Star Wars & Sc-Fi Talk

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Still, it's not right to stereotype a group of people like that, deeming them to be less than human. That was not Gene Roddenberry intended Star Trek world.

The sad part is, this was set up by Roddenberry explicitly to criticize western culture, you can see it again in the season 1 finale neutral zone where the Enterprise crew just constantly rips into people who had been cryogenically frozen from the 1980s and who were revived during this episode. Hell the constant depiction of the Klingons during season 1 and 2 through Worf as being savage and animalistic isn't an accident. I forget where its from but Gene did state that the aliens featured on Trek were allegories for 'ghettoized' minorities who were unenlightened and needed the prophets from the federation to show them the way.

Again, Gene was raised in a conservative baptist society, and though he grew up to embrace a lot of the liberal values in California, and became quite anti-religious as a result, he was just a product of his time and that kind of racism wasn't really seen as a negative thing. Other writers who were venerated for seeing past race like Ayn Rand or Arthur C Clarke are all guilty of this, stereotyping hordes from Asia with no sense of self-preservation in their books or just outright stating that in public like Ayn Rand had done. The problem was lack of information sources, no internet and lack of travel, and scholarship in the west had prevented any kind of real study of Asia or Asian culture beyond the tired old Mongolian sttereotypes still promoted by the likes of Churchill, on top of which there's still an intense hatred of the poor and the third world in western culture so races who uplift themselves out of that muck like the Russians and Japanese are worthy of being called allies while Chinese and sometimes Indians should be condemned to death for not being productive.

Again this is actually the norm in how Americans judge other cultures for most of history, which you can see in news commentaries on issues like the wars between Japan and China in the early 20th century. Its only changed now thanks to the Internet.

Player 0

Junior Member
By the time of TNG, they were a little more politically correct about it. Notice when Klingons and Ferengi became more likable, they moved away from the stereotypes? How about the Cardassians were the Chinese and the Bajorans were the Tibetans. I know... many groups have identified themselves as Bajorans. I've heard Palestinians identify themselves as Bajorans and the Israelis as Cardassians but given Hollywood's history who do you think they molded the situation more from?

That's plainly obvious, though to be fair the Cardassians and Klingons, and to a lesser extent the Romulans are sympathetically portrayed, and in the case of the Klingons romanticized, though a lot of this has to do with new writers like Ronald D Moore taking over and having a more cosmopolitan and modern view of how the world is.

But you can still see a lot of racism just in how the aliens are portrayed: The Bajorans have almost no make up and are very sympathetic, by comparison the Kazon on Voyager are basically proto-Klingons and are always the villains even though their backstory is exactly the same as the Bajorans. Yes the Kazon are marauding barbarians, yes the Kazon have hounded the Voyager crew since the first episode, but that doesn't change the fact that they are that way because they were the victims of dehumanizing colonialism and imperialism, by comparison their oppressors are treated much more sympathetically with less make up because they're more obviously like Israelis vs Kazon Palestinians, their culture is similar to Federation culture and values and they are more advanced scientifically and technologically, but that doesn't change the fact that they oppressed and dehumanized the Kazon, and only stopped after a violent overthrow not some enlightened reforms, and now they want to exterminate the Kazon as a race but are still treated more sympathetically than the Kazon.

Yeah, Voyager sucked precisely because it fell back on an extremely racist idea, the less you are like me the more evil you must be irrelevant of the reasons for this situation, and if i have more advanced technology than you it must mean i'm morally superior. It could've really shown Trek's maturity to tackle such a morally ambigeous subject and to accept good and evil doesn't always appear black and white and our pre-conceptions of such are unreliable, but VOY was full of cowards who were never willing to take risks, a sad history of Trek which aspired to do so much more.


Junior Member
Hey guys, was browsing some reddit threads and i found something a bit disturbing, that is kinda a recurring theme in some fanon and the somewhat racist writings of Gene himself, that is the distinct lack of East Asian, primarily Chinese, and South Asians being represented in post-apocalyptic earth.

Putting aside all the Federation's other problems like the fact that it seems like 80-90% of Starfleet is a Terran organization, even Terrans themselves are pretty monolithic with a predominantly American or British cultural background for its peoples and maybe the occassional token white person from continent Europe, but everyone outside that area is usually British or American culturally.

