Star Wars & Sc-Fi Talk


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It's like political correctness. It's been around a lot longer than you think but the Republicans gave it a name to make it sound like it was new and foreign because they're not the beneficiaries of it now. They had no problem when John Wayne was playing Genghis Khan. Anybody been watching House of the Dragon? Now the anti-woke crowd has a problem with black people being able to ride dragons because dragons don't just let anyone ride them you know. In some places it use to be you couldn't ride a horse if you weren't white. Horses to some were seen as majestic creatures just like dragons are seen. That's why they were only reserved for privileged people to ride.

If you watch stuff like Star Trek, don't you think Chinese would be all over space? You see more aliens than you see Asians. And like Star Wars, Star Trek isn't popular in China either to which the producers of Star Trek wish were otherwise. They make so many different series for Star Trek, why don't they make a Star Trek series for China only where most of the cast is Chinese if they want Chinese to be fans? When China first sent a Taikonaut into space, there were Americans that said the rocket should've been shot down. Yes Westerners see China going to space as cheapening the achievement thus were against it and all Chinese ventures into space. Yeah and some don't believe that there were ever laws that prevented non-whites from riding a horse...

Like I mentioned before, Western science fiction wants to promote their idea of openness but it only comes from a Western perspective. Look at the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still. You think aliens would care to save the animals while looking at humans with disdain destroying the Earth? That's how Western animal rights activists think. Microscopic organisms are just as innocent as unintelligent animals. I'm sure the aliens didn't save them all while wanting to destroy the Earth.

The West is full of hypocrites. Westerners are hiding behind freedom... only for themselves. They ain't as noble as they think they are. Hitler can argue he was a defender of freedom by the West's definition. Who's not going to believe Hitler wasn't for freedom for himself? Westerners will deny the freedom of others if it interferes with what they want. They're no different from any dictator they vilify.

Why do you even need to blame Star Trek and Star Wars? Both series are created by American for American audience. Not for Chinese in China. If you want to blame, just blame Chinese movie makers, and maybe the government, for nobody create sci-fi like Star Trek or Star Wars, but make Kungfu and cultivation fantasy instead.

I really want to watch Chinese Space Opera, but what I get is another Condor Heroes series and Ancient Costume Dramas. Even with that, I can't find such a good show like the shows that created by China in early 2000 to 2011. The only sci-fi that I can find from China is Three Body Problem. Don't you think that there is something wrong with Chinese Movie Makers?

Now, if China still like in 20th century, then I can accept their limitation. But today, China is a tech giant, and also a space faring nation. Don't you think that it is the time for them to shift the show from Ancient costume drama to "Futuristic" one? China can't even beat Japan in term of creativity. While Japan never send their Astronaut to the space, but they have good sci-fi and space opera to sell. But the only sci-fi from China that I can find only come from Liu Cixin.

It feel that China always prefer look behind to the past, and never see forward to the future. Isn't that bad for a tech giant and space faring nation to not having a vision to the future? Because a nation like China need inspiration and creativity. But what we get is the imagination of the past.

Why so fascinated to the past? There are a lot of great nation in the past who become a so-so nations today. Like Egypt, Rome, and specially Mongol. If China succumb themselves into the past, and never has an aspiration for the future, don't you think that slowly, but surely China will be like Egypt or Mongol? A country who had a great leader, fascinated by the world in the past, maybe was feared by many, and conquered a lot of land, but become nobody today.
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Registered Member
Why do you even need to blame Star Trek and Star Wars? Both series are created by American for American audience. Not for Chinese in China. If you want to blame, just blame Chinese movie makers, and maybe the government, for nobody create sci-fi like Star Trek or Star Wars, but make Kungfu and cultivation fantasy instead.

I really want to watch Chinese Space Opera, but what I get is another Condor Heroes series and Ancient Costume Dramas. Even with that, I can't find such a good show like the shows that created by China in early 2000 to 2011. The only sci-fi that I can find from China is Three Body Problem. Don't you think that there is something wrong with Chinese Movie Makers?

Now, if China still like in 20th century, then I can accept their limitation. But today, China is a tech giant, and also a space faring nation. Don't you think that it is the time for them to shift the show from Ancient costume drama to "Futuristic" one? China can't even beat Japan in term of creativity. While Japan never send their Astronaut to the space, but they have good sci-fi and space opera to sell. But the only sci-fi from China that I can find only come from Liu Cixin.

It feel that China always prefer look behind to the past, and never see forward to the future. Isn't that bad for a tech giant and space faring nation to not having a vision to the future? Because a nation like China need inspiration and creativity. But what we get is the imagination of the past.

