South East Asia Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Banned Idiot
Re: ASEAN military news

I know you have say Vietnam buying from Russia because no one else would sell to them. My point is... that is pretty much the same as what happen to China some time back. And also at that time, China's R&D is not really rosy, she started off with almost nothing too.

Vietnam as of now, might still seemed poor and backward, but that was the same as what happen in China. China did have an economy boom soon and had become the biggest contract manufacture nation in the world, that is where the money start pouring into the economy and those money could fund for better R&D.

Vietnam is following that route, now we see many stuff actually manufactured in Vietnam. Who is to say that Vietnam will not become the second China 20years down the route or 50 years down the road?

True not much fruits had been seen today in Vietnam in regards for their homegrown weapon industries, but to think that they only buy would not be too accurate. Also I believe you mentioned something about India being a pure buyer and user would also be not too accurate. Note that T-50 is a joint R&D between India and Russia, same goes for some missiles systems, not to mention the Su-30MKI are running on Indian software. Also India is making progress in Naval development... plus the Indian puts satellites into the orbit, they have their own missiles R&D, etc etc.

Vietnam might also go that route. Buy first till they are good enough to produce.

sigh... When I said India is a user not producer I mean mostly India buys weapons from outside rather than produce on their own, but of course any weapon is a weapon so you can find any exception to what I am saying, but overall compare to China, India is still a user, most of their high tech hardware come from Russia and Europe. They have very limited ability to produce their own.

As for Vietnam, just because you see the parallel of both China and Vietnam buying from Russia is does not mean both nation will end up in the same place, aka full indigenous capability of military hardware production. If not for Vietnam's technology backwardness, or the lack of wealth, but certainly for the size of the nation, they just don't have enough people, land, facilities, talents to fully invest into their military R&D to make it worth it, and lastly, it is also stupid if they were to produce their own jets, sub and ships, I mean, how many can they afford? Look at China, they just have spend billions to develop their weapons, and in the end, they can afford to produce thousands, hundreds of them, what about Vietnam? There is no way they can militarize like the way China does, so do you think it is smart of them to spend billions to just produce a few dozen? When they can just purchase off the shelf? Or do you want Vietnam to became North Korea or Soviet Union, which totally over invested in military at the expense of citizen economy?

I know you probably a Vietnamese and wants pride for your own country, but please don't let your own nationalistic pride to blind realty.


Re: ASEAN military news

...Economic fallout on both sides is not a strong enough deterrent, since that kind of interdependence between ASEAN and China doesn't exist. In fact, ASEAN and China both depend on trade surplus with US for kicking up the growth rate. To some extent, it's a zero-sum game - one party gains more trade with US at the other's expense....

Ever since the US went into their recession and economic trouble, China has been picking up the slack so that interdependence does exist, maybe not as strong as the one with the US. But considering the US economy isn't kicking into high gear any time soon, the interdependence between ASEAN and China is growing. Otherwise, why would people be even concerned if the Chinese economy stalls? A lot of anti-China hawks would love that but if the Chinese economy stalls or slows significantly, every one will be hurting as well.


Junior Member
Re: ASEAN military news

I know you have say Vietnam buying from Russia because no one else would sell to them. My point is... that is pretty much the same as what happen to China some time back. And also at that time, China's R&D is not really rosy, she started off with almost nothing too.

Vietnam as of now, might still seemed poor and backward, but that was the same as what happen in China. China did have an economy boom soon and had become the biggest contract manufacture nation in the world, that is where the money start pouring into the economy and those money could fund for better R&D.

Vietnam is following that route, now we see many stuff actually manufactured in Vietnam. Who is to say that Vietnam will not become the second China 20years down the route or 50 years down the road?

True not much fruits had been seen today in Vietnam in regards for their homegrown weapon industries, but to think that they only buy would not be too accurate. Also I believe you mentioned something about India being a pure buyer and user would also be not too accurate. Note that T-50 is a joint R&D between India and Russia, same goes for some missiles systems, not to mention the Su-30MKI are running on Indian software. Also India is making progress in Naval development... plus the Indian puts satellites into the orbit, they have their own missiles R&D, etc etc.

Vietnam might also go that route. Buy first till they are good enough to produce.

