F-16 is delivered. But because they can't fly at high altitude close to the front their range will be severely limited.JDAM hits Avdeyevka coke plant.
The Su-34 can fire the Kh-35 missile.Failed X-35U missile in Krasnodar region. The antiship missile is now being used to strike ground targets, launched from aircraft with a range of up to 250km.