China is in need of a speedy space buildup! PLA has no decent earlywarning, only limited IMINT and ELINT sats with modest capabilities and inadequate but at least functioning comsats.
Russia has conducted an almost complete restoration of her array of space assets during the last 3-4 years and consequently in 2009/10 Russia will have roughly the same space capabilties as the old USSR back in 1990 (including some improved sensors).
Putin indeed knows that situational awareness of the global strategic picture in a timely and precise fashion is a conditio sine qua non for a national leader who wants to make the most effective decisions for his country! Hu Jintao should watch, learn and finally make up his mind about China's strategic prorities.
May be he can be convinced of pouring the needed resources into building a mighty Second Artillery, an equally mighty space force and an effective nuclear subfleet...
Bandwagoning with the US in a deeply flawed GWOT would be the most stupid thing chinese leaders could currently do.
China would be well advised working along the axis Islamabad - Tehran - Bagdad (plus a possible annex Riyadh after inevitable biological changes in their octogenerian senilocracy and after all Cairo will also see a new leader with high probability in the next five years...
Of course China has to fight irrational terrorists and marginalized fanatics like Al Qaeda but Beijing must carefully hone her currently quite good reputation in muslim countries
and populations
by an unambiguous distance from aggressive US policies of coercion, blackmail and even war against ´disobeying´muslim states .
(Iran , Syria , Sudan, Lebanon-Hizballah, ´Hamastan´, Afghanistan-Taleban, Pakistan-Taleban/tribal-Area's, ...
phew a really long list:rofl: , by the way these countries have currently a population of around
320 million people!)