History is the guide here. With all the intel and high tech weaponry at their fingertips, the US, when they went all out to try and decapitaite Libya and Iraq, were unable to get Quadafi or Sadam Hussein with such strikes.
Here, the U S has specifically said it does not intend to do this, and has telegraphed this thing now for weeks. There will be no "surpise" and Assad has all the opportunity to move his own assestts and himself around to places of safety. Heck, when the time came close he should go dockside to the Russian vessels in port there.
But the US is not going to try and kill Assad. There is just far too much down side potential for that.
Therefore, the Russians will not instigate a shooting war between themselves and the US on the off chance that the US is not telling the truth about the intent of the strike.
It is not underestimating him to indicate that he is willing to conduct such a strike because he warned Assad to not cross a particular line, and then declares (twice now) that Assad has done so.
At any rate, this whole thing is more about Obama's international policy in the Mid-East coming completely undone than it would even be about him specifically saving face. I do not believe Assad used the weapons, not for a minute.
There is no proof that he did...just vague intel and hearsay based (IMHO) on what they want to believe happened.
For anyone looking at this rationally, it is obvious who had the most to gain and who had the most to loose by claiming Assad used such weapons. We know the rebels have them too, and they have videoed themselves using them.
Anyhow, at this point, it is a matter of waiting to see:
1) Will the US Congress authorize the use of force. The Senate, IMHO, is a fore gone conclusion and will vote, "Yes." The House however is not such a sure thing. Even though Boehner is saying he supports it, he has also said that it is up to Obama to convince his collegues to vote. IOW, Boehner is not willing to go out on any limb and tell others to support it because he believes it could well fail and doesn;t wnat the failure strapped around his neck.
If they do approve it, then a strike will follow quickly and we can then:
2) See what Russia does once those Tomahawks start flying.
I would like to come back on this on some general points Jeff, because I think they lie at the heart of the point that both Wolfie and I have been trying to make.
The argument between Russia and US is not about Punishment, Justice and Proportionality, it is about the very guilt itself.
Russia is not saying "Ok its a fair cop, Assad is banged to rights, let sort out the appropriate number of missiles and agree what they hit" Instead Russia is; I have no doubt, fully aware of what really happened, who it was that was responsible and knows well that Assad is being fitted up by Washington.
It is also a fair assumption that Washington is in doubt who actually did the attack and that it was not Assad. I have no doubt about that whatsoever.
Russia therefore knows that America wants specifically to blame Assad, irrespective of the truth. A lesser argument may be that Assad and his Government are bad people and need to be taken down for all the collective bad things they have done, irrespective of whether he did the Chemical attack or not. You could easily use the Al Capone example of Tax Evasion etc etc.
The trouble is, even this argument does not stack up because not only is the Assad not Hitler, the opposition are not Ghandi and Mother Theresa either. It is Al-qidea!
What then should Putin, Iran, China and many other countries think then when they look at this?
They will say "The Americans know exactly what happened here and even if they initially genuinely believed Assad was guilty, when they found out otherwise, they had the perfect foil to shift the blame onto. If there was one organisation that they could justify letting a Geopolitical opponent off the hook for, it is Al-Qidea. But they have not done so"
In fact it seems that rather than attribute blame, where it undoubtedly belongs, with the global terrorist organisation that has directly attacked the USA multiple times; not only abroad, but also at home, Washington would rather, knowingly, falsely accuse the Syrian Government and use this as a pretext to launch an attack, which has no legal basis in International Law whatsoever.
An attack which would be naked aggression as defined by International Law.
How can Putin and his allies conclude anything other that an attack launched by the US against Syria, under these circumstances cannot be for anything other than for the darkest of reasons and that nobody would go to these lengths of fabrication, just to justify a few missiles at a Milk Powder Factory.
Putin can only conclude the aim of such a actions would be not simply be a punitive warning, or even an attempt to change the game but a determination to end it.
I know that some people cannot conceive the Russians actively interdicting US missiles, but what makes anybody think that they would or could not do this? You have a situation where Russia is working with the legitimate government of a Sovereign State to prevent the aggression of an illegal attack, launched on the basis of a lie.
You cannot claim such an act as an escalation and then say that the Russians would themselves become a target. That would be an massive escalation and a wholly blatant aggression.
Obama has raised today the issue of credibility. I think Putin has a better claim to that argument for any interdiction he authorises, than does Mr Obama for ordering the attack.