Star Wars & Sc-Fi Talk


Banned Idiot
But without Anakin there would be no Luke and Lea and no episodes 4-6.
I’ll bet money on an Imperial Curser over a Federation Starship.

The imperial cruiser with their daunting "turbo lasers"?

The empire has to build a battle station the size of the moon to destroy a planet. The federation can blow up a star with a small vial of "red matter". I leave you to consider who will win and who will never make it out alive from a long long time ago.


The imperial cruiser with their daunting "turbo lasers"?

The empire has to build a battle station the size of the moon to destroy a planet. The federation can blow up a star with a small vial of "red matter". I leave you to consider who will win and who will never make it out alive from a long long time ago.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm......Yes, I see you point.
We may have to use "The FORCE" LOL

I wonder if Light Sabres can deflect Phasors?


Tyrant King
Even if they could Picard would deploy his secret weapon. He would trap them in a force field and have Mr. Data read poetry to them. If they don't commit the Jedi version of Seppuku they would then be given lectures on truthfulness, cultural awareness and the evolved sensibility's of the twenty fourth century by captain Picard.
that would have the Jedi asking Picard to give English lessons to Master Yoda.
if however it came battle to battle against the empire. There would be a great disturbance in the force as the Enterprise hid herself in a solar corona and then abused the death star with a artificial solar flare that if it did not destroy the station would most likely severely cripple it. And render it open to the Enterprises weapons which are far more precise then anything that was ever shown in the star wars universe.


Even if they could Picard would deploy his secret weapon. He would trap them in a force field and have Mr. Data read poetry to them. If they don't commit the Jedi version of Seppuku they would then be given lectures on truthfulness, cultural awareness and the evolved sensibility's of the twenty fourth century by captain Picard.
that would have the Jedi asking Picard to give English lessons to Master Yoda.
if however it came battle to battle against the empire. There would be a great disturbance in the force as the Enterprise hid herself in a solar corona and then abused the death star with a artificial solar flare that if it did not destroy the station would most likely severely cripple it. And render it open to the Enterprises weapons which are far more precise then anything that was ever shown in the star wars universe.

The question is where or not Jedi mind tricks will work on Captain Picard?
And yes Yoda needs to learn to speak correctly. He is a Jedi Master after all…

What would Master Obi Wan do?


Tyrant King
I am betting the resemblance to Professor Xavier would have the Jedi worried. But if they did get in there I figure that Picard's past dealings with the Borg would probably make him immune.
but eventually it would lead to a peaceful tea side peace conference.


Lieutenant General
We should hear more on Star Wars casting since principle shooting is said to start in May. Here's someone who's reported to be playing the villain. I hope this is not what the villain is going to look like and he's under makeup effects because he looks like he could play an evil follower but not an evil leader.

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I am betting the resemblance to Professor Xavier would have the Jedi worried. But if they did get in there I figure that Picard's past dealings with the Borg would probably make him immune.
but eventually it would lead to a peaceful tea side peace conference.

I can defiantly see Qui-Gon Jinn and Picard have Earl Grey tea and putting everything in order.


The imperial cruiser with their daunting "turbo lasers"?

The empire has to build a battle station the size of the moon to destroy a planet. The federation can blow up a star with a small vial of "red matter". I leave you to consider who will win and who will never make it out alive from a long long time ago.

Lord Vader can choke you to death before you get any chance to deploy the "red matter", or use his Jedi mind to make you deploy the "red matter" on your own planet :p;)


Banned Idiot
Lord Vader can choke you to death before you get any chance to deploy the "red matter", or use his Jedi mind to make you deploy the "red matter" on your own planet :p;)

Yeah, just like how he choked Han, Chewbaca or Lando to keep the rickety millenium falcon that was practically right in front of his face from escaping, three times. ;)

The power to destroy a planet might be insignificant next to the power of the force, but the power of the force sure was outmatched by a tiny rag tag band in a rickety garbage scow of a ship. :rofl: