The War in the Ukraine


Junior Member
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The United States announced that in the near future they would again supply MLRS HIMARS to Ukraine. Apparently to compensate for the losses of heavy MLRS over the past month. Previously, the United States took the position that the current systems are sufficient, the RF Armed Forces cannot destroy them, and the desired effect is achieved. Now, instead of the usual supply of missiles, expensive MLRS are again included in the upcoming package of military supplies.
No losses of HiMARS or M270. Put up source or don't make such claims without proof.

US tracks every HiMARS which number just over a dozen. Now do they get taken out of action for routine maintenance well that's an obvious duh but to claim some have been destroyed and post no proof is bordering Russian propaganda.


Registered Member
France becomes the first country to send western manufactured tanks to Ukraine.

Maybe Ukraine will get German tanks soon.

.... and Bradley
Not a bad gun mount, but tires and 14.5 mm AP all-around protection with add-on armor give low survivability... Still better than nothing, but worst than a T-55 if used like a tank...

Still something without spare parts and repair knowledge but at least they are probably in good shape, they just started to be replaced in French service by the EBRC Jaguar.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
He was convinced by the video evidence the Russians provided of that strike. He shows his reasoning on the video. If you believe it or not, it is your own choice. I agree with him that it is way too much coincidence both vehicles have an exact match in dimensions and are painted green. But who knows. The video is blurry like hell.

Still if Ukraine is not losing launchers, then how come the US first claimed they were only delivering ammo because 10 launchers were more than enough (not that they were IMHO but that was the US Govt claim) and now they are going to deliver more launchers. So did Ukraine lose launchers or not?

It is not easy to track and destroy either long distance fires MLRS or artillery. The US had difficulty tracking much larger Iraqi Scud launchers in Desert Storm. But who knows.


Junior Member
Registered Member
That video is 5 month old OPINION not confirmation. Besides US already debunked as of November.

Here is an article from today....

White House says it can’t confirm that US-supplied heavy artillery system destroyed by Russia in Ukraine​

The White House on Wednesday said there was no confirmation of reports from Moscow that the Russian military had destroyed a U.S.-supplied heavy artillery system called HIMARS in Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday said in a progress report that missile and air strikes launched in the east of Ukraine destroyed “two launching ramps for U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS).”

National security spokesperson
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in a call with reporters, said Wednesday, “I’ve seen Russian claims that they hit a HIMAR system, and in response to this, we have no information to confirm that report.”

Kirby added that the Russians have released similar reports before, suggesting it is part of President
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disinformation campaign that paints Russia’s more than 10-month assault on Ukraine as a defensive military operation.

“Let’s be, just, real crystal clear here. This is a war by Russia on Ukraine,” Kirby said.

“And Mr. Putin can claim all he wants that this is some sort of fight against the West, it’s existential for his security, it’s the U.S. versus Russia, it’s NATO versus Russia — we all know that’s a bunch of B.S.,” he continued.

“Russia is the one who’s visited violence on the Ukrainian people at a scale that is quite historic and unprecedented. And we are and will continue to provide them the kinds of systems and assistance that they need to defend themselves.”

The Kremlin’s claims followed
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in territory it occupies in eastern Ukraine, where Russian officials said at least 63 of its soldiers were killed after coming under fire from what it said were U.S.-provided HIMARS.

Reached for comment, a Pentagon spokesperson said they “are aware of the reports but are unable to confirm the accuracy at this time.”

“We have deferred to Ukraine to speak to their own operations as they defend themselves from Russian aggression,” the Defense Department spokesperson said.

Kirby said that the
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administration could provide Ukraine with additional HIMARS, which stands for High Mobility Artillery Rocket System.
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For right now no HiMARS have been destroyed. Can't confirm doesn't mean they are hiding that a himars has been destroyed. If they wanted to hide a HiMARS destruction they would have flat out lied and said no HiMARS has been destroyed.

So for right now US can't confirm if what Russia is claiming is true. This article is hours long so they likely know by now and by tomorrow we'll officially know... if the media ask.


Registered Member
That video is 5 month old OPINION not confirmation. Besides US already debunked as of November.

Here is an article from today....

White House says it can’t confirm that US-supplied heavy artillery system destroyed by Russia in Ukraine​

The White House on Wednesday said there was no confirmation of reports from Moscow that the Russian military had destroyed a U.S.-supplied heavy artillery system called HIMARS in Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday said in a progress report that missile and air strikes launched in the east of Ukraine destroyed “two launching ramps for U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS).”

National security spokesperson
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in a call with reporters, said Wednesday, “I’ve seen Russian claims that they hit a HIMAR system, and in response to this, we have no information to confirm that report.”

Kirby added that the Russians have released similar reports before, suggesting it is part of President
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disinformation campaign that paints Russia’s more than 10-month assault on Ukraine as a defensive military operation.

“Let’s be, just, real crystal clear here. This is a war by Russia on Ukraine,” Kirby said.

“And Mr. Putin can claim all he wants that this is some sort of fight against the West, it’s existential for his security, it’s the U.S. versus Russia, it’s NATO versus Russia — we all know that’s a bunch of B.S.,” he continued.

“Russia is the one who’s visited violence on the Ukrainian people at a scale that is quite historic and unprecedented. And we are and will continue to provide them the kinds of systems and assistance that they need to defend themselves.”

The Kremlin’s claims followed
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in territory it occupies in eastern Ukraine, where Russian officials said at least 63 of its soldiers were killed after coming under fire from what it said were U.S.-provided HIMARS.

Reached for comment, a Pentagon spokesperson said they “are aware of the reports but are unable to confirm the accuracy at this time.”

“We have deferred to Ukraine to speak to their own operations as they defend themselves from Russian aggression,” the Defense Department spokesperson said.

Kirby said that the
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administration could provide Ukraine with additional HIMARS, which stands for High Mobility Artillery Rocket System.
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For right now no HiMARS have been destroyed. Can't confirm doesn't mean they are hiding that a himars has been destroyed. If they wanted to hide a HiMARS destruction they would have flat out lied and said no HiMARS has been destroyed.

So for right now US can't confirm if what Russia is claiming is true. This article is hours long so they likely know by now and by tomorrow we'll officially know... if the media ask.

You previously cited Gen. Milley, who also previously claimed the Afghan Army can withstand the Taliban. For that matter the White House claimed the Afghan Army can defend itself from the Taliban. The Afghan Army fell apart in days. The White House also claimed that inflation is also transitory. Now inflation is global and here to stay.