ROCAF Reportedly Concerned Over PL-12 Deployment
Getting back to one of the other items on ROC's buying list . . .
. . . this week's edition of Aviation Week has another article on Taiwan's purchase of additional AIM-120 missiles. According to this article, Taiwanese officials are being driven by concerns that the widespread deployment of the PL-12 will place their air force at a significant disadvantage.
Aviation Week & Space Technology
5 March 2007
Douglas Barrie and Amy Butler
"U.S. sources suggest that Taiwanese air combat modeling showed unfavorable attrition ratios in engagements with Chinese air force fighter aircraft equipped with the PL-12.
"Taiwan's AAM active radar-guided inventory includes the MBDA Mica, the nationally developed Tien Chien II and the AIM-120C5. The PL-12 has a dual-pulse solid-rocket motor, and is the heaviest of the weapons. It almost certainly kinematically outperforms the Tien Chien II and the Mica, and likely at least compares to the AIM-120C5."
The current purchase authorization, calls for a buy of 218 AIM-120C7 missiles - the latest version now in production.