Taiwan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Senior Member
is the leclerc lighter than the Abrams?

I'm pretty sure the ROCA doesn't need more artillery...

This move could pave way for improved military sales btwn France and Taiwan and could get Taiwan better upgrades for exisiting french equipment not to mention the possibility of future french fighter sales.

Yep, it's much lighter, but the protection level is not the same I think.


Junior Member
Yep...thats true when you have a huge arms deal from the US, a pro-china government and a global economic meltdown.

It's funny how when theres a global economic crisis France comes forward with weapons to sell to Taiwan, as no one else these days is buying weapons during times like these.

kliu0, your vision on this deal and any former FR/TW arm sales is a bit too sarcastic... And don t forget that France is still a major and worldwide arm dealer ...not only dealing with one or another.

French arm sales to Taiwan have been unofficially frozen for a while, since an agreement between France and China. But the situation has evolved and that s all water under the bridge now. RPC officials reacted pretty badly to the torch incidents (deplorable, of course but also occured in many other countries), and to the Sarkozy s meeting with the spiritual Buddhist leader... Recently, the last cancellations of (first) the UE/PRC in Lyon, and now the fact that France is ignored in next Wen's European itinerary (February) completely upset french officials.

To conclude kliu0, thanks God, the ties between Taiwan ROC and France are not only on major arms sales like aircrafts, tanks, missiles and weapons, frigates or artillery equipments. ;) They re also on cultural, environmental, democratic, or historical concerns.


Frankly, I doubt this will get beyond the talking stage. It cost the UAE $4 billion USD to by 400 Leclercs back in the 90s and the ROCA will have to make at least a similar sized purchase since one or two regiments will only be a logistical nightmare in addition to the current CM line of battle tanks. For $4 billion, the ROC could easily develop its own MBT program. And the Caesars are redundant. The Paladins are a perfectly fine system.


VIP Professional
The French are good cooks, but don't make reliable allies -- they're quick to switch positions.

Here's a comparison of MBT weight:
LeClerc MK2: 56.x metric tons
M1A2: 63 metric tons
M60A3: 51.7 metric tons
M60-2000: 55.6 metric tons
M60T (Sabra Mk.3): 59 (metric?) tons

The M1 is heavier, but ROC Army already operates >50 ton class tank. Also, I think the local industry is capable to rebuilding upgraded M60's.

The ROCAF Mirage 2000-5's could use an update to Mk.2 standard (2000-9), and the La Fayette frigates need real SAM's (Aster-15 or MICA-VL?). If selling new weapon systems is too controversial, then maybe an "upgrade" can slip through.
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Junior Member
"The French are good cooks, but don't make reliable allies -- they're quick to switch positions." :eek:ff

Ok then... can you explain us, Pal? I am all ears! :coffee:


Junior Member
"The French are good cooks, but don't make reliable allies -- they're quick to switch positions." :eek:ff

Ok then... can you explain us, Pal? I am all ears! :coffee:

As far as Taiwan is concerned, it is a potential problem, accentuated by the fact that France has been one of the countries lobbying for Europe to lift the arms sales ban on China. As Taiwan also uses French weaponry (notably Mirage 2000s), there is a fear that China will be able to get ahold of similar technology, which is obviously troublesome from Taiwan's perspective as a defender with already limited resources.

In a nutshell, the fact that France seems to be willing to sell weapons to both Taiwan and China is problematic, particularly from Taiwan's defense perspective. If the United States were to indicate that it would be willing to sell F-16s to China it would be the same problem.


Junior Member
If both USA and France can remain good military partners to Taiwan, it s not a bad News. What we want to know is the clear position of Mr. President OBAMA on US/Taiwan relationships...