The War in the Ukraine


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Today U.S. embassy to Russia released a video that it called an "an appeal to the people of Russia". The 50-second video included images of the impact of bombing in Ukraine, saying what was happening there "is not worthy of you" and it is not too late for the Russian people to stand on the "right side of history".
Translation: Hi, we're the US State Department. We have been trying to destroy your country for decades, we almost succeeded in the 1990s, and you survived against all odds. We have had no success with the sanctions, which are now over 10 000, nor with the proxy war in Ukraine. So let's destroy your country from within and we'll make friends right away ... with your natural resources.

Dmitry Medvedev lashed out at the video, describing the U.S. government as cynical "freaks" and "sons of bitches" who he said were using the tricks of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

I sometime wonder if the concept of embassies have failed or, at least needs to be redefined. Technology have come a long way to ensure leaders can still communicate. IIRC, France's ambassador way back in the late 18th Century did something that pissed off George Washington. If this war heats up any further, it'd be wise for Russia to end all diplomatic ties. Eventually we're going to see NATO troops (wearing Ukrainian uniforms) fighting against Russian forces; if they haven't already done so.


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Looks like Bradley and marders are now going to be sent to Ukraine, every day this is more becoming the WW3 that didn't happen 20 years ago.

NATO seems to be opening the flood gates for another round of escalation.

There is no reason to worry about Russian escalation right now, no one is going to send a match of the armor shipments or ATGMs to Russia as a counterbalance. There is no good incentive for China to send Russia some advanced armor or ATGMs at this point, and India is too busy deciding how much more kowtowing they want to do to their former colonial owners. While they have developed MICs despite decades of heavy sanctions, North Korea and Iran likely don't have armor surpluses that Russia can buy. In the same way, Iran and the DPRK might have some basic ATGMs, but their stocks are probably low to begin with. And since China has come down publicly against Russia using nukes, there is little that Russia can do to escalate outside of a full wartime draft.


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Tanks are a next step. UK is already hinting at it.

Man this war sure took a sudden turn with heavier armor. I think the reason why it took this long for US to give heavy offensive weapons to Ukraine is because Afghanistan. They wanted to make sure they didn't have another situation where they give Ukraine advanced weapon systems and they just give up. Also I think the US knows Ukraine can win this now after months of bleeding Russian conventional forces. Spring is going to be very interesting in Ukrainian front.


Lieutenant General
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The new package of US military assistance to Ukraine will be the largest - it will cost almost $3 billion, media write, citing US officials. The United States will include about 50 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in the next package of military assistance to Kyiv, this decision will be announced on January 6.
More money for the MIC's cash for clunkers. Shame that the US does not have a proper replacement for the Bradley. They are basically getting rid of a vehicle they have no proper replacement for. All they do is refurbish old M2's just like with the M1. While Russia has the BMP-3 in production and they can produce hundreds of them a year if they want to. The M2 Bradley is a decent vehicle, but it is not like Russia does not have something similar.

Joint US-Germany statement: US to provide Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, Germany to provide Marder infantry fighting vehicles and an additional Patriot air defence system to Ukraine.
Took them long enough. Probably had to take them out of storage. Russia can produce entire new BMP-3s faster than that.

every day this is more becoming the WW3 that didn't happen 20 years ago.
Well yeah except they are fighting Russia with both Warsaw Pact and NATO equipment. And still failing hard. By sending equipment in dribs and drabs they are just ensuring that Russia has more than enough time to adjust to anything they are sending.

There is no good incentive for China to send Russia some advanced armor or ATGMs at this point, and India is too busy deciding how much more kowtowing they want to do to their former colonial owners. While they have developed MICs despite decades of heavy sanctions, North Korea and Iran likely don't have armor surpluses that Russia can buy. In the same way, Iran and the DPRK might have some basic ATGMs, but their stocks are probably low to begin with.
Only if Russia wanted North Korean T-62s. I kind of doubt it. Russia has loads of T-62s in storage. But Iran does produce quite a lot of ATGMs. More than you would think. Both Iran and North Korea have licenses to produce the Kornet. But I doubt Russia would need it. They would just take the bazillion Konkours ATGMs they have in storage if they haven't already.

And since China has come down publicly against Russia using nukes, there is little that Russia can do to escalate outside of a full wartime draft.
Russia would use nukes if they had to. But that would only happen if NATO directly intervenes in the conflict I think.


Registered Member
The new package of US military assistance to Ukraine will be the largest - it will cost almost $3 billion, media write, citing US officials. The United States will include about 50 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in the next package of military assistance to Kyiv, this decision will be announced on January 6.

Joint US-Germany statement: US to provide Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, Germany to provide Marder infantry fighting vehicles and an additional Patriot air defence system to Ukraine.

Will they train troops to use the bradley before sending them to the frontlines ? I'm clearly not sure about that... It's kinda funny to send better newer model to conscript troops without real training, with m113 aluminum basket you don't need it, but on a bradley...

Most weapons shipped in the past 6 months was seen in fight just week after receiving. Building a new force and training them with new equipments need to be done before sending them. They just don't have time to do it, they are grinding equipments so fast. Tow system on bradley will be wasted bigtime and right now we see mixed vehicule without any common ammo types in the same unit. Resupply and repair nightmares.
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Here's a guy with an opinion how he thinks they will be used.

What a weird (and annoyingly long) video.

Ukraine will use them just like they (and the Russians) have used any other vehicle in this conflict. Charging unsupported against the other side. IFVs (and even ATGM armed IFVs) are not new to Ukraine, nor are laser range finders or GPS receivers. Using a notoriously tall and conspicuous vehicle as an artillery director sounds suicidal to me, seeing how artillery is used in this war.

Tanks are a next step. UK is already hinting at it.

No it isn't. NATO has been delivering tanks since the beginning of the war. Almost 400 T-72s and a handful of upgraded T-55s. The shift to donating western equipment is IMO because we have depleted our stocks of old ex-Soviet vehicles.


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Moderator - World Affairs
36h Cease fire for Ortodox church holiday ? That's a joke ?

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From the article you shared, it seems Turkish President Erdogan asked Putin in a phone call to declare a ceasefire and Putin agreed, and issued this Christmas ceasefire to show his sincerity to Erdogan and Zelensky about his intentions for negotiated settlement.

Putin issued the truce order after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged him in a phone call to implement a "unilateral cease-fire," according to the Turkish president's office. The Kremlin said Putin "reaffirmed Russia's openness to a serious dialogue" with Ukrainian authorities.Erdogan told Zelenskyy later that Turkey was ready to mediate a "lasting peace." (
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So my personal opinion is, Erdogan wants to be an intermediary between Ukraine/Russia to negotiate cease, and Erdogan pressed Putin to show he is serious, and this is the best Putin can do (issuing a Christmas ceasefire).

The concern is Putin is still seeking a negotiated settlement and trying to "prove" his sincerity to Erdogan and Zelensky.
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Registered Member
The concern is Putin is still seeking a negotiated settlement and trying to "prove" his sincerity to Erdogan and Zelensky.
The first part is not concerning because this war was always going to end in the negotiating table.

The second part is concerning though because neither Erdogan or Zelensky matters here. If Putin wants a deal, he has the number, he can pick up the phone and call Washington D.C and talk with the real boss there