Problem is not the demining, but that the mines are only part of the fortification/defening military means.
So, there are all sort of anti tank missiles, artirelly , air force, other tanks and the list infinite.
So, without supressing the enemy teams the dmining team has 0 chance regardless of the sophisitcation of euipment that they use .
The roads are as shown on OpenStreetMap at scale "12":
- orange - "yellow" roads on OSM@12, all with numbers,
- yellow - "wide white" local roads on OSM@12 , some of which have numbers
- red - major national roads/highways
- black - railways, paired with "wide white" class roads
- purple - front line
- blue - russian defensive lines as indicated by satellite imagery
- darker lines on greyscale background - field roads and minor gravel roads.
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I am not so sure if the situation is like that
2022/11/09 news
We are now actively building and repairing roads in the new regions, and by the end of the year we plan to bring about 500 km to the standard. Their economic development and integration with the rest of the country also depend on modernisation of the road system in the new regions.
For example, this year we will complete 44 km of Novoazovsk-Mariupol road. The pavement has already been laid on 26km, road workers are now working on the widening and exits, and the bottom layers of asphalt are still being laid on the remaining 18km.
500 km road to built and repair by end of 2022, now we are half year later most likelly the critical roads refurbished, and possibly many missing connections built.
6 mont is long time.
By quick google, India making 20-40 km highway per day.
Considering that Russia has in practice unlimited budget in the past half year the road network would changed dramatically.
Problem is there is no 2022 end sat picrue of the area anywhere, without deep pocekt, so not possible to check the current condition of road network.