J36 medium bomber it cant do big airfields like H20 is suppose to... H20 is a heavy bomber.... theres different 'levels' of bombers.... just like different levels of fighters... at some point the fighter role becomes a bomber role in the hierarchy
What the... How many times have we already discussed about this topic in this forum since December 26, 2024?
The J-36 is a
fighter (
战斗机), which is why it has the "J" (歼) prefix. And there's one thing that can be certain - The J-36 is
NOT, and I repeat
NOT a (medium) bomber, despite supposedly having a centerline internal weapons bay that could be large enough to fit 2x large anti-ship missiles. The same reasoning (or shall I say, facts) applies with the J-XDS.
The P-8 Poseidon is capable of fielding Harpoons and LRASMs. Has anyone put the P-8 on a bomber hierarchy?
Both the F/A-18s and F-35s are capable of fielding JASSMs and LRASMs - Has anyone put the F/A-18s and F-35s on a bomber hierarchy?
The C-130J can be configured to drop the MOAB - Has anyone put the C-130 on a bomber hierarchy?
In fact, the best way to describe the J-36 and J-XDS would be
manned multi-role combat aircrafts (
And that's it.
Again semantics doctrine whatever... if an aircraft can be classified as a medium bomber you are basically saying that it has a high treat level in that it can carry missiles that are meant to fubar buildings and naval destroyers... its a practical thing if you want to classify your treat types and their magnitude.
....and it seems like you are the type that absolutely cant be wrong... it clouds judgement
nah... i could be wrong also... watch it just be another air superiority fighter that can only carry bombs for destroying at most large vehicles but not buildings.... though I think im more likely correct....
Oh yes, you're certainly smarter and correct than the Chief Designer of the J-20 Yang Wei.
战斗机 = Fighter.
Come on, man.