The truth is in the future volunteers will be manning the high-end weapons while the 4-monthers will be fed into the meat grinder. Currently the entire Air Force and Navy is almost 100% staffed with volunteers already, that leaves 4-monthers to either the MP (Taiwan's MP's main job during war is to protect senior govt. officials), Marines or Army. Not many go to the MP since they are already staffed with mostly volunteers, so the great majority either goes to the Marines or Army. While most in the Army or Marines are infantry and get trained with your run-of-the-mill infantry weapons (assault rifle, machine gun, rocket launcher, grenade etc.) and infantry tactics (making fortifications, marching, weapons maintenance etc.), some are assigned to various positions, such as tankers, combat engineers, artillery crew, anti-air gun/missile etc.. Of course there are also a small minority who gets assigned to desk jobs as well. One can also become an officer if one takes a test and is qualified (I can be wrong on this one), but most are just infantry anyway. After all you need cannon fodder to defend the beaches, right??
Most of the infantry's job will be similar to this: