If true, it would mean that the Russian gamble with not calling up any more reserves and banking on playing it more defensively paid off. They managed to siphon off 300 thousand reservists and make the operation attractive enough for volunteers, they still get an influx of however many new recruits enter the system every year, they've increased their rate of military production, and they did all of that while managing not to club their economy on the head at the same time. Impressive.
I'm still of the opinion, that for Russia, anything short of complete victory is going to be a strategic loss. The main reason behind this war was physically pushing away NATO sphere of influence. If Russia pushes it only to, say, the Dnieper river, while leaving western Ukraine be, sooner or later whatever remained of Ukraine will become a heavily militarized thorn in Russia's side, and will enter NATO anyway. At the same time, any Russian bases in Belarus will be literally surounded by NATO forces. That, to me, is a strategic defeat. At this moment, in my opinion Russia should stay far away from the peace table, and aim for what probably was the initial aim of the whole operation - occupy eastern territories and either force a regime change in what remains of the country, or, if no other solution can be found, occupy all of it (at the cost of long-term insurgency, yes). It could only be achieved years and years down the line, but there is no other way for Russia to truly achieve its original aim - neutralization of Ukraine and creating a thick buffer for a future conflict. As a side benefit for Russia, a percolating conflict like this hurts NATO countries a lot more and doesn't give them any respite. If Russia can't catch up to the NATO countries on its own merits, it can at least drag them down. As the saying goes, there is noone taller than the last man standing.