Speculation and facts on future Chinese vessels


Lieutenant General
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... in refernce to the new destroyer CG ...

Could this be just another fan-boy produced CG? The reason being that if the propotion is correct, there appears to have no room for a helicopter hanger; The section depicting the hanger(s) is:

1. appears too short, given the location of the rear VLS, and
2. appears too low!

Depending how big the ship itself is, the hangar could be of correct proportion.

But of course it's most likely a fanboy cg

and no Anti-ship missiles ?

Well it's not a stretch to think anti ship missiles could be developed to be fired vertcally... and in the cg there are two panels behind the first smoke stack, which i think is meant to be "stealthy" AShM packs which can be raised to fire.

I don't disagree with the conclusion that it's prolly fanboy CG but the premises behind it is pretty shaky... I mean we should automatically assume this for every cg which comes out!


Depending how big the ship itself is, the hangar could be of correct proportion.

But of course it's most likely a fanboy cg

Well it's not a stretch to think anti ship missiles could be developed to be fired vertcally... and in the cg there are two panels behind the first smoke stack, which i think is meant to be "stealthy" AShM packs which can be raised to fire.

I don't disagree with the conclusion that it's prolly fanboy CG but the premises behind it is pretty shaky... I mean we should automatically assume this for every cg which comes out!

true about AShM ... I didn't notice it. Thanks

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Found this CG art at mp,net as posted by mpleio..

Two air defense destroyers CGI:




Junior Member
It's well-informed-fanboy CG, 730 CIWs mounted on top of chopper hangar means he didn't aware CIWs got a huge underbelly part.


Banned Idiot
Just saw a pic of the new PLAN trimaran prototype. What's the main advantage to a trimaran design apart being super stable?


An advantage is that trimarans can have a much reduced wave drag. For a small and fast ship this is very important. Wave drag increases sharply when the length of the ship is less than wave length of the bow wave. The wave drag can be reduced by reducing the beam of the hull(s), which is possible when you use more than one hull.