A prevailing theory among some fans being that the poorly developed or explained WWIII and Eugenics war happened exclusively in Asia with the destruction of China and India. Considering how things are today, this just horribly dated cold war thinking and quite honestly seem to run counter to Trek's core themes, right up there with how Ex Astra Scientia has criticized Trek's repeated use of WWII German nazis as badguys in various scenarios, it really just shows a very narrowminded style of thinking, though i chalk this up to thoughtlessness and generational cultural issues than maliciousness or white supremacy.

With that said i think that kind of shows the superiority of comics over television, as new writings and editors are constantly brought in the culture receives constant facelifts while Trek was and still is the product of maybe a dozen or so writers and producers. A pretty good example is how universe reboots are used constantly in DC comics to update the universe and its sensibilities and rewrite aspects of continuity to match up with current generational culture, or you could also do this with the retconed introduction of the Denobulans, say they were always there but the stories were relatively narrow in focus and prevented their representation. Anyway i wouldn't personally remove the whole WWIII/Eugenics angle, because i do think it works, but i would rewrite it to say that all of earth was devastated or the damage wasn't bad enough to make it Fallout bad, more like the world we saw in Ghost in the Shell but with less advanced technology.

Looking back at descriptions of pre-Fed trek earth's history, it comes off as really Euro centric and incredibly anachronistic, seriously in Roddenberry's novelization of TMP he basically says Europe was unscatched and became a philosophers' paradise, something that i see as being akin to, if Trek were written back in say the 1500s, saying that only greece, Italy and Turkey would survive as the centres of civilization.

It just bothers me that in a show that venerates diversity, enlightenment and cultural inclusion that such anachronisms still exist, if Trek ever gets itself some real committed Worldbuilding projects going to reinvigorate the Prime universe's canon, this is definitely one of things that needs to be addressed.

Let us also not for get the only Asians that are created are Japanese and Korean.(though actors are not necessarily are of those specific ethnicity.) Sulu an Hoshi(japanese) Ensign Kim(korean). Somehow Chinese have become an endangered species

Not gonna happen any time soon especially after how they screwed up Enterprise. But Star Trek has been ruined for me by to much fan service and just terrible writing. The fan fiction is even worse in one that some told me everyone in the galaxy somehow joins the Federation and there is a new enemy but there basically a carbon copy of the last one and to fix them they need to be taught human values.

The majority of super fans just want the franchise to be like candy. Nothing to serious, reinforces their parochialism and the image of themselves.

Enterprise should have been the struggle on what the mission of star fleet the military threat types vs the explorers. But no we get a so so attempt to reboot the original star trek but without the original characters.

Mainstream comic books suffer from the same problem the indies are starting to get better but could fall into the same trap.

Brandon M. Easton writes for Bleeding Cool. He is a current Thundercats and Transformers animation writer and recently had his first graphic novel, Shadowlaw, published.

Part I: Business as Usual.

A few weeks back, Rich Johnston published an article by Tim Hanley examining the employment numbers of White women, women of color and non-White men at Marvel Entertainment and DC Entertainment. The findings were awful but not unexpected as the Big Two have long been dominated by a culture of nepotism that routinely excludes women and non-White men, particularly Black/African-American men.

Clearly, breaking into Marvel or DC is insanely difficult and few people of any background manage to get close; but the fact that there are less than 3.0% of Blacks credited on all Marvel and DC titles as of June 2012 illustrates a serious problem that requires greater exploration. I’m not the first one to discuss this as Christopher Priest, Reginald Hudlin and Dwayne McDuffie have shared their valuable experiences as Black men working in the mainstream comic book industry. Their experiences haven’t always been pleasurable and now, in 2012, things don’t seem to have gotten better.

Before I go further, we must understand that American race relations are very complicated and cannot be fully explained or understood through the microcosm of superhero comics. Any anonymous internet discussion of racism (in comics and in general) usually morphs into a virtual pissing match of accusation, denial, debasement, personal anecdotes and a lack of common decency. Everything becomes personalized, people make speeches and few walk away with increased clarity on the issues of race and prejudice. In the U.S., it becomes a situation where some White people feel personally indicted as a racist and the burden rests on Black people to 1) prove racism still exists and impacts all of us, 2) explain the difference between a White person living their daily lives vs. the institutionalized system of racism, and 3) defend yourself against claims of “reverse” racism as the very mention of the issue means that you hate White people. Almost every online discussion of race boils down to these three arguments before it’s all said and done. And ultimately, nothing changes because some folks refuse to separate the system from their personal identity.

