Speculation and facts on future Chinese vessels


Senior Member
They went there to observe as such was their entitlement ....open sea and all that. Can you provide proof they were actually harassing. I fear its a case of "we said they said" and no-one can prove anything.

yeah, and

Those fishing boats went there to observe that sonar tow boat 90 miles south of sanya, as such was their entitlement ....open sea and all that. Can you provide proof they were actually harassing. I fear its a case of "we said they said" and no-one can prove anything.

and if their nets got tangled with the sonar cable and had to be cut. well too bad.


If you not willing to entertain view contrary to your pre-conditional ideas, i.e. "we said they said and no-one can prove anything." then what is the point of bring up any evidence from china, you will just dismiss it as "they said".
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Senior Member
i.e., Good efforts down there, no matter what happens to those posts, your voice being heard.

I personally meant it in #50 that "put in the US's shoes" .

"Speculation and facts on future Chinese vessels"? I meant it that China would set US as example, friendly or bully, China would get what ever needed in place, and undermining he whoever trys to undermine China's interest in the process. - and hoping doing it even better than the "Role Model"

a power's own behavior towards others will dictate how others will treat it vice-versa.
The predominate power's behavior will lead the insurgents power's behavior.

The fundamental question is what kind of world order do we wish to live in, the one where might is right? where rules are bent according to ones own power, selectively applied when it suits its own interest to do so? If one accepts might makes right then there is no problem.
But if one wish for something better, well, better start today.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I've given my warnings about off topic none-sensical posts and apparently it fell on deaf ears. I will close this thread for 48 hours.


Is This Future In China

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Future PLAN 10,000 ton air defense destroyer, a model image.

as posted by mpleio of mp.net



Lieutenant General
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Registered Member
A simple model? It's missing main guns and CIWS.

Definitely, I think that's the point.

I'd be pleased if the future DDG has that configuration and displacement but nothing to suggest it's aurothitive at all... Hopefully it will come out after this batch of 4 052Cs...


Junior Member
... in refernce to the new destroyer CG ...

Could this be just another fan-boy produced CG? The reason being that if the propotion is correct, there appears to have no room for a helicopter hanger; The section depicting the hanger(s) is:

1. appears too short, given the location of the rear VLS, and
2. appears too low!