Whilst surfing the internet I can across this little gem. It is a threat guide published by the 185th Allied Force. The publication is available at:
MiG-21F/MF/PF/PFM Fishbed (Chengdu J-7)
The MiG-21 is one of the most produced aircraft in the history of aviation. The earliest production model is the MiG-21F Fishbed C that was only armed with the IR R-13M (AA-2 Atoll).
The MiG-21 MF/PF/PFM Fishbed J/D/F were equipped with an early engine that gives it a lot less acceleration compared to the late model Mig-21bis and MiG-21-93. The aircraft normally utilises ambush and slash-and-run tactics. The delta wing design results in very high drag in a turning fight and will rapidly bleed the energy from the aircraft, even in full afterburner. Against the F-16 it can easily be out-turned in a two circle fight (although it can out-turn an F-16 in Cat III mode) and the lower thrust to weight ratio puts it at a distinct disadvantage compared to the F-16 in a dogfight.
The RWR will only detect the F-16 at a range of approx 20 nm, making it very susceptible to long-range, high altitude BVR shots. The performance of the radar does not allow it to detect targets in look-down situations and look-up range is poor at 12-14 nm. The aircraft is not equipped with any jammers or CMDS. You are likely to find the Mig-21MF/PF/PFM equipped with R-13M/R (AA-2C and AA-2D) missiles. The lack of BVR weapons and all-aspect WVR missiles means this airplane is not much of a threat until it gets to the rear quarter.
The Chengdu J-7 is a Chinese built variant of the MiG-21PF/PFM Fishbed-F and is armed with the PL-2 or PL-7 missiles.
The Mig-21bis is an improved model featuring ground attack secondary capability, additional fuel capacity and an engine that provides over a third more thrust than the Fishbed F. This makes it more effective in the turning fight, although it can still be out turned by an F-16 in Cat I at corner airspeed. It may also be equipped with the more capable all aspect R-60 (AA-8) missile that makes the MiG-21bis a threat from the front quarter.
MiG-21-93 Fishbed
The MiG-21-93 is a derivative of the MiG-21bis. The upgrade is based on the Kopyo airborne radar and new weapons. It provides:
• Longer range air target detection and lock-on in look-up and look-down, carriage of the R-73 and R-77.
• Air target detection and engagement range in action in the front hemisphere;
• Track-while-scan mode with the capability of tracking up to 10 targets and engaging two of them;
• Capability to battle successfully with fourth-generation fighters
The advanced radar combined with the R-77 (AA-12 Adder) offer the MiG-21-93 a BVR and Home-on-Jam (HOJ) capability and the first shot over the F-16/AIM-120 combination. In the WVR arena the high off-boresight, manoeuvrability and range of the R-73 Mod 1 and 2 (AA-11 Archer) give the MiG-21-93 an advantage over the AIM-9M equipped Falcon and is equal to the AIM-9X.
The MiG-21-93 is a serious threat that should be taken as seriously as the most modern of fighters.
Mig-21 Fishbed/ Chengdu J-7 III
Armament: AA-2C (MiG-21F), AA-2C/D (MiG-21MF/PF/PFM),
AA-8 (MiG-21bis, MiG-21-93), R-73 Mod 1 &2 (93),
R-77 (MiG-21-93 )
Engine power: Low T/W ratio (Medium for Bis and 93)
A-A Threat Type: WVR Rear Aspect (MiG-21 PF/PFM)
Fwd Aspect (MiG-21bis)
BVR & WVR All-aspect (MiG-21-93)
Speed (top): Mach 1.8
Dogfight ability: Vertical: Very Low (PF/PFM), Low (Bis, 93)
Horizontal: Low-Med
Tactics: Ambush / Slash + Run
RWR: < 20 nm (PF/PFM, Bis) <25nm (93)
Radar Range
Look Up: (12 - 14 nm) (20nm+ for MiG-21-93)
Look Down: None (15nm+ for MiG-21-93)
Burnthrough Look Up: 6nm (10nm+ for MiG-21-93)
Burnthrough Look Up: 6nm (10nm+ for MiG-21-93)
Burnthrough Look down: 1nm (5nm+ for MiG-21-93)
CMDS / ECM: None
Primary Missions: Point defence CAP / Basic A-G
Characteristics: High drag in turning fight. RWR leaves it vulnerable to hi-alt, long-range BVR shots (except for MiG-21-93). Early variants are WVR only. Bis and 93 offer BVR capability. 93 carries R-73 and R-77.