There's a really big difference between CHina and Vietnam. China gained astronomical amount of assistance from the Russians during Sino-Soviet honeymoon period. Although they didn't come to fruit at that time, it did set a solid foundation for further developments. Vietnam was pretty much wiped flat for decades. There was no developments until the unification. So technical foundation in Vietnam is almost next to none. China might be poor and backwards back then, but the foundation and network is there. If an institute wants to develop a jet, there's multiple wind tunnels, metallurgy research facilities, engine manufacturers and countless other crown groups to back them up. But Vietnam has nothing, the country is too small and those groundwork were not laid during the early days. It's possible to start it now, but it takes too long and too much money to wait until it comes to fruition.

Another big advantage China had was the return of overseas Chinese experts. Those people were elites in the US and Europe, they brought/"pirated" a lot of the pinnacle technology of their time. So even China was backwards at the time, the theoretical knowledge were still on par with the Western world.

The bottomline is, Vietnam is too small. Most things these days require a lot of investments and brute force from a large country to force something into fruition. As of now, Vietnam has no money.


Re: ASEAN military news

It is hard for countries like Taiwan to develop their own weapon systems, it would be hard for Vietnam too.


Junior Member
Re: ASEAN military news

'Things like guns and armoured vehicles are easy to develop. But more complexed weaponry like warships and jets require a vast network, even the smallest shortcoming could act like a short plank in a beer barrel. A lot of things cannot be hurried with just lots of money. Taiwan has money but has no foundation f or heavy industries. That's why it's so hard for India to have any success develop anything locally. They lack the foundation.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: ASEAN military news

I know you probably a Vietnamese and wants pride for your own country, but please don't let your own nationalistic pride to blind realty.

Please refrain from personal attack when you write your comments. And btw, I am not a Vietnamese... of which nation I am from, that is none of your business and whoever's business, period.

Lets look at it this way then, what is the population figure like in Vietnam - 91 million plus, what is the population of - oh, I don't... Sweden - 9 million plus. Sweden came up with Gripen.

Okay, so Sweden is rich. However, when after WWII, is Sweden really that rich? Yes, Vietnam is smaller than China, but so is many European nations, but they grow very much in wealth (although now Europe is in finacial deep shit) and their research and developement into all areas, inclusive of miliary, had also surpass most of Asia too.

In the 90+ million population, you cannot find 1% of talents to do R&D?

And why would producing their own jets, sub and ships be stupid for them? It is always good to do their own production, might not be feasible now, but no body can look into the future. If not for the Western embargoment and the break down of relationship between Soviet Union and China, I believe China at that time will continue to buy, and R&D effort will be very minimal. So this can be true in Vietnam case.

Lack of wealth as a reason is a total bull. Come on, in the 1950s when China started their nuclear program, you think China is wealthy? That does not stop China's first atomic bomb from going off.

Finally, I do not want Vietnam to become North Korea or Soviet Union or whatever country, I am merely suggesting that Vietnam might over the same route as China, as seen in the similarity between both countries. Of course you can disagree with me, there really is no need to get so offensive.

And when I talk about India, I am merely refuting your claim that India is a user as most of their high tech hardware come from Russia and Europe. Look, India is departing from being the largest Naval weaponry from Russia, they built their own warship, they had gone into join development projects with Russia, and their software developement is among the best in the world. They could sent satellite off to space and they have very very advance missile developement too, so India had slowly move away from importing of high tech weapon to self development, joint development, etc.


Banned Idiot
Re: ASEAN military news

Please refrain from personal attack when you write your comments. And btw, I am not a Vietnamese... of which nation I am from, that is none of your business and whoever's business, period.

Lets look at it this way then, what is the population figure like in Vietnam - 91 million plus, what is the population of - oh, I don't... Sweden - 9 million plus. Sweden came up with Gripen.

Okay, so Sweden is rich. However, when after WWII, is Sweden really that rich? Yes, Vietnam is smaller than China, but so is many European nations, but they grow very much in wealth (although now Europe is in finacial deep shit) and their research and developement into all areas, inclusive of miliary, had also surpass most of Asia too.

In the 90+ million population, you cannot find 1% of talents to do R&D?

And why would producing their own jets, sub and ships be stupid for them? It is always good to do their own production, might not be feasible now, but no body can look into the future. If not for the Western embargoment and the break down of relationship between Soviet Union and China, I believe China at that time will continue to buy, and R&D effort will be very minimal. So this can be true in Vietnam case.

Lack of wealth as a reason is a total bull. Come on, in the 1950s when China started their nuclear program, you think China is wealthy? That does not stop China's first atomic bomb from going off.

