The War in the Ukraine


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For just a taster of how silly things have gotten, you have straight-faced reports on how the reason Wagner are going after Soledar is because Prigozhin wants to get into the salt business. :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON, Jan 5 (Reuters) - The United States is of the view that Russian President Vladimir Putin's ally Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is the founder of Russia's most powerful mercenary group, is interested in taking control of salt and gypsum from mines near the Ukrainian-held city of Bakhmut, a White House official said on Thursday.

There are indications that monetary motives are driving Russia's and Prigozhin's "obsession" with Bakhmut, the official added.

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Big LOL indeed... Prigozhin can just -legally- expand to mine rare-earth or get some shares in whatever mine or resources he secured in Africa..


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That whole video is retarded Ukrainian propaganda.

Kherson would be part of the Ottoman Empire today had Russia not conquered it from the Turks. The city was founded and named by Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia in 1778, as part of Novorossiya. Where was Ukraine then? When Russian Federation troops left Kherson, 2/3rds of the population left with them, so it is hardly surprising that a lot of the people left there had pro-Ukrainian nationalist sentiment.

Russia never had 1.5 million uniforms of Ratnik grade gear in the first place. They never ordered that many. Just enough for their standing army. The government's concern is that all mobilized troops have proper modern equipment and not Soviet era equipment. There were logistical issues figuring out where available uniforms and weapons were stored and handing them out to the troops. And clearly more equipment had and needs to be ordered and produced to equip them all with modern gear. But the talk that the gear was not delivered and counted as such due to corruption is a lie.

The lack of body armor for all the mobilized is nothing the US itself did not experience in 2003 in Iraq. Troops improvized with steel plates on HMMVs by themselves, had to order their own underwear because the one the US Army provided did not whick moisture and sweat properly in a desert climate, there was basically no body armor provided to most of the troops, there was a lack of proper optics for the rifles. But we are supposed to believe this is a unique Russian problem for whatever reason.

They show Donbass militiamen with a Mosin-Nagant rifle and claim that is the Russian Army. It is like I showed you the US sponsored Kurdish militias in Northern Iraq in 2003 and claimed that was the US Army.

They show rusted AKs which were provided to some Russian mobilized troops while on the training ground and imply the Russian Army is deployed to combat with something like that.

T-62s were introduced in the 1961 but were produced until 1975. The T-62M upgrade Russia is using is from 1983. And those tanks are not supposed to be used in armored offensives. Ukraine is now getting the much worse T-55 as aid. Why no laughs at that?

The problem of lack of pilots in Russia is due to lack of trainer aircraft like the Yak-130 because of the sanctions. Not money. They are bottlenecked in how many pilots they can train a year. Or should I saw were since the Yak-130 started being delivered with Russian Al-222 produced engines this year.

Commercial GPS devices are only used in legacy Soviet aircraft like the Su-25. None of the upgraded or modernized aircraft need such contrivances. And GLONASS development lagged because of Western sanctions. They only managed to recover from those two years ago and launched several satellites this year with their own electronics to replace imported ones from Europe.

They claim Russian missiles are inaccurate and fail then show the image of a Ukrainian SAM missile launch hitting their own city of Kiev in the night as illustration.

S-400 missiles are too expensive to use for intercepting something like HIMARS rounds. The system is used to intercept aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. Artillery rockets would be intercepted with Pantsir or Tor.

It is normal to use rubber instead of ERA in non-combat situations. It is replaced with ERA before combat. Because ERA can be dangerous and cause injury if used improperly it is typically not in tanks in peacetime. That some of it was not replaced with the proper modules is a mistake which happens.

It is a lie Russia did not prepare for this conflict. They have been preparing for a major conflict since like 2006. Their preparations ramped up after 2008 conflict in Georgia and 2014 conflict in Ukraine. They significantly increased the size of their land formations and combat aircraft since 2014.
There was a video that showed the "rubber" in ERA was in a T-80 tank that was stripped down after it was a mobility kill. I believe the same tank picture was used all over the internet, to show "Russia can not afford ERA in tank".

The tank could have been stripped either by the Ukrainian military or Russian military after it was a mobility kill. The picture was from like the first two weeks of war, and the rumor started 2 month after, with rust showing on the tank.


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Just saw a reddit post with a photo of an alleged failed Russian offensive near Bachmut. 65 infantrymen all dead on open field. It seems like Ukrainian artillery did the job

They had no vehicles, it was just 65 soldiers on foot

Btw are we allowed to link to stuff like that under the spoiler tag? @LawLeadsToPeace
Definitely not. Gruesome imagery of dead soldiers on BOTH sides is strictly forbidden.


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Just writing shit off a “well, it’ll be destroyed by artillery” is preventing good discussion. Plus Russia will likely have to start dipping into very old stocks of ammunition soon, so we’ll see more duds.

They fire enough rounds each day that whatever gets by a dud, will still get two or three more rounds dropped on it, though.

Russia has received a batch of Orion complexes with 12 more expected to be delivered in February. Wether it is indeed 6 drones or 18, its left to be seen



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Fired retired Flag officer and former CIA director David Petraeus is advocating/calling for his country to supply counter drones to Ukraine to beat Russia.