Let me give you an example, during my undergraduate years, I took a few classes dealing with feminism and gender studies. I never once considered myself, a Black male, as a participant in sexism and patriarchy. I always thought of myself as being “more” enlightened than my male brethren on issues of equal rights for women. The revelation that I had sexist ideas drilled into my psyche was unsettling. I hated feeling like a bad guy. First, I blamed my professors, labeling them as “feminazis.” Then I gave endless examples from my personal life about how fairly I treated women compared to most men. For months, I carried a deep, burning hatred of feminism and those who preached the tenets of gender politics because I believed that the problem wasn’t “that bad” and it would go away if they would just shut up. Eventually, after many long years of self-reflection, I realized that it was not me – Brandon Easton – they were criticizing; it was the system of sexism itself and showing me how I was an unwilling participant in patriarchy didn’t mean I was an evil person. It just meant I needed to grow as a human being.

One more thing, I’m not an advocate of affirmative action in comics. Either you have talent or you don’t. The problem is that those with talent aren’t getting the same opportunity to pitch ideas as others. The numbers don’t lie. The question is why are the numbers so low?

I should delineate between comic book illustrators and comic book writers. To break in these days, a writer must distinguish themselves in Hollywood and/or the independent comics scene and/or be a creator of something in popular entertainment. The few Black writers who’ve been employed by Marvel or DC in the last few years have fit the bill (Eric Wallace, Felicia Henderson, Eric Jerome Dickey, Hudlin). However, there have been writers at Marvel and DC who never had to be someone notable outside of the realm of graphic novels to get a gig.

It’s not a racist or biased statement to say that the majority of the editors at Marvel and DC are White males from suburban backgrounds. Just as it isn’t a racist statement to say that the majority of NBA players are Black males from working class backgrounds. It’s not the statement, it’s the sentiment. The argument usually is this: “The reason the mainstream comic book industry infrastructure is predominantly White is because mainly White males read comic books. These same White males fall in love with the characters and then fall in love with the industry and then a few of them pursue it seriously as a career. The numbers in the industry reflect this and it’s not the result of racial engineering.”

That argument wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t a flat out lie. While there is no way to accurately measure the ethnic makeup of the mainstream comic book audience, one only has to use their eyes and ears to reach a cursory conclusion that it’s not a White-males-only party. I started reading comics in 1981 or 82, I can’t remember because I’m getting old. I do remember that it was a MARVEL TALES issue reprinting an original Amazing Spider-Man story by Lee/Ditko where Peter fights Flash Thompson in a boxing ring. In my elementary school, which was 70% Black (I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD), all my friends read comic books. Most of my friends were Black boys. And as I went through middle school, high school, college and graduate school, I noticed that there were a ton of Marvel and DC fans who were Black, Latino, Asian, Native American, Gay, Lesbian, developmentally disabled and physically handicapped, male and female.

Many of the Black folks I work with today in Hollywood are lifelong fans of Marvel and DC Comics. Go to San Diego Comic Con, New York Comic Con, WonderCon, Comikaze, Anime Expo or any of the larger conventions across the nation and you will see a very diverse population of fans that are over the age of 30. Then there are the Black-themed conventions like the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention in Philadelphia, OnyxCon in Atlanta, Motor City Black Age of Comics () and there was even a Black Comic Book Day held in Harlem in NYC over the last few years. And I’m not even going to address the Black cosplayers LOL.

The point here is that historically-speaking, no one can make the argument that there haven’t been Black people interested in mainstream superhero comic books; at least, not from the late 1970s onward. I’m surrounded by very talented, incredibly intelligent and remarkably geeky Black professional writers all the time. Some of them create in the independent comics scene and others stick to Hollywood television and film. Almost all of them would love the opportunity to do work at Marvel and DC. So again, the question is why are the numbers so low?

At this point, I may offend some folks, so if you’re the type who is easily offended by honest discussions of prejudice and race, then stop reading. Now, here is where it gets complicated. There are those who confuse the terms “racism” and “prejudice.” Some believe the terms are interchangeable.

I don’t.

From a purely sociological definition, prejudice is having an assumption about a person, group, place, thing, food, etc. without an experience to justify that assumption; hence, to “pre-judge” something. That said, we all have prejudices, heck, I was prejudiced against sushi for decades before trying it. I am prejudiced about living in certain kinds of neighborhoods. I am prejudiced against driving SUVs with low gas mileage. I am also prejudiced against being the only Black person in a room and if I know that there won’t be at least two or three other Black people in attendance at an event, I tend to avoid it. Prejudices aren’t rational, they just exist.

It’s well-known that Black Americans have a perception problem. Even though the majority of Black Americans are middle class, we still are generally considered to be dirty, poor, angry, violent, irresponsible, inherently stupid, morally depraved and whiny with a never-ending sense of entitlement. Black males are considered to the worst of the worst in almost every conceivable category of society. It’s not much of stretch to assume that there are a lot of people in the U.S. and the world who possess an anti-Black Male prejudice.

I deal with it all the time. Pretty much every day I step outside. There’s a tangible fear of me no matter where I go. People are less gentle and less kind, there’s an assumption that I’m a moron and a pathological liar. There’s no effort made to get to know me as an individual, rather, people often speak to me in street slang or make stereotypical comments about basketball and drugs (I’m asked where to score cocaine or marijuana). The comic book industry is not immune to this mentality.

Part II: My Experiences

I said before that people confuse racism and prejudice. The difference is that racism = prejudice + power. A lot of people have prejudices but not everyone has the power to transform that prejudice into a stimulus that can affect jobs, economics, education and housing. I know some Black folks who scream and holler about White people but it doesn’t change a single thing. That’s prejudice.

There are Whites who scream and holler about Black people and they get increased police protection or get congressional districts realigned to keep their kids away from predominantly Black school districts and cause those school districts to lose funding, therefore affecting the lives of Black students. That’s racism.

I’ll never forget the first time I learned that there were a lot of bigots in the comic book industry. Not too long after SDCC 1999, a group of Black comic book creators met in an apartment in Manhattan. It wasn’t a planned thing, a popular artist was in town and we grabbed some beers and met him. Soon, a party of six became a party of twenty. Most of the guys there were illustrators but there were a few writers, colorists and editors in attendance. While they were all Black men, none of these guys were similar. Some were Baptists, some Republicans, some were Muslim, some Catholic, some were gay, some were liberal and some were anarchists. It was a very, very eclectic mix of personalities and attitudes.

Eventually, the conversation turned into a series of jokes about the racist crap some of them had recently experienced. After a few moments, the tone got serious and the name of a White male editor at the Big Two kept coming up.

Then another name. Then another.

After thirty minutes of this racist roll call, those guys all realized that the same five White editors had treated them the same. And the only common thread was the color of their skin. Of course, for every racist name mentioned there were six or seven guys who were decent human beings. There’s an old saying about never meeting your heroes, and this conversation bothered me on a deep level. I’m going to reveal a secret about Black males – a lot of us are naïve idealists. We actually believe that people are going to judge us on the content of our character rather than the color of our skin. What you see is our reaction to constantly having our hearts broken by the realization that yet another White person is counted as an enemy. Disappointment can be worse than hate.

Fast forward a few years, I had a meeting at the Big Two. An assistant editor set up a meeting with his boss after I sent him some pitches. I emailed his boss back and forth for a week or two and things were pleasant. The last step was a face-to-face meeting to nail down the specifics. Stepping into that office the first time was an amazing feeling, a fulfillment of a lifelong ambition. I was dumbstruck by how cool that place was and the euphoria lasted only a moment as I saw one of their “superstar” editors and he completely ignored me when I said hello and tried to introduce myself. I told the assistant editor what happened and he was shocked, replying, “Really? He did that? Weird.”

I let it go and prepared for my meeting with his boss. The “meeting” lasted about 180 seconds. The person saw me, realized I was a big Black dude, their eyes widened and their body language betrayed a revulsion they’d never admit to in polite company. I don’t remember what they said except “I’ll be in touch.” I never heard from this editor again. I told the assistant editor what occurred and he didn’t have a logical explanation for his boss’ behavior. But I understood, I understood all too well.

