It's called controlling the narrative. The Obama administration is only trying to do damage control to the American people assuring that no laws were broken and Americans are not being outright spied upon without due cause. Yeah what about the rest of the world? It essentially says they're spying on everyone else in the world without restrictions. Which brings up if they believe that's okay, then what are they complaining about of what they have been accusing China? This basically gives the okay for every other country to do it and to especially the US.
I was watching the morning news round table shows and one person said Snowden revealing the US has been hacking China for years was out to hurt the US. What hurt the US is pointing the accusatory finger at China and making it out that it's only a one-way street and the US doesn't do such things. That means China knew all along the US was a liar after being publicly vilified. When the US tries to punish China for something they do themselves, you think China would be cooperative in the future knowing they're dealing with a liar? Beijing already knows the US is a liar. Most Americans I hear the reason why they hate China is because they believe the Chinese are lied to and taught to hate Americans. Well China can use that same logic against the US.
What the critics of Snowden don't really like is not that he hurt the US but he didn't help perpetuate the lie. The Superman movie Man of Steel just came out and some critics have come out angry at the internationalization of Superman when he's America's hero. Well wasn't Superman for truth, justice, and the American way? You can knock the first one out because this scandal shows lies are being protected. Which automatically knocks the second one out because if you lie there can't be justice. So the only thing left is the American way. Now the excuses for hacking into China fall in line that everyone does it. Maybe they should've acknowledged that from the very beginning instead of saying the US doesn't do such things. The spin is Americans are not outraged at even the possibility that they themselves are being spied upon by their own government. If that's the case and if the US acknowledged they spy and hack other countries including China then maybe Snowden would still be someone no one ever heard of working in his cubicle in Hawaii right now. Who would Superman protect? The one that revealed the truth or the one that lied?
very interesting take my friend. You brought up a nice moral dilemma, truth and justice. Either said, those hypocrites will keep on saying stuff and mess around with their own values just to try and bend logic in their favor, and try all sorts of blame the victim and fallacious stuffs to defend US. But the matter of truth is, their government has disgraced.