Why so fascinated to the past? There are a lot of great nation in the past who become a so-so nations today. Like Egypt, Rome, and specially Mongol. If China succumb themselves into the past, and never has an aspiration for the future, don't you think that slowly, but surely China will be like Egypt or Mongol? A country who had a great leader, fascinated by the world in the past, maybe was feared by many, and conquered a lot of land, but become nobody today.
Japan produced its best works during the postwar era, when it could allow '1000 schools of thought‘ to develop on their own right, because its boundaries were already drawn and fixed and thus no longer had the need to ensure a unified single direction for its society to develop into. Prior to WWII, I don't believe there were any notable non-propaganda Japanese films.

China is in the pre WWII stage right now, and needs a unified single direction for society to follow; the entertainment industry is the least of worries.


Lieutenant General
Why do you even need to blame Star Trek and Star Wars? Both series are created by American for American audience. Not for Chinese in China. If you want to blame, just blame Chinese movie makers, and maybe the government, for nobody create sci-fi like Star Trek or Star Wars, but make Kungfu and cultivation fantasy instead.

I really want to watch Chinese Space Opera, but what I get is another Condor Heroes series and Ancient Costume Dramas. Even with that, I can't find such a good show like the shows that created by China in early 2000 to 2011. The only sci-fi that I can find from China is Three Body Problem. Don't you think that there is something wrong with Chinese Movie Makers?

Now, if China still like in 20th century, then I can accept their limitation. But today, China is a tech giant, and also a space faring nation. Don't you think that it is the time for them to shift the show from Ancient costume drama to "Futuristic" one? China can't even beat Japan in term of creativity. While Japan never send their Astronaut to the space, but they have good sci-fi and space opera to sell. But the only sci-fi from China that I can find only come from Liu Cixin.

It feel that China always prefer look behind to the past, and never see forward to the future. Isn't that bad for a tech giant and space faring nation to not having a vision to the future? Because a nation like China need inspiration and creativity. But what we get is the imagination of the past.

Why so fascinated to the past? There are a lot of great nation in the past who become a so-so nations today. Like Egypt, Rome, and specially Mongol. If China succumb themselves into the past, and never has an aspiration for the future, don't you think that slowly, but surely China will be like Egypt or Mongol? A country who had a great leader, fascinated by the world in the past, maybe was feared by many, and conquered a lot of land, but become nobody today.
I don’t know what you’re talking about…


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1) Most professionals or people in power/in charge must be replaced with women and preferably not white.
I don't think that kind of change in power is necessarily a bad thing or a good thing; it is a thing that happens. And once whoever is in power, there will be some perturbation to the norm in either direction (plus or minus), then it will regress to the norm, unless initial change is too great to recover from, but I personally have not seen enough to conclude that DEI is conclusively a bad thing.

A particular problem I think we have is that we simply don't have a phrase to describe a mono-cultural power change that results in less than satisfactory results. For example, Gelsinger at Intel, everyone after and including Jack Welsh at GE and of course, Boeing. Succession in those companies went from white-male to while male and yet in all of those cases the outcome is less than stellar, yet we don't attribute that to non-DEI. Like we all know here, the metrics to measure a non-traditional leader in the US is much more stringent and unfair. So my take is DEI is general is a historical thing people and society will adapt to and its summary is still to be written.

For DEI that turned out good, I would offer up Shonda Rhimes, who got her start from another DEI hire (although it wasn't called that back then) and I think her TV series using other races in major roles have definitely raised the bar to normal TV entertainment.


Junior Member
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Why do you even need to blame Star Trek and Star Wars? Both series are created by American for American audience. Not for Chinese in China. If you want to blame, just blame Chinese movie makers, and maybe the government, for nobody create sci-fi like Star Trek or Star Wars, but make Kungfu and cultivation fantasy instead.

I really want to watch Chinese Space Opera, but what I get is another Condor Heroes series and Ancient Costume Dramas. Even with that, I can't find such a good show like the shows that created by China in early 2000 to 2011. The only sci-fi that I can find from China is Three Body Problem. Don't you think that there is something wrong with Chinese Movie Makers?

Now, if China still like in 20th century, then I can accept their limitation. But today, China is a tech giant, and also a space faring nation. Don't you think that it is the time for them to shift the show from Ancient costume drama to "Futuristic" one? China can't even beat Japan in term of creativity. While Japan never send their Astronaut to the space, but they have good sci-fi and space opera to sell. But the only sci-fi from China that I can find only come from Liu Cixin.