I could easily recount another twenty incidents that were racially tinged; situations where the gig was available until I showed up in person for a meeting, interactions that were strangely uncomfortable and awkward, people who refused to make eye contact or shake my hand, editors flat out lie to me about the availability of writing assignments but told my White male colleagues to give them a call later. There are only so many times these situations can be explained away as coincidence or bad luck.

Part III: Why the Numbers Are So Low

The idea that there are less than 3.0% of Blacks credited on recent books at Marvel and DC is beyond absurd. It’s embarrassing and problematic. It’s endemic of the greater problem of racial misunderstanding and a massive lack of concern about proper representation in the industry. The truth is this: Marvel and DC aren’t in the business of telling meaningful stories about Blacks or providing gigs to qualified minority talent. The Big Two are primarily interested in keeping their intellectual properties viable for the next fifty years. It’s not just about comic books and movies, it’s about video games, backpacks, balloons, t-shirts, sneakers, hats, cereal boxes and other accessories.

Editors are busy folks. Editors have to manage entire lines, juggle multiple levels of continuities and make their superiors happy all on a deadline. I respect the work they have to do. However, editors have their own set of priorities, prejudices and expectations. Most of the editors out there aren’t bad people, but some of them have the idea that the only writers out there qualified to tell stories about billion dollar characters are other White guys from suburban backgrounds. This means that a non-White male will have almost no chance to pitch story ideas and concepts.

I don’t have to tell you that the American superhero comic book industry is in dire straits. The sales are in the toilet and continue to shrink despite momentary upticks caused by gimmicky “big event” crossovers. The new push for digital distribution should have been in place 15 years ago when the internet took hold of the pop culture landscape. The call for racial and gender diversity has never been fully embraced even though it is crystal clear that the world of social justice outside the industry has changed at an exponential rate.

I reflect on the words of my friend Peter Briggs, the “Hellboy” screenwriter who was once asked “Why do Hollywood films suck so often?”

Briggs replied, “Incompetence is rife in this business, and egos make it worse. And there’s a culture of poker buddy, frat boy nepotism that fosters ‘who you know’ and filters out genuine talent. And that’s why bad movies get made.”

Replace movies with comic books in this equation. Add in egos fueled by bigotry and the sum is about 3.0%.

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Junior Member
Well not surprising when all the baddies of Star Trek have Asian traits. Back during the time of the original series China was seen as more evil than the Soviet Union. Klingons were obviously a representation of China. They even had Chinese names. In the episode where they had a planet that paralleled Earth but the communists took over and Americans were the romanticized version of American Indians, the "Comms" were Asian.

If you look at the history of how extraterrestrial aliens were depicted by the West, they are Asians. Short, hairless, almond eyes... You also have to remember that the West believed religiously the further away people where from the center of God's universe, which was Western Europe, the closer you were aligned with the Devil. Not only is the Far East probably the furthest away, Westerners also believed Asians weren't even from this planet hence the derogatory name of "Celestials" was given.

I remember I told this little history to someone once and he had that knee-jerk reaction that I was trying to make everything look like racism. Then I just said, "Ming, the Merciless, from the planet Mongo" and he shut up after that.

The Bat leth it's two Chinese hook swords or Deer's antlers Dagg

When George Lucas took all that heat when the prequels were released about having alien characters sounding like stereotypical ethnicities, I thought Star Trek was more guilty. When you look at the traits of Ferengi... stereotypes of Asians being money-driven and materialistic and demeaning towards women and they use chopsticks.

Pretty much this and you can still see it just by reading any piece of American fiction written by someone who is linked to the bible belt, its an attitude and ignorance strongly propagated for propaganda reasons, something not helped by the fact that it seem a lot of Americans who hold these attitudes see things like higher education or even just reading or watching news sources other than fox to be poisonous brainwashing.

Also to be fair, the Ferengi were really more stereotypes of western capitalists, especially jews so its fairer to say the Ferengi are more anti-Jewish than anti-Asian, with that said Ferengi is actually derived by the Iranian word Ferang which is a transliteration of the word Frank, and thus refers to European traders in general. In their introductory ep it was explicitly stated by the characters, maybe Picard or Data that Ferengi culture resembled those of Yankee traders. So yeah early TNG was more an indictment of American culture

By the time of TNG, they were a little more politically correct about it. Notice when Klingons and Ferengi became more likable, they moved away from the stereotypes? How about the Cardassians were the Chinese and the Bajorans were the Tibetans. I know... many groups have identified themselves as Bajorans. I've heard Palestinians identify themselves as Bajorans and the Israelis as Cardassians but given Hollywood's history who do you think they molded the situation more from?

