How would he know?According to Lt. general Hertling, Putin is micromanaging the Russian war effort, despite his lack of military training and making the already bad situation worse:
And Putin isn't a micromanager. When COVID broke out he said that response is left to regional governors and healthcare professionals. Unsurprisingly this was spun to be a profound negative despite Putin also not being a doctor and letting the doctors handle it.
Putin, too, has been part of the problem. For the bulk of the pandemic, he has remained intentionally aloof and largely isolated from the management of the public health crisis, leaving it instead in the hands of a hodgepodge of regional actors. This is not surprising. Authoritarian leaders around the globe have tried to skirt responsibility and delegate difficult decisions to their underlings.
So which is it? Is micromanaging when untrained good or bad? Can't have it both ways. A person doesn't change their personality at age 70 either. Is Putin a micromanager or not? Is he trying to shirk responsibility or not? Just pick one and stick with it lmao.