The War in the Ukraine


Lieutenant General
Guancha had an interesting theory on the possible use for T62s - makeshift armoured trains.

The idea is you have a flatbed carriage at the front and back of trains on which you park a tank. The tanks would provide armed security for trains against attack by enemy forces, and can even dismount to pursue enemy forces.

Since the tanks would mostly be for show, and would not be expected to see much action, T62s would be sufficient and would not waste more capable tanks.


Registered Member
Guancha had an interesting theory on the possible use for T62s - makeshift armoured trains.

The idea is you have a flatbed carriage at the front and back of trains on which you park a tank. The tanks would provide armed security for trains against attack by enemy forces, and can even dismount to pursue enemy forces.

Since the tanks would mostly be for show, and would not be expected to see much action, T62s would be sufficient and would not waste more capable tanks.
Could be used like a land battleship if they can fire from the train, you park it near a town and you pound it down ?


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For a moment, let's delve into the Russian losses. I have absolutely no insight into the Ukrainian losses. It is a pity the Russians have locked down their media so much. Someone doing what Oryx does from the Russian POV for the Ukrainian losses would be invaluable. Too bad, so sad, just think of the info war support Russian could of had. Zelensky did say Ukraine was losing something like 100 soldiers/day in a press conference. That would put their KIA at 9,500 and their total casualties about 38,000.
In the last few pages, we got a BBC (local in Russia) that counted deaths by going families in Russia to find who got compensated.

I think it will serve as an OK minimum for Russian losses (it also does not count LPR/DPR as well as like mercenaries like wagner group or other forces like Chechens, although I suspect Chechens haven't been hit so bad?).

The deaths were at some ~2330, and with 3x being injured it would put it at about 10k.


Lieutenant General
Could be used like a land battleship if they can fire from the train, you park it near a town and you pound it down ?
No, I think it’s just meant to provide protection for train based logistics. A single Ukrainian IFV with a 30mm cannon could easily obliterate a train full of supplies, or at least destroy a significant proportion of the supplies.

Having a pair of T62s ride shotgun with every supply train would be more than enough firepower to see off such attacks by small groups or lone enemy vehicles that might have slipped through the lines, or manages to remain hidden as the lines moved.

This would allow Russia to make almost every train an armoured train, and thus vastly increase the number of trains available for supply runs beyond the dedicated armoured trains they have and are already using.


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DPR officially published it lost about 1900 killed and 7800 wounded since 24th February. LPR losses are probably at least twice lower since there were no Mariupol and Volnovakha sieges so no intense urban combat. This will make total losses of allied forces at about 5-6 thousand killed, 25-30k wounded and around 500 POWs still not exchanged as minimum casualties. How much more - hard to say.
Ukrainians lost at least 8k in Mariupol only, initial garrison was about 15k, by the time city was completely surrounded about 8k left (how much were killed or wounded and how much were able to retreat hard to say) and half of those surrendered.
For some reason Russian MOD doesn't publish estimated personnel losses for Ukrainians, just hardware losses, but some Russian telegram channels posted figures claimed to be internal Ukrainian MOD information. Last time it was around month ago and it was like 25k killed and about 30k wounded. So now it should be around 40k killed and 50k wounded if those numbers are more or less accurate. Add 8k POWs in Russian custody, and total casualties for Ukrainians are around 100k. This means they basically lost third of their pre-war army. Of course information might be false, however Ukrainians mobilised most of its reservists and now mobilising all fit population. This means things are not going well for them and 100k casualties might be even underestimation


Junior Member
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I do not see them taking Kiev. A land bridge from Kharkov to Odessa looks like the goal. That’s what Putin meant for “de-communization.” A land locked west Ukraine will be a impoverished money sink for the west. Think about you think the collective west have the money to bailout Ukraine. Kiev keeps saying they need $3 billion a year to help the government function right now. If they lose the east and south that numbers gets higher. You think the US and Europe will spend 5 or 10 billion a month forever especially we are about to enter an environment of stagflation and recession? West Ukraine will never be an Israel. Israel has ports and a viable economy. Before this war Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe. After this war they will be the Lebanon of Europe but even worst. At least Lebanon has ports. Economically they’ll be finished. It will cost 10s of billions a month to support them. And even if they try to militarized Russia will do airstrikes and missiles to destroy them. West Ukraine will be a bigger version of Gaza. And since it will cost 10s of billions to support the West Ukrainian government the country will always be unstable. And half that money will be gone via corruption. Inadequate govt services which will lead to instability. You really think the west will continue to send advanced weapons to an unstable shithole like a landlocked Ukraine? Not gonna happen. West Ukraine isn’t gonna be like Israel or South Korea. It will be a failed state barely functional with various armed groups fighting amongst themselves for the scrapes.
Let's not be overly pessimistic about Ukraine. Perhaps losing over half of its territory will finally give the remaining Ukrainians the push to create a functional government, akin to South Korea after the Korean War!