Klingons are suppose to the Chinese politically/militarily/and almost culturaly and their portrayal coincides with Sino/US relations. Original Trek late 60's just before the normalization of relations between the two. STNG late 80s to mid 90s Klingons and Federation are at peace but the Klingon system prone to internal instability except when the Romulans are about(AKA Russians) same as PRC and US before 1990. DS9 90s klingons and Fed still reasonably friendly except for the occasional flare ups just like the US and PRC from 97-02. After 2000 Enterprise and the new movies the Klingons are bad guys again just as some say about Chinese.

To me thought the Cardassians are a mix of the old Imperialist/Colonial powers particularly in how they've been described in their use of rape and murder to subdue the populations planets with resources.

The Bat leth is basically two Chinese hook swords or Deer's antler daggers welded together.
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Player 0

Junior Member
Actually if anything the Klingons are closer to being Russian or Japanese, whereas the Romulans are more likely the Asian analogue because of their connection with the Vulcans clearly indicates a NKorea/SKorea type of characterization.


In the original Star Trek I always imagined the Klingons being the Russians and the Romulans as the Chinese, since the Romulans received the klingon equipment such as the DS-7 cruisers. Just like the Chinese in the 70s receive much of the higher tech military equipment from the Russians


Tyrant King
The Klingon's in the Original series were always meant to be Russian, at the Time of the TOS the Chinese were still more or less bit players.
Look at the Klingon's in the Series, they conformed to American Propaganda of Russians in a number of episodes they play roles seen in real life being played by the Russians, A private little War is a parable of the Vietnam war. a local people divided into two factions, The Klingon's are arming on half Kirk starts arming the other side and it all goes to hell when his Phaser gets into the hands of the locals.
The Romulans were The Chinese, the Technology exchange of the Enterprise incident. I mean Even the division of Vulcan and Romulan Culture although Revered was a direct parallel to the ROC( Taiwan), PRC dispute.

Mace Brought up a Episode called Omega Glory, In which a Alien Culture that seems to have one for One'd those of Earth Infact the Divisions are intended to do so. One of the Groups is Yang's These are not The Chinese, Yang's is a Mangled version of Yankee's They are Directly Americans their "Holly Words" Are the American Pledge of Allegiance and Constitution. They bear the American Flag. They are intended to be interpreted as the Result of Cold war Fears. A post apocalyptic scenario in which Americans were Chased form there Homes and forced to live off the land. The Survivors being those who already were mostly out casts. Native american Reservations, Back hills Country guys. those who lived off the land
The otherside the Kohm, a mangling of Communists, They were played by Asian Actors dressed like Mongals true but had the Cold war gone hot at that time the Russians would likely have been wiped out this would have left the Communist outer ring, Cuba, China, North Korea, and Vietnam. This was supposed to be a Morality Tale. A literal Take on the Quote by Albert Einstein that he had no Idea what weapons would fight World war 3 but World war 4 would be sticks and Stones. and that's what you saw. Clubs and Rocks.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
That episode the Omega Glory was on MeTv this past Saturday.

This was supposed to be a Morality Tale.

Nearly all episodes of the orginal Star Trek were meant to be morality plays.

IMO the best episode of the original Star Trek was "City on the Edge of Forever". A 33 year old Joan Collins was Capt. Kirk love interest. The lighting on her face was fantastic.


Lieutenant General
Yes they blended cultures and societies but Klingons having Chinese names and Fu Manchu mustaches is pretty much a dead giveaway that 's what they were mainly thinking.


Lieutenant General
I think some of you may be reading too much (or too little) into things.

I always saw the Klingons as being based on a mix of Russian and Japanese sterotypical traits more than Chinese.

You have the loud, drunk Russian side mixed with the with fanatical, almost suicidal warrior code and preference for charging at the enemy with bladed weapons rather than shooting with ranged weapons that is supposed to pass for Japanese culture, especially coloured by popular western WWII depictions.

Rather than trying to see which villains western writers tries to pretend to be China, I always find the almost nonexistent reference to Chinese or Chinese culture in futurist scifi worlds the most telling and racist, because there is simply no place for the Chinese in their little fictional universe of a future.