Speculation and facts on future Chinese vessels


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Found This Speculation (With Some Facts) On The Internet

Just Having Fun To Read It--------I Am Just A Man!

==== 退役===============================服役==========================备注
2012 131(服役35年) 107(36 ) 515(37)516(37)----------150 151(2艘052C) 546 547(2艘054A------------交驱6, 驱1 525 526调驱10
2013 108(33)132(33) 517(36)511(35)----------------152 153(2艘052C) 550(054A)------------------交驱6, 驱1 548 549 驱3
2014 162(35) 133(31)134(30)512(36) 513(37)-------172 173(2艘052C)572(054A) 3艘-------------交驱9, 168调驱10
2015 163(33)514(36)518(36)519(36)----------------573 574 (2艘054A)------------------------------交驱9, 169调驱2
2016 109(34)551(36)552(36)---------------------------117(052D通驱,6800T)575(054A)---------------交驱1, 驱9
2017 110(33)164(30)533(35) 534(34)--------------118 119 (2艘052D) ------------------------------交驱1, 115 116调驱10
2018 535(32)543(33)553(33)554(32)--------------101(058大驱,9900T) 120(052D)--------------交驱9, 驱1 169调驱10
2019 536(32)545(32)555(32)---------------------------102(058)154(052D)-----------------------------交驱9, 驱6
2020 165(31)537(30)557(32)--------------------------103(058)155(052D)-----------------------------交驱9, 驱6 170调驱2
2021 166(30)539(29) 540(29)--------------------------104(058)156(052D)-----------------------------交驱9, 驱6 171调驱2
2022 541(29)542(28)--------------------------------------105(058)157(052D) 2艘-------------------------交驱6
2023 558(30)559(29)---------------------------------------106(058)501(059燃机大护,5100T)------------交驱6, 驱3
2024 560(30)561(30)---------------------------------------107(058) 502(059)---------------------------------交驱6, 驱3
2025 562(30)563(30)--------------------------------------108(058)503 504(2艘059)-------------------交驱6, 驱3


2026 112(32) 113(30) 174 175(2艘052D) 505(059) 交驱9 交驱10 172 173调驱2
2027 521(29) 522(28) 176 177(2艘052D) 506(059) 交驱9 交驱10
2028 523(29) 524(28) 507 508(2艘059) 交驱10
2029 167(30) 136(30) 137(29) 509 510(2艘059) 交驱2
2030 564(30) 565(30) 511 512(2艘059) 交驱2
2031 565(29) 566(29) 109(058) 121 122(2艘052D) 交驱1 驱10
2032 168(28) 169(28) 525(27) 110(058) 123 124(2艘052D) 交驱1 驱10
2033 115(27) 116(27) 526(27) 111(058) 513 514(2艘059) 交驱1 驱2 572 573调驱6 150 151调驱3
2034 138(29) 139(28) 527(30) 112(058) 515 516(2艘059) 交驱1 驱2 574 575调驱6 152 153调驱3
2035 170 (30) 171(30) 528(30) 178(052D) 179(052D) 交驱2

驱10 109 110 164 168 525 526 527 528
驱1 112 113 115 116 538 546 547 550
驱3 136 137 138 139 529 530 548 549
驱6 150 151 152 153 521 522 523 524
驱2 165 166 167 169 568 569 570 571
驱9 170 171 172 173 564 565 566 567
上海护卫舰大队 539 540 541 542
福建护卫舰大队 533 534 535 536 537 543 545
北部湾护卫舰大队 551 552 553 554 555 557
南海护卫舰大队 558 559 560 561 562 563 计71艘 驱24 护47