It feel that China always prefer look behind to the past, and never see forward to the future. Isn't that bad for a tech giant and space faring nation to not having a vision to the future? Because a nation like China need inspiration and creativity. But what we get is the imagination of the past.

Why so fascinated to the past? There are a lot of great nation in the past who become a so-so nations today. Like Egypt, Rome, and specially Mongol. If China succumb themselves into the past, and never has an aspiration for the future, don't you think that slowly, but surely China will be like Egypt or Mongol? A country who had a great leader, fascinated by the world in the past, maybe was feared by many, and conquered a lot of land, but become nobody today.

Give it some time. Science fiction / fantasy wasn't popular in the US when the first Space Race kicked off against the Soviet Union. The reality is that it has nothing to do with someone with a forward looking vision but rather it's all politically driven. It took about a generation for franchises like Star Wars and Star Trek to become popular. IMHO, Star Trek didn't take off until ST:TNG.

Maybe Liu Cixin will be the one responsible to make Science fiction / fantasy popular in China by inspiring future writers / movie producers. I'm not expecting much from China until after the International Luna Research project is completed.


Junior Member
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Give it some time. Science fiction / fantasy wasn't popular in the US when the first Space Race kicked off against the Soviet Union. The reality is that it has nothing to do with someone with a forward looking vision but rather it's all politically driven. It took about a generation for franchises like Star Wars and Star Trek to become popular. IMHO, Star Trek didn't take off until ST:TNG.

Maybe Liu Cixin will be the one responsible to make Science fiction / fantasy popular in China by inspiring future writers / movie producers. I'm not expecting much from China until after the International Luna Research project is completed.

Well, maybe you right, that's all politically driven. The politically driven US wants their people to watch sci-fi like Star Trek and Star Wars, while the politically driven China want their people watch Condor heroes and another classic costume dramas. Don't you see the problem here?

The US wants their people to imagine the future, while China wants their people imagine the past. If China is a backwater country, full of uneducated peasants who is ignorant about technology, then it's okay. Looking into the glory of the past can give some chest thumb to the people. But China today is a technology giant, and basically also a space faring country. The people are highly educated and independent. Don't you think that they need something that entirely different from a backwater country people?

What China needs now is to bring their people to look forward into the future; to spark creativity and give birth to innovation. So, it is shameful if a Chinese choose to enjoy Star Trek, just because they have no Sci-fi that they can pride of. Don't you understand that Star Trek is basically an American propaganda tool to convey their political view into the audience? So why do you even hope that Star Trek will be full of Chinese? That's not only impossible, but also an ignorant wishful thinking.
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Registered Member
Well, maybe you right, that's all politically driven. The politically driven US wants their people to watch sci-fi like Star Trek and Star Wars, while the politically driven China want their people watch Condor heroes and another classic costume dramas. Don't you see the problem here?

The US wants their people to imagine the future, while China wants their people imagine the past. If China is a backwater country, full of uneducated peasants who is ignorant about technology, then it's okay. Looking into the glory of the past can give some chest thumb to the people. But China today is a technology giant, and basically also a space faring country. The people are highly educated and independent. Don't you think that they need something that entirely different from a backwater country people?

What China needs now is to bring their people to look forward into the future; to spark creativity and give birth to innovation. So, it is shameful if a Chinese choose to enjoy Star Trek, just because they have no Sci-fi that they can pride of. Don't you understand that Star Trek is basically an American propaganda tool to convey their political view into the audience? So why do you even hope that Star Trek will be full of Chinese? That's not only impossible, but also an ignorant wishful thinking.
Lol if what you implied is even true at all then what the fuck is happening in your country buddy? Is that the product of your future visionary forward thinking and not looking backwards?

Heck, you folks are still arguing and battling racism, slavery, confederacy Jim Crow era, and civil war legacies to this very day. Not to mention the inventions of bazillion genders and other "woke" ideologically driven mantras that have created further divisions in an already polarized society. That's what you're going to beat up China over with? How about in education and the adoption modern technology from A.I. to social media the reception and outlook of the U.S. and China couldn't be more stark. While America and much of it's cohorts fear the rise of AI tech among others; the Chinese and other Asian countries don't share the same nihilistic, and fatalistic view on tech. They see it as tools to advance human capabilities and realizing further human evolution of what we can become.

Just take the adoption of Climate change renewable sources of energy, the adoption of EV, 5G etc..

What are you yammering on about man. Are you blind or just being wilfully obtuse.