South East Asia Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Re: ASEAN military news

PAF 505th SAR Group Conducting Relief Operations Over Typhoon Ravaged Compostela Valley on Mindanao Island Utilizing the Brand New W-3A Sokols Combat Utility Helicopters ...


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Re: ASEAN military news

New Navy Chief Eyes ‘Desired Force Mix’ to Defend Territorial Waters
21 Desember 2012

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MANILA, Philippines - Newly-installed Navy flag officer in command Vice Admiral Jose Luis Alano wants to retire the country's old and "antiquated" ships and replace them with new ones to better protect the country's territorial waters.

Alano, in his speech at the turnover ceremonies on Wednesday, said these old ships were deemed "excess baggage" for the country's naval force and he vowed to "rationalize current operational assets, review the modernization program, taking a deliberate look at the phase-in and phase-out scheme."

"I come at an opportune time, when we are fleeting up with new capabilities like WHECs (weather high endurance cutters), frigates, naval helicopters, MPACs (multi-purpose attack crafts), AAVs (amphibious assault vehicles), as well as individual Marine and special warfare combat equipment," he said.


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Re: ASEAN military news

Philippines Procures 3 Multi Purpose Naval Helicopters Amid Territorial Dispute

December 27, 2012 2:13pm

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Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin has signed a contract with an Anglo-Italian firm for the acquisition of three multipurpose helicopters worth P1.33 billion for the use of the Philippine Navy.

In a statement Thursday, Gazmin said the acquisition of the three AW 109 Power helicopters “is one concrete step towards the fulfillment of our goal to modernize the Philippine Navy, and our Armed Forces in general.”


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Re: ASEAN military news

With 3rd C-130 Commissioned, Air Force Boosts Cargo Assets

By: Jaime Sinapit,
December 27, 2012 2:27 PM

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MANILA, Philippines – Forced by circumstance to do with only one C-130 as its “work horse” for four years, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) will continue to redress its fleet scarcity with the commissioning of a locally refurbished C-130 on Friday at the Villamor Air Base in Pasay City.

It’s the third cargo plane to become operational since the military started to reverse the pathetic one-workhorse plane status, a project with a price tag of P579-million.

Leading the formal turnover and blessing of the first ever locally maintained C-130B Nr 3633 is PAF commander Lt. Gen. Lauro Catalino Dela Cruz.


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Re: ASEAN military news

Kilo 636 for Vietnam Undergoes Sea Trials
24 Desember 2012

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In early December of outfitting the wall "Admiralty Shipyards" to the factory sea trials in the Baltic Sea came submarine of project export series 06361. On the test boat will be based in Port Light near Kaliningrad. Correspondent Central Navy Portal source said the company.

The first phase of the factory running tests (ZHI) is planned for the end of December, this period will be deep dive boat.

The total period of the entire test program - nearly five months.


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Re: ASEAN military news

Soon-to-be Acquired Naval Helicopters to be Deployed in PN Frigates
By Priam F. Nepomuceno

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MANILA, Jan. 3 (PNA) -- The three AW-109 helicopters, whose contract of agreement was finalized Dec. 20, will be deployed aboard Philippine Navy frigates, a ranking Defense official said Thursday.

DND Undersecretary for finance, munitions, installations, and materiel Fernando Manalo said the AW-109 is ideal for shipboard work due to its multi-role functions.

"It (AW-109) can do search-and-rescue work, patrol and surveillance and even act as a utility aircraft aboard the frigates," he added.

With the helicopters on board, the monitoring and patrolling capabilities of these ships will be greatly enhanced.



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Re: ASEAN military news

US to Transfers 2 OHP Class Frigates to Thailand
09 Januari 2013

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This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2012’’.

(a) TRANSFERS BY GRANT.—The President is authorized to transfer vessels to foreign countries on a grant basis under section 516 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 11 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321j), as follows:

(1) MEXICO.—To the Government of Mexico, the OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile frigates USS CURTS (FFG–38) and USS MCCLUSKY (FFG–41).

(2) THAILAND.—To the Government of Thailand, the OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile frigates USS RENTZ (FFG–46) and USS VANDEGRIFT (FFG–48).