驱10 115 116 168 169 525 526 527 528
驱1 112 113 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
驱3 136 137 138 139 529 530 548 549
驱6 150 151 152 153 154 155 521 522 523 524
驱2 166 167 170 171 568 569 570 571
驱9 101 102 103 172 173 572 573 574 575
上海大队 539 540 541 542
福建 驱6支队移防福建三都澳,福建护卫舰大队撤销
上海大队 539 540 541 542
北部湾大队564 565 566 567
南海大队 558 559 560 561 562 563 计65艘 驱29 护36

驱10 115 116 168 169 525 526 527 528
驱1 112 113 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
驱3 136 137 138 139 501 502 503 504 529 530 548 549
驱6 105 106 107 108 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
驱2 167 170 171 172 173 568 569 570 571
驱9 101 102 103 104 572 573 574 575
上海大队 539 540 541 542
北部湾大队564 565 566 567
南海 海上执法部门全面负责南海巡逻,南海大队撤销 计67艘 驱33护34

驱10 115 116 168 169 525 526 527 528 505 506 507 508
驱1 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
驱3 138 139 501 502 503 504 529 530 548 549
驱6 105 106 107 108 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
驱2 170 171 172 173 568 569 570 571 509 510 511 512
驱9 101 102 103 104 174 175 176 177 572 573 574 575
上海大队 改装8艘056(不计入总数)
北部湾大队564 565 566 567 计68艘 驱34 护34

驱10 121 122 123 124 505 506 507 508
驱1 109 110 111 112 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
驱3 150 151 152 153 501 502 503 504 529 530 548 549
驱6 105 106 107 108 154 155 156 157 572 573 574 575
驱2 178 178 172 173 568 569 570 571 509 510 511 512
驱9 101 102 103 104 174 175 176 177 513 514 515 516
北部湾大队 改装8艘056(不计入总数) 计68艘 驱36 护32
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Lieutenant General
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Registered Member
So what I'm garnering is that 052D is expected to be 6800 tons in displacement, with no 054B on the horizon, but a new 5100 ton ship (059? frigate?) instead. And around 2018 will see production of a new destroyer/cruiser class (9900 tons) called "058"?

It also logs the date of when existing ships will be retired.. for instance next to 2035 it shows 170 with 30 in brackets, meaning it'll have been retired some thirty years after it entered service/launched, I presume. It also shows the ships due to come into commision in the middle row... (150, a speculated pennant number for the first of second batch 052C will come into service this year for instance)
If true, I'm slightly dissapointed 052D will emerge a few years later than we thought and that is' only 6800 tons rather than 8000ish, but nice that there's a follow on larger frigate and cruiser follow up.

Of course I'm not even going to begin to speculate how credible it might be (goodness knows) and it's a projection out all the way to 2035 so who knows what can happen.

A man, or anyone else, if you can give a better more complete summary (even if it's a fanboy's wet dream) it would be appreciated.
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Senior Member
Found This Speculation (With Some Facts) On The Internet

Just Having Fun To Read It--------I Am Just A Man!

You just made my day! (or several days, it would seem).

Just one question: what exactly is meant by 北部 bei bu? It is evidently in South Sea Fleet.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
somehow I cant see China not going for a Type 054B, considering the effort they have put into thier frigate programme its hard to see they will switch from frigates to Destroyers/Cruisers, even USN is cutting down Cruiser numbers

my personal feeling is that China will go for a frigate in the class of the FREMM, with true multi-purpose capability, with anti-ship, air defence and ASW versions with ability to attack land targets is well with cruise missiles

as technology develops frigates can take on much of the job of a destroyer, a frigates which is ~6000 tons with blue water capability is very useful to have

but going for a larger destroyer ~9000-11,000 tons a Type 052D is likely for PLAN and would make sense

btw is there any mention of LPDs and LHDs in this report? I cant read Chinese


So what I'm garnering is that 052D is expected to be 6800 tons in displacement, with no 054B on the horizon, but a new 5100 ton ship (059? frigate?) instead. And around 2018 will see production of a new destroyer/cruiser class (9900 tons) called "058"?

i would rather think the next frigate/destroyer should be type 055/057.

