How many times will people use pics only to find out later it's from another date? You're falling into the trap again. Meanwhile Russian telegram is saying this...
Which Russian telegram says this? Could you link to the channel? For some time, the popular Russian Telegram channels, which I have been following for more than a year, have been warning that there are many fake Russian Telegram channels that pretend to be Russian, but are managed by the Ukrainian Center for Information and Psychological Operations (TsIPsO), and their purpose is to spread fake and negative information in order to demoralize and instill panic in Russian society.
An example of such a fake Russian Telegram channel is "Операция Z" ("Operation Z") with 674 000 subscribers, which copies the popular Russian Telegram channel " Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны" (
) with 1 297 000 subscribers.
Automatic translation from Russian:
"Rybar" exposed the Ukrainian TsIPsO about the serious damage to the ship "Ivan Khurs"
Telegram channel "Rybar" drew attention today, May 26, to how Ukrainian infodiversants working in the Russian media segment are spreading false information that the reconnaissance ship "Ivan Khurs", attacked this week by unmanned speedboats of the AFU, was allegedly seriously damaged. In fact, the published photo shows the American destroyer USS Cole ("Cole").
"Rybar" pointed to TC "Operation Z", hosted by the Ukrainian TsIPsO (Center for Information and Psychological Operations), where fake photos of the reconnaissance ship "Ivan Khurs" that received serious damage are circulating.
"In the Ukrainian infopole the news was expectedly picked up: "Operation Z" is being passed off as a "Russian source". In reality, the photo shows the USS Cole: an article was published in 2019 about the elimination of the terrorist responsible for the bombing of the US Navy ship."