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Re: ASEAN military news

Royal Malaysian Navy orders Rheinmetall optronics and FCR for its future Gowind Corvettes
Rheinmetall will be equipping Malaysia with a total of twelve fire control radars (TMX/EO Mk2) and six electro-optical systems (TMEO Mk2) for six new patrol boats. This is a breakthrough order for a new generation of high-performance systems whose basic components were all developed by Rheinmetall.


TMX/EO Mk2 - Fire Control Radar


TMEO Mk2 – Electro-Optical Tracking Module Mk2
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Philippines South China Sea.

The show continues,
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MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippines took a desperate legal step against China's claims to virtually the entire South China Sea on Tuesday, formally notifying the Asian superpower that Manila is seeking international arbitration to declare Beijing's moves in the potentially oil-rich waters "unlawful."
Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said his department summoned Chinese Ambassador Ma Keqing and handed her a note notifying the Chinese government that the Philippines is bringing the countries' conflicting claims to a tribunal operating under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It wants the panel to declare Beijing's moves in the potentially oil-rich waters unlawful.
"The Philippines has exhausted almost all political and diplomatic avenues for a peaceful negotiated settlement of its maritime disputes with China," del Rosario told a news conference. "To this day, a solution is still elusive."
Six governments have overlapping claims across the vast South China Sea, with China claiming it has sovereignty over virtually all of it. Chinese paramilitary ships confronted Philippine vessels last year in a monthslong standoff over a shoal that both countries claim.
There are fears that territorial conflicts in the region, including a dispute between Japan and China in the East China Sea, could spark Asia's next armed conflict.
Chinese Embassy spokesman Zhang Hua said Ma responded by reiterating that "China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and its adjacent waters." Zhang said the ambassador stressed that the disputes should be settled by the rival claimants through one-on-one negotiations.
China, the Philippines' third-largest trading partner, doesn't like to see its sovereignty or its claims of sovereignty questioned, and has regularly and vociferously opposed attempts to involve third parties or world bodies in the South China Sea disputes, fearing that would weaken its hand.
The Philippines hopes that arbitration through an international tribunal would lead to a ruling that China's sprawling claims violate the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, or UNCLOS. China and the Philippines are among more than 160 countries that have ratified the accord, which aims to govern the use of offshore areas and sets territorial limits for coastal states.
Del Rosario said the Philippines hopes the tribunal will order China to "desist from activities that violate the rights of the Philippines in its maritime domain."
But even if a tribunal rules against China, Beijing could choose to ignore the ruling.
Chen Shaofeng, an international affairs expert at Peking University, said no arbitration should proceed unless both parties approve it. He said it is unlikely that Beijing would agree to such a process, or accept the results of a tribunal it did not recognize.
"There is no precedent in Chinese history of China allowing international arbitration on territorial disputes no matter over land or waters," Chen said. "The Philippines knows its proposal for arbitration will get nowhere in the end, but it just wants to make the issue more internationalized."
Philippine diplomats, however, argue that the arbitration can proceed even without China's involvement.
In the note delivered to the Chinese ambassador, the Philippines listed several aggressive moves it alleged were launched by China in recent years to fortify its territorial claims, including the occupation of South China Sea islands and the enactment of a Chinese law that allows Chinese patrol vessels to block and board foreign ships passing through vast stretches of waters that Beijing claims.
The Philippines specifically sought an end to Chinese occupation and activities on eight reefs and shoals and surrounding waters, including Mischief Reef, which China occupied in 1995, sparking fierce protests from Manila and concern from Southeast Asian nations.
In June, after a monthslong bitter standoff, China wrested control of what it calls Huangyan island, and what the Philippines calls Scarborough Shoal, without firing a shot.
With a typhoon approaching, both sides agreed to withdraw their ships. But China quickly returned and strung up a cable across the lagoon to keep Philippine vessels out.
Del Rosario's office said in a statement that Philippine leaders are "all for improving our economic relations with China but it should not be at the expense of surrendering our national sovereignty," adding that it hopes Manila's action will not have an adverse effect on trade between the countries.
Del Rosario said the Philippines' move was made independently of the United States, its treaty ally. China has warned the United States to stay away from the disputes, but Washington has declared that the peaceful resolution of the conflicts and freedom of navigation in the contested waters are in the U.S. national interest.