Finally, I do not want Vietnam to become North Korea or Soviet Union or whatever country, I am merely suggesting that Vietnam might over the same route as China, as seen in the similarity between both countries. Of course you can disagree with me, there really is no need to get so offensive.

And when I talk about India, I am merely refuting your claim that India is a user as most of their high tech hardware come from Russia and Europe. Look, India is departing from being the largest Naval weaponry from Russia, they built their own warship, they had gone into join development projects with Russia, and their software developement is among the best in the world. They could sent satellite off to space and they have very very advance missile developement too, so India had slowly move away from importing of high tech weapon to self development, joint development, etc.

LOL How is calling you Vietnamese a personal insult? I think it be more insulting if you think being Vietnamese is an insult, if you are not from Vietnam just say so, don't need to get so work up about it.

As for Sweden, it has every advantage over Vietnam, it has more wealth, more technology, more educated population, no arms embargo, and Sweden is not poorer than any major Europeans nation after WW2.

There is something you don't understand about China, they are producing on their own not because of embargo, it has more to do with how they feel about themselves in the world and how they hope to achieve self sufficiency, China might well go to the way of India just license producing Flankers, but they fact is since day one after China got their Su-27 they had plan to research it. As for their nuclear program, do you even know under that condition it was developed? It was developed under the horrible time of great leap forward, literally tens of million of people died when they were developing nukes, this is not the kind of sacrifice any nation is willingly to take in the 21st century, or rather, stupid enough to take today if your nation's name does not end with the word "Korea".

As for the rest, we have already explain to you why that Vietnam is extremely unlikely to produce anything on their own except vehicle and small arms, but if you choose to ignore all those logical argument that and only listen to your own opinion that they China brought weapons, Vietnam brought weapon, China developed weapon and so will Vietnam develop weapons... then there is really nothing anyone else can say, you are free to live in your own self delusion.

Oh and for India, go ahead and use Wikipedia to check out their inventory, how many of them are made in India, how many of them are imported from Russia and Europe, and as for the warships being produced in India, check out their subsystems, see how many of them are made in India vs how many of them are made in Russia. And no, I am talking about today, you can argue that 50 year from now India will be a super doper power, so what? I can speculate that China will receive alien technology in the future and make them a space age nation, but it does not mean it will come true.

And seriously, there is nothing wrong with being a Vietnamese, I have friends who were from Vietnam and I don't see them as some kind of "insult".


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: ASEAN military news

LOL How is calling you Vietnamese a personal insult? I think it be more insulting if you think being Vietnamese is an insult, if you are not from Vietnam just say so, don't need to get so work up about it.

As for Sweden, it has every advantage over Vietnam, it has more wealth, more technology, more educated population, no arms embargo, and Sweden is not poorer than any major Europeans nation after WW2.

There is something you don't understand about China, they are producing on their own not because of embargo, it has more to do with how they feel about themselves in the world and how they hope to achieve self sufficiency, China might well go to the way of India just license producing Flankers, but they fact is since day one after China got their Su-27 they had plan to research it. As for their nuclear program, do you even know under that condition it was developed? It was developed under the horrible time of great leap forward, literally tens of million of people died when they were developing nukes, this is not the kind of sacrifice any nation is willingly to take in the 21st century, or rather, stupid enough to take today if your nation's name does not end with the word "Korea".

As for the rest, we have already explain to you why that Vietnam is extremely unlikely to produce anything on their own except vehicle and small arms, but if you choose to ignore all those logical argument that and only listen to your own opinion that they China brought weapons, Vietnam brought weapon, China developed weapon and so will Vietnam develop weapons... then there is really nothing anyone else can say, you are free to live in your own self delusion.

Oh and for India, go ahead and use Wikipedia to check out their inventory, how many of them are made in India, how many of them are imported from Russia and Europe, and as for the warships being produced in India, check out their subsystems, see how many of them are made in India vs how many of them are made in Russia. And no, I am talking about today, you can argue that 50 year from now India will be a super doper power, so what? I can speculate that China will receive alien technology in the future and make them a space age nation, but it does not mean it will come true.

And seriously, there is nothing wrong with being a Vietnamese, I have friends who were from Vietnam and I don't see them as some kind of "insult".

Don't put words and twist my meaning, I did not say being a Vietnamese is wrong or what or insulting. I am saying that you know nothing about me, don't jump into conclusion saying that I am a Vietnamese and suggesting that there are this blind national pride just because I said something in my previous post that Vietnam might be following China footsteps.

