Neither side is really interested in the truth.You cannot trust any claim that comes out of Russia when it comes to this war. They are trying really hard and failing to cover up that the ship was hit and very likely damaged.
Also it looks like US helped Ukraine find the ship which if true I would consider it "crossing a red line."
It will be interesting how this will be spined
The only time the truth is told is when it suits the narrative.
This isn't something particular to this war.
It's not always about pride
Assuming the drone did hit the Russian ship. Currently Ukraine may not have any idea on how much damage it caused. That would extremely useful intel for planning the next attack. They possible aren't even sure it exploded after camera fed went dead. Russia is going to do it's utmost not to give Ukraine an opportunity to do battle assessment. It is not in Russia's interests to answer the Ukrainians quest to know how big a hole did their bomb make