---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

somehow I cant see China not going for a Type 054B, considering the effort they have put into thier frigate programme its hard to see they will switch from frigates to Destroyers/Cruisers, even USN is cutting down Cruiser numbers

sure there are a next gen frigate. it is the "name" we don't know.

---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------

You just made my day! (or several days, it would seem).

Just one question: what exactly is meant by 北部 bei bu? It is evidently in South Sea Fleet.

can you enlighten us?
from the post i'am counting 6 052C, 16 052D, 12 058 and 16 059 in 2035.


You just made my day! (or several days, it would seem).

Just one question: what exactly is meant by 北部 bei bu? It is evidently in South Sea Fleet.

You mean 北部湾, which is the sea area between Hainan island and Vietnam:




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Senior Member
Much obliged to you both, Beibuwan then. The "Tonkin Gulf" frigate squadron will be stationed at Yulin, no doubt, as it is now.


The numbers posted by A.Man only includes destroyers and frigates, ACs/flattops and ships like the type 071 is not counted, Ships like the 065 corvette is also not counted. Though it mentioned for example that there would be 8 of them stationed in the Gulf of Tolkin 'large group' (squadron?) by 2035.

For english readers the translated list is below:

---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 PM ----------

(==== Retire===============================Commission==========================Note)
2012 131(Served 35 years) 107(36 ) 515(37)516(37)----------150 151(2 type 052C) 546 547(2 type 054A)------------Handing over to DDG6, DDG1 525 526 move to DDG10

2013 108(33)132(33) 517(36)511(35)----------------152 153(2 type 052C) 550(054A)------------------Handing over to DDG6, DDG1 548 549 to DDG3

2014 162(35) 133(31)134(30)512(36) 513(37)-------172 173(2 type 052C)572(054A) -------------handing over to DDG9, 168 move to DDG10

2015 163(33)514(36)518(36)519(36)----------------573 574 (2 type 054A)------------------------------Handing over to DDG9, 169 move to DDG2

2016 109(34)551(36)552(36)---------------------------117(type 052D,6800T)575(054A)---------------Handing over to DDG1, DDG9

2017 110(33)164(30)533(35) 534(34)--------------118 119 (2 type 052D) ------------------------------handing over to DDG1, 115 116 move to DDG10

2018 535(32)543(33)553(33)554(32)--------------101(type 058 destroyer,9900T) 120(052D)--------------Handing to DDG9, DDG1 169 move to DDG10

2019 536(32)545(32)555(32)---------------------------102(058)154(052D)-----------------------------handing over to DDG9, DDG6

2020 165(31)537(30)557(32)--------------------------103(058)155(052D)-----------------------------Handing over to DDG9, DDG6 170 move to DDG2

2021 166(30)539(29) 540(29)--------------------------104(058)156(052D)-----------------------------handing over to DDG9, DDG6 171 move to DDG2

2022 541(29)542(28)--------------------------------------105(058)157(052D) -------------------------Handing over to DDG6

2023 558(30)559(29)---------------------------------------106(058)501(059 Gas turbine large frigate,5100T)------------Handing over to DDG6, DDG3

2024 560(30)561(30)---------------------------------------107(058) 502(059)---------------------------------Handing over to DDG6, DDG3

2025 562(30)563(30)--------------------------------------108(058)503 504(2 type 059)-------------------Handing over to DDG6, DDG3

Ships retired from 2012-2020年are due to having served overtime,Normal replacement starts from 2020. Focusing on replacing GGD9 before 2020, and DDG6 by 2025.

