Banned Idiot
@Bladerunner -- re the whole hello kitty thing (lol), I think A mace is referring to one of your posts a year or so back when you said a NZ radio station was saying how asian girls playing "chicken" on the roads were just waiting to get splattered along with their hello kitty shirts (or something along those lines). The tone you wrote it in, or at least the way I read it was a bit mocking and spiteful, but I'm not sure what point A mace is making exactly.
ok thanks, however the whole line including the "Hello Kitty T Shirt" was part of the radio hosts comment not mine.
Interesting how you remember me saying the radio host said were playing "chicken" while AM. says they were innocently crossing the roadand posed no threat. But thats AM for you, nothing surprising there.
I dont think i was being spiteful. I was angry more than anything else. I think I also told you I had a close call with them, and I think people playing chicken with traffic moving at speeds 80-100kph in poor visibility should be belittled.
But I think this is a good thread -- I'm learning things about this era I never knew before. It's a shame these less well known portions of history aren't shown on the history channel or nat geo or what not... instead they tend to focus on WWII half the time :/
Yep Hendrick is a Indo Chinese I gathered from another forum he participates in. I certainly give him respect for acknowledging that the Chinese brought dislike on themselves by their own actions rather than seeking to blame someone else