You have your own point of view, I have mine, nothing wrong with that, you would like it if you I said something like, "Just because you are NOT a Vietnamese that you think Vietnam is not going to make it, and that is just bias point of view?"

As to wealth and stuff, it can be gathered, Vietnam is slowly coming up and with rosy economic, where do you think the Swedish get a better educated group of people or general population, they are born to be educated, really?

As to China, when they started off, I would say that most of the Chinese are not highly educated, and China is not rich either, and wealth only start coming in after they open their door (which definitely was not in the 60s). And I have also provide you with logical explanation on why Vietnam might be following China's foot steps.

1) Vietnam had the population
2) Vietnam is not exactly small.

Now I will give you more,

3) Vietnam is politically stable

Oh... and Vietnam do have their own R&D sector, they build their own weapons too (might be low tech or what, but you got to start somewhere).

And the rest as in who - yourself and Vini? And by logical... you mean what? China had assistance from Russia during their honeymoon period, China had massive amount of wealth?

I mean... come on, what make you think that if Vietnam wanted, they do can get assistance from Russia and maybe China? They do have their own R&D sector too (do a bit of check in the internet and you should be able to find examples of their research sectors). As to wealth, I already pointed out that Vietnam's economic is rosy too... not really that low in term of GDP... might not be as large as China.

All you can say is... Vietnam do not have the wealth...

And... don't contradict yourself, you say Vietnam not able to produce any military hardware by themselves,

As for Vietnam, just because you see the parallel of both China and Vietnam buying from Russia is does not mean both nation will end up in the same place, aka full indigenous capability of military hardware production. If not for Vietnam's technology backwardness, or the lack of wealth, but certainly for the size of the nation, they just don't have enough people, land, facilities, talents to fully invest into their military R&D to make it worth it, and lastly, it is also stupid if they were to produce their own jets, sub and ships, I mean, how many can they afford? Look at China, they just have spend billions to develop their weapons, and in the end, they can afford to produce thousands, hundreds of them, what about Vietnam? There is no way they can militarize like the way China does, so do you think it is smart of them to spend billions to just produce a few dozen? When they can just purchase off the shelf? Or do you want Vietnam to became North Korea or Soviet Union, which totally over invested in military at the expense of citizen economy?

Oh... so vehicle and small arms are not consider as military hardware... really? As for China - tens of million of people died not from developing of nukes :rolleye:, come on, it concide with the tough period, and people die, that does not credit to these people die because China is developing nukes...


Some of the R&D programs by Vietnam, inclusive of shipbuilding capability,

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(might not be military ships, but they do have civil shipbuilding capability).
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(Vietnam builds they own combat ships... I don't see that if they do not have R&D or not enough could they built they own combat ships).
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(Vietnam's own MBT - home grown... oh... but this don't count, because this is just vehicle).
4) (R&D in Vietnam)
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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: ASEAN military news

Oh and for India, go ahead and use Wikipedia to check out their inventory, how many of them are made in India, how many of them are imported from Russia and Europe, and as for the warships being produced in India, check out their subsystems, see how many of them are made in India vs how many of them are made in Russia. And no, I am talking about today, you can argue that 50 year from now India will be a super doper power, so what? I can speculate that China will receive alien technology in the future and make them a space age nation, but it does not mean it will come true.

Oh... one more thing... what a weak argument here...

I never say anything about India will be a super duper power and in 50 years time (don't know where you get the idea from), I am saying that India is slowly moving away from being pure importer to being join developer for weapon systems, and Vietnam might be doing that in the future when they get enough experience with modern weaponries.


Banned Idiot
Re: ASEAN military news

As expected, and now we are nitpicking the very unrelated details of the conversations, well me and Vini_Vidi_Vici have said everything we need to say in post #261 and 263, but I guess you are going to dismiss all of that because it does not fit your argument.

Oh well, there is no point in talking to a wall anymore.

By please, by all means, keep us updated on Vietnam military development, keep us updated on their new super high tech, super secret submarine/ fighter jet/ warship programs. I can already see the day they can produce everything on their own, where they don't need to purchase anything from anyone, and when they are among the super rich nation on earth along side with India, and look down on the helpless little poor China and being the ruler of the plant earth. Looking forward to seeing that, keep up updated please, I am sure you are right on this my friend.