2026 112(32) 113(30) 174 175( 2type 052D) 505(059) handing over to DDG9 DDG10 172 173 move to DDG2

2027 521(29) 522(28) 176 177(2 type 052D) 506(059) handing over to DDG9 DDG10

2028 523(29) 524(28) 507 508(2 type 059) handing over to DDG10

2029 167(30) 136(30) 137(29) 509 510(2 type 059) Handing over to DDG2

2030 564(30) 565(30) 511 512(2 type 059) Handing over to DDG2

2031 565(29) 566(29) 109(058) 121 122(2 type 052D) Handing over to DDG1 DDG10

2032 168(28) 169(28) 525(27) 110(058) 123 124(2 type 052D) Handing over to DDG1 DDG10

2033 115(27) 116(27) 526(27) 111(058) 513 514(2 type 059) Handing over to DDG1 DDG2 572 573 move to DDG6 150 151 move to DDG3

2034 138(29) 139(28) 527(30) 112(058) 515 516(2 type 059) Handing over to DDG1 DDG2 574 575 move to DDG6 152 153 move to DDG3

2035 170 (30) 171(30) 528(30) 178(052D) 179(052D) handing over to DDG2

In those 10 years the 13 transitional/foreign bought destroyers will be decommissioned,as well as 12 Jianghus abd the (2) type 054, replaced by large D medium F.

2015 Fleet
DDG10 109 110 164 168 525 526 527 528
DDG1 112 113 115 116 538 546 547 550
DDG3 136 137 138 139 529 530 548 549
DDG6 150 151 152 153 521 522 523 524
DDG2 165 166 167 169 568 569 570 571
DDG9 170 171 172 173 564 565 566 567
Shanghai frigate group 539 540 541 542
Fujian frigate group 533 534 535 536 537 543 545
Gulf of Tolkin frigate group 551 552 553 554 555 557
South (China) sea frigate group 558 559 560 561 562 563 total 71 ships DDG 24 F 47

2020 Fleet
DDG10 115 116 168 169 525 526 527 528
DDG1 112 113 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
DDG3 136 137 138 139 529 530 548 549
DDG6 150 151 152 153 154 155 521 522 523 524
DDG2 166 167 170 171 568 569 570 571
DDG9 101 102 103 172 173 572 573 574 575
Shanghai frigate group 539 540 541 542
fujian frigate group replaced with DDG6
Gulf of Tolkin frigate group 564 565 566 567
South (China) sea frigate group 558 559 560 561 562 563 total 65 ships DDG 29 F 36

2025 Fleet
DDG10 115 116 168 169 525 526 527 528
DDG1 112 113 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
DDG3 136 137 138 139 501 502 503 504 529 530 548 549
DDG6 105 106 107 108 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
DDG2 167 170 171 172 173 568 569 570 571
DDG9 101 102 103 104 572 573 574 575
Shanghai frigate group 539 540 541 542
Gulf of Tolkin frigate group564 565 566 567
South china sea frigate fleet removed, south china sea surveillance to be handled solely by maritime surveillance
total 67 ships DDG 33 F 34

2030 Fleet
DDG10 115 116 168 169 525 526 527 528 505 506 507 508
DDG1 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
DDG3 138 139 501 502 503 504 529 530 548 549
DDG6 105 106 107 108 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
DDG2 170 171 172 173 568 569 570 571 509 510 511 512
DDG9 101 102 103 104 174 175 176 177 572 573 574 575
Shanghai frigate group replaced with 8 type 056(not counted in total)
Gulf of Tolkin frigate group 564 565 566 567 total 68 ships DDG 34 F 34

2035 Fleet
DDG10 121 122 123 124 505 506 507 508
DDG1 109 110 111 112 117 118 119 120 538 546 547 550
DDG3 150 151 152 153 501 502 503 504 529 530 548 549
DDG6 105 106 107 108 154 155 156 157 572 573 574 575
DDG2 178 178 172 173 568 569 570 571 509 510 511 512
DDG9 101 102 103 104 174 175 176 177 513 514 515 516
Gulf of Tolkin frigate group replaced with 8 type 056(not counted in total) total 68 ships DDG 36 F 32
Note: Aircraft carriers not counted
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