Star Wars & Sc-Fi Talk


Lieutenant General
I know some of you have your opinion about that movie "Battleships" and I agreed to some point. I've watched this past weekend on DVD and I liked it. I like it for it's action, graphics, and how the producers puts a lot of emphasis on how Naval equipment and weapons works and history of the Mighty Mo (USS Missouri). Plus Rihanna in that movie is an added bonus. :eek:


Lieutenant General
I saw it. I had just bought the Blu-Rays and I have to say the Blu-Ray version was more pleasing to the eyes. A lot more detailed and crisp compared to the 3D movie in a theater.


Junior Member
Wearing one pair of glasses is troublesome enough and adding another pair for 3D to hang around my nose and ears was pure torture last time I tried it on.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
anyone in here a fan of Star Wars the Clone Wars?

Great show.. Adds a lot to the Star Wars saga.

I'd love to see the "Old Republic" as a CG Tv program or better yet a movie.
